How to Take a Coincidence Flight: 9 Steps

How to Take a Coincidence Flight: 9 Steps
How to Take a Coincidence Flight: 9 Steps

Table of contents:


If you are about to land at a large airport, and need to take a connecting flight to continue your journey, following these simple rules will ensure that you arrive at your destination on time.


Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 1
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 1

Step 1. During the flight, look at the logbook contained in the seat pocket in front of you

Inside you will find a map of the destination airport. Study it carefully, you will find that each airline has its own restricted area inside the airport. View the route you will need to take once you land to reach the departure gate of your connecting flight.

Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 2
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 2

Step 2. Calculate precisely how much time you will have to reach the gate

When doing so, pay attention to the change of time zone.

Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 3
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 3

Step 3. Listen to the announcements

Should the plane you are flying on land at a gate other than the one provided, a voice announcement will surely communicate this to the passengers. If you want to feel safer, ask the flight crew for confirmation.

Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 4
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 4

Step 4. Be careful not to forget any of your luggage or personal belongings on board

You may not have time to come back for them. Your main baggage will most likely be transferred to the new aircraft without you needing to retrieve it, however it is always a good rule to make sure at the time of the first check-in.

Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 5
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 5

Step 5. Make sure you have your identity document and the flight ticket for the next flight with you

Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 6
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 6

Step 6. Once inside the airport, ask the ground staff for information or look for a monitor to find out the exact gate number from which your connecting flight will depart

Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 7
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 7

Step 7. When booking your flights make sure you have enough time to go from gate to gate; if necessary consult the airline for additional information

It is in the interest of both of you that you manage to reach your destination in time, in any case do not be shy and ask questions to remove any doubts. In case of delays, protest with the right firmness and education and ask to be boarded on the first available flight.

Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 8
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 8

Step 8. If necessary, run

A short jog may allow you to board the plane just moments before the gate closes.

Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 9
Change Planes for a Connecting Flight Step 9

Step 9. If you have to wait a long time, take a walk

Modern airports are full of amenities and attractions, wander around the shops, grab a snack or relax with a good book. If, on the other hand, you are in a hurry to arrive at your destination, try to check if there is the possibility of taking an earlier flight than yours, perhaps by having yourself placed on a waiting list.


  • If you miss your connecting flight due to a delay attributable to the airline, ask to be refunded or to depart on the first available flight. In case of inconvenience, some airlines provide their passengers with meal vouchers, if it is late at night, ask for a hotel room to be assigned to you.
  • If your connecting flight forces you to a long wait, before you go to discover the airport, make sure you have identified the gate from which you will have to leave and carefully calculate the time needed to reach it.


  • Running around the airport could make security staff suspicious.
  • The golf carts inside the airport are reserved for the elderly or people with mobility problems.
