For a basketball player to be effective in the offensive half, he must develop good habits. At the same time, it should avoid or eliminate the bad ones. While it may seem simple to you, players have a tendency to repeat bad habits on the pitch.
These habits, good or bad, develop through repetition. The key therefore, for coaches, players and even parents, is to train good habits and eliminate bad ones. Start doing this from your next workout.

Step 1. Avoid focusing on a single aspect of the attack, and prefer team play instead
Players who only care about their own performance do harm to their team.

Step 2. Get into the game and don't just watch the action
Players shouldn't be spectators. They must always be involved and move, even when they don't have the ball.

Step 3. Look for a good pass before thinking about shooting
Players must always consider the position on the field of teammates and defenders. If a teammate is free and has a chance to take a good shot, always try to pass the ball to him.

Step 4. Evaluate more than one option in each stock
This will make the defense's job much more difficult. Players will need to evaluate all options created by an offensive scheme. If the first option allows you to generate a good shot, pass the ball to that player. Otherwise, keep circulating the ball and looking for openings in the defense.

Step 5. Take smart steps
The "phoned" passages are easier to read and intercept for the defense. Try to fake using your eyes, head and ball before making a pass.

Step 6. Stay calm - don't commit a frustrating foul after a mistake
Everyone is wrong in basketball. When it happens to you in the attacking half, retrace your steps with determination and try to give your best in defense, to make up for your mistake.

Step 7. Learn about your peers' abilities
Avoid using feints and moves that your teammates don't know or expect. Don't overdo it on the court. Try new things in training, not in a match.

Step 8. Always consider the time left in the game period and on the shooting clock
Every player should do this. Managing the remaining time well is not the sole responsibility of point guards and coaches.

Step 9. Maintain focus on any offensive possession
When playing basketball, you should always stay focused. You should always know what your responsibility is on the pitch and follow the movements of your teammates.

Step 10. Don't play at the same speed throughout the game; try to surprise your scorer with changes of pace
- When you train alone or with teammates, always give 100%. If you don't work hard when you train, you will never be able to improve.
- Always try to improve the weaknesses of your game. If you don't dribble very well, work on that fundamental. Don't practice jump shooting every time you step onto the court if you already have good shooting skills. Try to become a complete player and improve every day.
- Take workouts seriously. Make them realistic. Anyone can score an unmarked shot in training, so try to recreate match conditions in the gym.