How to Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class

How to Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class
How to Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class

Table of contents:


You are in the classroom and you look around: you see a group of girls laughing and seeming to be having fun like crazy. You remain alone in your desk, feeling excluded. If you want to be and feel admired just like them, read on!


Part 1 of 2: Being Popular

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 1
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 1

Step 1. Be kind and smile

Nobody likes rude and perpetually grumpy people. Try to look happy most of the time, but don't pretend when you really don't feel like it. Help others, always say "Please" and "Thank You". Laugh and smile when appropriate.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 2
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 2

Step 2. Believe in yourself

Don't let yourself be disheartened by others. If someone insults you, walk away or respond in kind. When someone tells you that you are ugly, try to use a trick, or say, "Thanks, you too!". Believe in yourself both physically and mentally. If you think you are beautiful, you will look even more beautiful.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 3
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 3

Step 3. Make friends

Talk to all your classmates and people you meet outside. Tell how your last test went or laugh at a nice thing that happened to you. Start doing this every day. Don't be choosy when it comes to making friends, because that's the main reason you're alone. Don't be shy, but you can definitely be a quiet person.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 4
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 4

Step 4. Try to have a detached attitude

Don't brag or try to be nice to everyone. Don't push too hard, or you will look desperate. Try to have a pleasant and relaxed personality. Don't be too lively and boisterous, as people of this type are considered intrusive. Get to know your male mates well. Be detached with them and befriend all of them, most or half of them.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 5
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 5

Step 5. Don't be indifferent to gossip

Sure, don't backstab people, but find out what's going on. If you don't have a clue what other people are doing, you can't be popular. Do not spread rumors, but in principle you can listen to what is said without problems. The important thing is not to become the queen of gossip and lead a low-key life.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 6
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 6

Step 6. Get good grades

Many people would ignore this step, but it is one of the most important. If you are good at school, not only will you become more popular because everyone is asking for your help, it will also affect your future. Getting good grades will make your enemies jealous. Try to do your best in school and apply.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 7
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 7

Step 7. Use social networks

You will surely have in mind the most followed profiles: they are absolutely perfect between vacation photos, clothes that no one else could afford and selfies as if it were raining. If you want followers to have a certain image of yourself, you need to learn how to better manage your publications. Popular girls imitate other people and this happens everywhere. They see a particular photo and try to reproduce it so that others can think, "What a beautiful photo! Why didn't I think about it too?". The image you want to give must be consistent in all contexts, including social networks, creating an illusion of perfection.

  • Go for ideas. Look at the profiles of other popular girls from your school and see what kind of photos they take. When you see an image, what is the first impression it gives you of the person who took it? When you find one that gives you the same feelings you want to convey, think about how you can imitate it and make it your own.
  • Do not rush. Thankfully popular girls have a habit of posting pictures once a month or so, whenever they attend a party / special occasion or when they go on vacation. This means you don't have to take great pictures every day. Either way, if you know you're going to go to the beach, to a party, or some other enviable place, be sure to get all dressed up for the occasion so you can take some good pictures of yourself.
  • Edit photos. You don't have to be a photo retouching expert. However, if possible, use a filter to enhance the shot. Remember that you shouldn't use too heavy or strong ones, as your goal is to give the impression that you are naturally beautiful. At least once in a while, you should post an unfiltered image to prove to others that you look great, even soap and water.
  • Look for ideas on photos to post. Here are some ideas: pictures with your best friend, a pet, a make-up and a complete outfit, a selfie in the mirror, a photograph of your hair, a group shot that shows who you went out with, a photo that you portray yourself on the beach or in the snow, a video where you sing / dance a song that is fashionable at a given moment to demonstrate your talent, party photos.

Part 2 of 2: Health and Physical Appearance Care

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 8
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 8

Step 1. Try to be fit and healthy

Sure, you can still eat candy, chocolate, and chips, but make sure you get your fill of fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is necessary to take protein and calcium. If you are a vegetarian, opt for plant-based protein foods (even if meat contains more protein). Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Running, yoga, team sports, walking the dog or dancing are all great forms of training.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 9
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 9

Step 2. Take care of your personal hygiene

Shower daily and brush your teeth twice a day. Floss before bed. If you are sweaty, freshen up the deodorant. Shampoo when your hair is getting greasy or looking dull.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 10
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 10

Step 3. Wear trendy clothes

Your wardrobe should predominantly consist of tops, cardigans, jeans, oversized sweaters, leggings, shorts, skirts and dresses. Also make sure you have a good selection of shirts. Your aim is not to look like a model, but to have a well-groomed appearance.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 11
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 11

Step 4. Aim for smooth and soft skin

Wash your face every day with a cleanser. Apply a moisturizer after each wash. Don't use petroleum jelly or heavy body creams on your face.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 12
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 12

Step 5. Use accessories

Popular girls value the look, so wear some accessories to make a look more cute. For example, you can wear a long necklace or bracelets. Check out the magazines to find out more about the trends.

Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 13
Become the Most Popular Girl in Your Class Step 13

Step 6. Take care of your hair

You can make a nice cut. Instead, if you prefer them long, you can try more looks. So decide whether to wear them short or long. If you like, do some highlights or dye some locks, but make sure they flatter you. You can wear the fringe or a side tuft, make a layered cut, collect them in ponytails, chignon or braids, curl them. You could just use a headband or clip. The important thing is to treat them well. Shampoo every other day, always applying conditioner. Only put it on the tips, because it can fatten the roots.

Hair plays a vital role in a person's look. If you have them straight, plate them to make them perfect and then tell everyone that they are naturally like this to leave them speechless! If you have them curly or wavy, you can style them to enhance them or straighten them for a bit of a change, but learn to accept them for what they are. Keep a large brush in your backpack, so you can style them in the blink of an eye and give the illusion that they are always perfect


  • If you plan to wear makeup, use eyeshadow, mascara, concealer, powder, bronzer or light pink blush, red lipstick, or lip gloss.
  • If you are wearing a uniform, only take care of the accessories and shoes.
  • If you have crooked teeth, consider wearing braces.
  • Learn the idioms popular with your peers - if someone were to use them and you have no idea what they mean, it will be harder to become popular.
  • Do you really want to achieve all of this? Are you ready to make this big change and become popular? It takes a lot of courage and determination, as it is by no means an easy status to achieve or maintain.
  • Do you have enough money? If you don't have access to sources of money, you may have difficulty with some steps. Of course, you don't have to be rich, but if you don't have a reasonable bankroll, you might want to look for another article. Also, what would your parents think? You certainly don't want to be punished all the time, without having the opportunity to attend parties and other events.
  • Are you emotionally ready? To achieve this, you have to be strong. You don't have to be super confident or totally believe in yourself. However, if you are not popular and blame others or "society", you are not ready. You need to know that you determine your social status.
  • Remind yourself who you are every day. If a certain song makes you feel beautiful, listen to it daily. You have everything you need. Look for an adjective that represents the person you want to become, such as impetuous, energetic, wonderful, undisputed queen. You need to know exactly what kind of popular girl you want to become. Repeat this to yourself every day, then take the next step only once you are ready and fully believe in yourself.
  • Holidays are stressful, but crucial to your social status. Not only do you have to meet a lot of popular people who have dressed up, you also have to deal with other factors, such as your look, preparation for the party and how you will behave to make a good impression (make sure your parents allow you to To go out!).
  • Learn to always have the answer ready. If a classmate of yours is particularly good at giving sharp replies, show him that you can do it too. That way all the guys will be on your side. If there's a girl you don't like, their support will come in handy, because they'll help you put up with her. This should help you earn popularity points.


  • Be prepared to deal with detractors - remember they are just jealous of you.
  • Don't overdo anything.
  • Don't tell others what you will wear. In most cases, when a girl asks you what you are going to wear, she does it just to brag about the clothes she will wear. As a result, describe your outfit quickly - she'll get bored right away and you can ask her the question in turn. Always try to be the one who is asked the question.
  • Don't wear clothes that are too provocative for the school rules. Although your school doesn't have one, dressing like this is in bad taste and doesn't make a good impression.
  • If you get bullied, tell an adult as soon as possible.
