Having many friends allows you to form a social support network, is good for the mood and fights stress. If you want to become popular, try to be nice and be good company. In addition, at school you can be recognized and respected by engaging in various afternoon or extra-curricular activities. If you get involved and commit to being more socially active, popularity will come in no time.
Part 1 of 4: School Activities

Step 1. Do an afternoon activity
If you want to be popular, others need to see you around and get to know you. Dedicating yourself to an extracurricular activity can undoubtedly help you from this point of view, not to mention that it will allow you to make friends and get closer and closer to your final goal.
- Do an activity you are passionate about to find people who have the same interests as you. For example, if you are interested in journalism, join the editorial office of a student newspaper.
- If your goal is to become popular, consider which activities are popular among the people who seem to have the most success in school. If popular girls take a German course, you can take the opportunity to get to know your most admired peers.

Step 2. Play sports
Many popular girls are true sportsmen. Joining a team can help you get to know people everyone admires. And if you are good, you yourself can become popular.
- If you don't have a lot of practice, practice. For example, if you want to play basketball, take some shots in the park.
- Get in shape to join a team. But be sure to take it slow, so you don't overwork yourself. Start with short workouts and work gradually.
- If you can't get into a team, don't be discouraged. Remember that you can always try again the following year.

Step 3. Apply for the student council
Are class or school representatives popular? If so, it may be for you to enter the world of politics. Before the election, try to form a campaign team and candidates.
- Find out about the application rules. You may need to get a certain number of signatures or sign up by a certain date.
- Think of an original campaign slogan and print signs to hang all over the school.
- Write an impactful presentation for the campaign, clearly explaining what you will bring if you get elected.

Step 4. Attend school events
To be popular, you need to get involved and socialize. Don't miss the events organized by the school that your most popular classmates are likely to attend. Don't give up on experiences such as dances, matches and other initiatives.
- If you're shy, try getting a small group of friends you already have with you. In any case, don't be alone with them. You have to step forward and talk to other people. Growing your circle of friends can help you gain popularity.
- Do not be shy. Meeting new people is intimidating, but school events often make it easier to break the ice, especially if they're sporty - cheering on the same team fosters a greater sense of camaraderie.
Part 2 of 4: Making New Friends

Step 1. Set goals
It may seem strange to you, but setting goals can help you make new friends, especially if you're shy. Having small milestones (which will allow you to gradually break out of your shell) can help you become more popular.
- Initially, set yourself small goals. For example, you can chat with a new person you met at school every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Once you feel more confident, try to set bigger goals. You can go to a birthday party you've been invited to and propose to talk to at least three new people.
- If you dedicate yourself to this project consistently, in the end you will feel much more comfortable in various social contexts. You will be able to meet new people and make many friends.

Step 2. Invite others to do something together
If you want to make new friends, you need to commit to socializing away from school. Once you feel comfortable in the school environment, take it one step further. Ask an acquaintance if they want to go see a movie or have a coffee. Try organizing a group to have a fun activity, like a trip to the mall.
Don't be afraid to invite a popular girl to do something with you, especially if you already have a good relationship in school. If you get along well with someone in class, this person may be willing to see you outside as well

Step 3. Don't take rejection personally
Fear of rejection is a great deterrent that prevents you from getting involved. Nevertheless, everyone happens to be rejected. Just because someone doesn't want to go to the movies with you on Friday doesn't mean they're not interested in becoming your friend at all.
- Everyone has their own commitments. If a popular girl turns down your invitation to go for a coffee, it's possible she's really busy with something else. Such a mishap is not a valid excuse to lock yourself back in the shell again.
- Remember that you don't know everything about others. Everyone has lists of obligations and problems that you are unaware of. If someone tells you no, they may be shy or busy.
- Refusal must be considered an absolutely negligible obstacle. If someone tells you no the first time, you can try inviting them again a couple of weeks later.

Step 4. Use social networks
They can help you become popular, especially in high school. Many teenagers have accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, which are now pillars of socialization. You get lots of invitations to events online, have interesting conversations, and deepen relationships.
- Try to figure out which social networks are the hottest in your school. If popular girls are hooked on Snapchat, sign up for an account. However, before doing this, consult your parents to make sure they give you permission.
- Try to have meaningful interactions. People tend to respond better to personalized messages than vague status updates. If a popular girl has won a contest or been hired for a summer internship, compliment her.
- Remember that virtual friends cannot replace real-world friends. Socializing online can deepen a relationship that has already formed, so avoid talking to strangers. Having interactions with people you don't know is not only useless for popularity, you also risk jeopardizing your safety.

Step 5. Treat others as you want to be treated
If you want to make friends, you must have something to offer. When looking for new friends, remember the golden rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. People feel attracted to those who are respectful and kind to others.
Part 3 of 4: Having the Right Attitude

Step 1. Renew the look
You shouldn't just think about physical appearance, but self-esteem is key to becoming popular. A new haircut, changing your wardrobe and makeup can help you feel better about yourself. In fact, you will feel more motivated to get involved and get closer to others, so your popularity will benefit.
- Try to follow trends to your liking. If you are wearing a dress or accessory that you hate, you will not feel comfortable, so it is possible that you will not be particularly predisposed to socializing. Do you hate leggings? Forget about this fashion. If you notice that many popular girls wear boots and you love this type of footwear, go with the trend.
- You may need to change your makeup and hair. Go to the perfumery and ask the saleswoman to recommend products for everyday life. Go to the hairdresser and ask him to offer you a cut that enhances you. A make-up and hairstyle that is right for you can make you feel more confident and, consequently, make you more popular.

Step 2. Smile
It's a small change, but it can make you look sunny and friendly. Forcing yourself to smile can make you more popular and help you win new friends. Do some exercises in front of the mirror to find a winning and friendly smile. When walking in the hallways, try to smile at others.
- When someone talks to you, make an effort to smile during the conversation.
- As you walk, smile when your gaze meets another person's.
- When you introduce yourself to someone, smile at them while shaking their hand.

Step 3. Be friendly
If you are a warm and sociable person, people will feel attracted to you, so you will make new friends and become more popular. Make a commitment to cultivate an affable attitude to increase your popularity in school.
- Try to show others that you are happy to see them. If applicable, hug a friend or pat her on the back when you meet her.
- In the presence of others, be genuinely enthusiastic. Smile and laugh during conversations.
- Open up to others. Stimulate conversations between lessons. Sit next to new people on the bus. Get close to others when you are at the vending machines. Introduce yourself affably to meet new people and make new friends.

Step 4. Ask questions
People feel attracted to those who are interested in their lives. When you talk to someone, ask them questions. Give him the opportunity to tell about himself.
- Ask targeted questions to get to know others better. Investigate their interests and passions. For example, ask, "What is your earliest memory?" or "What do you prefer to do on weekends?".
- It's a pretty good party tactic. By asking questions, you can offer new conversation points, as people like to talk about themselves. This is a very useful way to get to know someone.

Step 5. Listen
If you know how to listen, others will like you more, so you will become more popular. Try to listen with genuine interest. If you don't understand something, ask a question to make sure you understand better. Showing a genuine interest in others and their opinions can make you significantly more popular.
- Give others a chance to talk. When someone finishes a sentence, wait five or ten seconds to make sure they've really said everything.
- Try to listen and speak fairly.

Step 6. Help the next:
is another effective strategy for becoming popular. Listen to a friend in need. If someone needs help with their homework, offer to help out. People want to surround themselves with loving and kind people to others. Making yourself useful can help you become popular.
- Being selfless allows you to make new friends, but don't let others abuse you. If a person is always asking you for favors, you can definitely set boundaries.
- You also need to avoid getting used. If someone doesn't return the favor, it's best to exclude them from your life.

Step 7. Be yourself
Being authentic can help you make friends. Many people think they have to change to become popular, but people tend to feel attracted to those who are comfortable in their own skin. Try to make your personality stand out. Don't be afraid to talk about your interests and passions when the opportunity presents itself. During conversations, let your most unique qualities emerge, such as your sense of humor.
Part 4 of 4: Avoiding Social Pressures

Step 1. Trust your instincts
Being popular is nice, but you should never find yourself in a position to compromise for the sole purpose of pleasing others. If you feel uncomfortable in a certain situation, trust your instincts. A bad feeling is often a wake-up call not to be overlooked.
- If you feel uncomfortable and nervous, back off. Make up an excuse to leave a party or event.
- If you don't want to discuss it right now, try to come up with any excuse, like, "I'm sorry, but I really should go, I'm having a bad headache."

Step 2. Don't engage in illegal activities
If you're attending an alcohol or drug event, it's best to leave. There is no need to become popular by endangering your own safety. If you are a minor, drinking or using drugs will also have legal consequences. If someone insists, try to get away from it right away.
If you go to a party where alcohol or drugs are going to be around, be prepared for how to react if they insist on letting you try a drink or narcotic. You can ask a friend to be ready to go to your rescue

Step 3. Avoid bullying
Negative social influences can often lead to bullying or marginalization at the expense of other students. The popular groups in middle or high school often assume these attitudes. Remember that bullying can have severe emotional consequences for those targeted. Resist the temptation to gossip and don't misbehave with your schoolmates.
It can be very difficult to try to resist such pressure, but remember the benefits. You will be better off about yourself and may convince other people to avoid bullying or gossiping

Step 4. Focus on positive influences
Social pressures do not necessarily always have to be negative. Sometimes, your friends may be encouraging you to take risks that are worth getting involved in. For example, a good friend will encourage you to submit your poems to a contest or invite the guy you like out to hang out with. It can also introduce you to something new and interesting, like a band or writer you've never heard of. In addition to rejecting negative social pressures, focus on the positive ones. Let your friends teach you something new, help you find new opportunities to have fun, learn and grow on a personal level.
- Don't be spiteful. Drama and insults at other girls' expense won't make you popular. In fact, they will put you in the center of gossip or even ridicule you. As much as you don't like a person, avoid gossiping.
- If someone doesn't like you, forget it: it's impossible to please everyone. However, behave politely towards him, as he may change his mind and realize that you are actually good.
- Adaptation is very different from change. Trying to be another person will not allow you to make friends: sooner or later everyone will understand that it was just a play. Try to improve your social life based on who you really are. Different types of people can become popular, so don't try to get into a stencil.
- Remember that it will take some time to become popular, a month or more. It won't happen overnight. Consider it a social project to work on.
- Avoid staying home on weekends. Make sure you have fun with your friends (or go out alone). The more others see you, the more they will learn to like you. According to some studies, familiar faces are more attractive than those that are not. You can still have quiet weekends, but always holing up in a corner won't make you popular.
- Try to follow shows that everyone watches or that in any case relate to adolescence (Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, 90210, One Tree Hill, Teen Wolf, The Lying Game and so on), in this way you will have ideas for conversation with other girls.
- Remember the golden rule: don't be mean or snobby. In movies, popular girls are mean, haughty, and rich. In the real world, no one would want to hang out with them; furthermore, it is absolutely possible to be popular without possessing great wealth or designer clothes. Cool girls are the ones who are popular and have lots of friends.
- If you've made friends with popular people, don't abandon your old friends. Invite them to do something with the new ones so you can hang out with them all.