How to Perform a Backflip from a Raised Platform

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How to Perform a Backflip from a Raised Platform
How to Perform a Backflip from a Raised Platform

This article teaches you how to do a back flip from a raised surface, such as a platform or structure.

Note: For safety reasons, have mats available or have an assistant be there while you jump. Do not attempt to perform this stunt without taking safety precautions unless absolutely necessary. Safety is the priority.


Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 1
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 1

Step 1. Find a surface to jump from

The platform shouldn't be too high, but it shouldn't be too low either. You should identify a point that is at the waist level, although you can use a higher starting point if you are feeling brave enough.

If you are unable to perform a somersault before attempting this stunt, Not choose a starting point that is lower in your life; otherwise, you may not be able to get enough momentum for the rotation and run the risk of landing on the back of your head and getting yourself a serious injury.

Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 2
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 2

Step 2. Go to the platform you have identified

Walk on it, shift your body weight from one point to another, making sure the floor is stable and immobile. If the surface moves under your weight or sways when you lean over, don't use it for jumping; it could give way, fall on you and cause you a serious injury

Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 3
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 3

Step 3. Evaluate whether the platform is stable or not and assume the starting position

The best way to start is that your heels protrude slightly from the edge of the surface, so that you can jump by pushing on the forefoot

Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 4
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 4

Step 4. Prepare to perform the somersault

Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 5
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 5

Step 5. Start by squatting

This means bending the knees and finding balance on the forefoot as the torso leans forward. You should avoid jumping with the sole of your foot resting on the platform, because you can reach maximum height and the best rotational propulsion just using the front of the foot. Bring your arms back and up while keeping your forearms bent at 90 degrees.

To get a better idea of the position to assume, remember that the forearms must be perpendicular to the thighs; in this way, you are certain that you have brought your upper limbs back and then quickly sway them forward to gain momentum

Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 6
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 6

Step 6. Bring your arms forward and simultaneously take the leap

While your knees are extended to perform the leap, you should also swing your arms above your head to initiate the rotation; straighten your back and then curve it back when you are in midair.

The arch outlined by the position of the arms and that of the back should be similar; this means that if the upper limbs are fully slung back, the spine should be fully arched

Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 7
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 7

Step 7. Continue to bring your head back and lift your legs above it by pulling your knees towards you

  • By curling up on yourself you increase the rotation speed and you are able to jump better from a platform that is not too high; however, do not do this if you stunt from a very high surface, otherwise you may rotate excessively.

    The deciding factor for a good landing is knowing when to slow the rotation out of the curled up position. Just before completing a turn, straighten your legs and stretch your arms outward to reduce speed

Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 8
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 8

Step 8. As soon as your feet touch the ground, bend your knees to avoid the impact shock with stiff legs

Keep your arms outstretched to your sides to maintain balance and not fall during landing.

  • If you have jumped from an elevated structure, such as a balcony, don't try to stay upright. Instead, bend your knees and perform a back flip to gradually dissipate the momentum.

    Trying to land from a very risky somersault without flipping can cause fractures in the ankles or legs

Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 9
Backflip off a Raised Platform Step 9

Step 9. Stand up and enjoy the moment of glory

Backflip off a Raised Platform Intro
Backflip off a Raised Platform Intro

Step 10. Finished


  • Watch several videos on YouTube, practice on a trampoline or ask some friends to help you as you perform the jump to the ground to overcome the fear of falling backwards.
  • Remember: jump and land on the toes.
  • Always jump from your starting position because a normal back flip in gymnastics limits propulsion vertically, while you need some horizontal thrust instead to avoid hurting yourself.
  • Learn to do a back flip on a flat surface before attempting from a raised platform.
  • Choose a surface that is at a height from which you are generally not afraid to jump normally; if you can't make a simple leap, you can't make a deadly one.
  • Always look up! If the head is tilted back, the torso follows it in movement.
  • Try jumping off a trampoline to get used to the technique.


  • Check that the platform is not too low or too high; in the first case you could suffer neck injuries, in the second you could fracture an ankle.
  • Never land on the soles of your feet.
  • Don't just jump high, you risk hitting the platform with your feet or the back of your head.
  • Don't push yourself too far back; jump far enough to land on the floor, but not far enough to lose momentum for the spin.
