There are 60 brand new pros who are chosen each year in the NBA draft. Why shouldn't you be one of them? Start perfecting your shooting, defense and team play skills now, and you could be. Training, training, training. Eat, sleep, dream and "breathe" basketball. Once it runs through your veins, you may be ready to play with the best players in the world.
Part 1 of 3: Perfecting Your Skills

Step 1. Learn all the rules of the game perfectly
The better you know the sport, the better you will be able to play, knowing what to expect and how to work on any problems. You can simply ask someone who knows the sport, but you can also check websites, ask the coaches and join a team. Play, play and play again until it becomes part of you.
Consider that basketball is both a physical and a mental sport. Both of these aspects are very important. If you have gaps in one of the two areas, work to improve it, without neglecting the other. For example, if you have to work on the dribble, but have just finished doing targeted exercises, continue dribbling from the middle of the court to the basket and take a shot from under the basket

Step 2. Get in shape, in the best possible way
Go to the gym and start exercising. Lower tier players can beat top talent if they can run faster and further than their opponents. Michael Jordan is quoted as saying that the best players are good shooters, good defenders, and make good team play. To have these three characteristics you must be fit. Here are some exercises that can help you:
- Push ups. Lots of push-ups and of different kinds, like those on the fingertips. You will be amazed at how much better you can handle the ball if you have strong fingers. Even if you think you don't have wide enough hands to catch the ball, you will be able to.
- Workouts for the abdomen and core. Work on abdominal strength with abdominals, leg pushes, seals, lower back stretches, etc. If you have a strong abdomen you will be able to take a shot and still make it to the basket.
- Jumping rope. It sounds like a kid's activity, but it works! Jump rope as fast, as long and as hard as you can. The better you do this, the faster your footwork will be on the court.
- Jump. Improve your vertical jump. If you are quick, agile and able to jump, you will be able to take the bounces even on top of a taller player. Most of the very tall players do not struggle to take rebounds, as it is not necessary. You can beat them if you work on this aspect.

Step 3. Dribble like crazy
If you've always had to focus on dribbling, then you're not good enough to be a pro. You should be able to feel the contact with the ball, have total control over it and be able to do whatever you want with it at all times.
- He spends a lot of time dribbling. Try dribbling up and down the court or wherever you are training. Encourage yourself to dribble faster, slower, harder, and even out of control. You will improve your mobility on the pitch and your ability to play at your best.
- Do not touch the ball with the palm of your hand. Hold it with your fingertips, especially when dribbling.

Step 4. Work on the shot
Check out the best shooters as they play and repeat their actions. Keep your right hand behind the ball, while your left is on the side to guide its direction. Try bending your legs and pulling the ball up in the air so that it falls into your hands. You can do this for hours, while listening to music or all the time, except when you sleep. The ball should be an extension of your arm towards the basket.
Make free throws while you can. There is no reason why you should miss a shot if you are defenseless. Practice shooting when you are cold and when you are completely out of breath. After running along the lines of the court, when you are so tired that you cannot move forward, it is the perfect time to practice your free throws

Step 5. When shooting, use the "BEEF" rule
You should keep this little acronym in mind. Here are the details:
- B = Balance / Equilibrium. Make sure you are balanced before throwing.
- E = Eyes / Look. Keep your eyes on the basket as you shoot.
- E = Elbow / Elbow. When pulling, keep your elbow tight and facing your body.
- F = Follow Through / Accompaniment. Be sure to accompany the movement of the arms after pulling; the hand you pull should look like it's about to reach for a cookie jar. While you may not have elbow strength, you should always try.

Step 6. Add a "C" to the acronym "BEEF"
C stands for concentration and awareness. This is the most important part of the shot. Focus on where the ball is going, not "openly" caring about those around you or whether you should shoot or pass the ball instead. Awareness is difficult to use on the pitch; it allows you to play what is called "unconscious play" (as if you were being guided by an autopilot inside you). Thanks to it, you notice the other players, the various options and games, but you do not show interest externally or consciously when "you hear footsteps approaching". Choices become instinctive with training and practice.
Avoid thinking too much about your rearview mirror or you will become paranoid about what's behind you or in your blind spots. You may need to make some changes of direction, instead of dribbling exactly straight, and then develop peripheral vision to look at those areas without consciously focusing on them. Peripheral vision is learned and extended by using it as a skill / talent that must be automatic

Step 7. Learn to pull with one hand
To shoot with one hand correctly, first make sure that you bend your legs for more strength, that you use your hands well to catch and roll the ball.
- Line up your hands with the black lines of the ball. Use your fingertips and hold the ball in the center only with the hand you write with. Make sure there is enough space between all your fingers to see the light. This is the ideal location.
- "Contact with the ball" is about shooting / passing harder or slower depending on the situation and which side of the basket you are shooting / passing from due to ball control problems. "Flexibility" is about not being tense / stiff or too relaxed.

Step 8. Practice spinning the ball and using the weak hand
Put your non-dominant hand on the side of the ball, you will understand that by doing so you will have different control over the ball and will give it a different rotation. Then throw (keeping the acronym CBEEF in mind) making sure that most of the strength comes from the strong hand you throw with.
- If spinning the ball is new to you, it will take you a lot of practice. Experiment to see how this affects whether your shot looks like it goes into the basket but then comes out and how you control shots on the backboard. This effect will depend on your touch and which side of the basket you shoot from.
- Practice spinning the ball when shooting from both sides of the basket. If you are at least a little ambidextrous (using both hands), train both hands to strengthen the weak hand for shots from the side of the basket of the hand you don't write with.

Step 9. Train to improve every aspect of your game
Do as many workouts as possible; they will help you become the best player possible. Training doesn't make perfect, but perfect training makes you a perfect player. Here are some exercises you can start with:
- Superman's training. If you have a basketball court available it works best, otherwise you will have to make a rough estimate of the distances. On the court, start at the baseline (under the basket) and run to the first perpendicular line (the closest free throw line), then do 5 push-ups. After these, get up and run back to the baseline, then run to the next perpendicular line (the 3/4 line). Do 10 push-ups and continue the same way for each line of the court, back and forth, until you reach the front line again. Also, it would be best to throw at least 10 free throws right after exercise when you are tired.
- Suicide. This is a timed exercise in which you walk the entire field back and forth. If you are really out of shape, start running "back and forth" 4-6 times in 1 minute and 8 seconds (starting from the baseline to the opposite baseline and then back to the starting line). It seems like a long time until you run 50 meters. Once you have built up the resistance, try doing 13 times up and down in 68 seconds. Then, when you are tired, throw at least 10 free throws.
- The exercise of the friend. Call a friend, give him the ball, and have him start on one side of the baseline with you defending. If you feel confident, keep your hands behind your back. Have him dribble diagonally across the pitch forcing him to change direction as he dribbles. You will have to learn "sliding" to stay in front of him and give direction to the person with the ball.

Step 10. Always play as a team
Look for the free player and pass him the ball, even if you want to shoot. The better the team plays, the better you do it. You don't just have to be a good shooter, you also have to be a team player. Don't monopolize the ball; eventually your teammates and coaches will get angry and you will be labeled as a selfish player, risking to end up on the bench.
Whatever you do, don't lose faith in yourself. If you are a shooter, shoot as long as you keep the touch or the rhythm! If you are playing defense, clear your mind to anticipate the opponent's movements. Eat a meal rich in protein and carbohydrates, take a break, and return to work if you feel discouraged. No path to excellence has ever been easy
Part 2 of 3: Starting Your Career

Step 1. Start playing in teams and going to basketball courts when you are young
There are children who are practically born with the ball in their hands, and these are the kids who grow up to be professionals. It is best to start when you are young to get as much experience as possible. Start small and basketball will run through your veins.
Being part of the school team or your country is fantastic, but consider participating in sports fields such as NBC basketball camp, Folgaria Basket Camp, Basket Camp Rimini or others. For a modest sum, you'll be able to work with the best of the best in your region and start developing high-level skills

Step 2. Be a star on the school team
To get noticed by the higher level teams (your next goal), you will need to stand out as a great champion on the school team. This doesn't mean always keeping the ball; in fact, not playing as a team will be a negative aspect. Rather, it means taking risks, throwing yourself to the basket, nurturing the strengths of your teammates and making your dream possible.
In addition to being a great player, you need to be motivated and ready to collaborate with both teammates and the coach. If you stop others from doing their best, you will not be recruited. And it's the same if you have a weakness that your coach tries to correct but you don't listen to. Work on your skills as a player, but also work on your skills as a member of a team and as someone who is still learning

Step 3. Keep your grades high
This advice is especially true if you are in the United States. If you are the best basketball player on the face of the Earth, you may get away with bad grades, but many universities are looking for a player who is also able to manage themselves academically. You don't have to be all 10, but you have to prove that you are capable of going to school and playing a sport at the same time. This applies to high school and university. It is your professors who allow you to play.
Also, the higher your grades, the more likely you are to get a basketball scholarship (or any other scholarship). You will be a role model to follow and a model student that every university would like to have

Step 4. Raise your basketball IQ
When coaches talk about players who have caught their attention, it's not just their awesome three-point shot or their ability to dribble as if they hit the floor. Coaches are looking for players with a high basketball IQ; that is, players who are not only good, but who understand how the game works on a very complicated level. Athletes who constantly think about all possible ways to score the next basket, such as overcoming obstacles, also have balance and maintain a steady and calm pace. It's not just about playing basketball, it's so much more.
One aspect that is part of a high IQ is "never quit the game". Even if the referee whistles an infraction with which you disagree, you must be ready for the next action immediately. A player with a high basketball IQ always handles every obstacle with dignity and respects others

Step 5. Get noticed for a scholarship
If you are incredibly lucky, the talent scouts may contact you. If they don't, you have two options:
- Talk to your coach. Do you have any contacts? Do you think you might be interesting for talent scouts? What do you need to do to get noticed?
- Send letters to the coaches of the teams you are interested in. Express your interest in their programs, explain why you are interested and why you consider yourself a good candidate. Send them a recording of your best moments on the pitch and invite them to come and see you as you play. Make sure you provide your contact information.

Step 6. Start playing at a higher level
Players very, very, very rarely go from a high school team straight to the NBA. Most of them finish college first. It is during this time that you will play against high-level opponents and really test your skills. It is up to you to decide whether to finish university or try to become a professional without finishing your studies.
While you're in college, it's a good idea to train when the championship ends, keep going to camps, play games and keep fit always, always, always. Even if the championship does not last all year, if you are taking this sport seriously, continue to train all the time
Part 3 of 3: Becoming a Professional

Step 1. Consider hiring an agent
If you are really very good and are serious about becoming a professional, consider hiring an agent. Agents have the contacts to introduce you to and potentially take you to the next NBA draft. They will make your name known and hopefully they will make you a lot of money.
That said, in the United States, if you hire an agent while still in college, you lose eligibility for the scholarship, even if you don't enter the draft. Think carefully before you endanger the next few years of your life

Step 2. Participate in the American camps that precede the NBA draft
With an agent in tow, chances are you'll be able to sign up for the pre-draft camps at the NBA level. Here, you will create a lot of contacts and make your name and face known. If you can handle the pressure, this could be the publicity you need to become a pro.
This will also give you the opportunity to get an opinion on your position in the draft, who is watching you, and what your potential is to enter the draft. The only thing you can do in this situation is to stay calm and play your best

Step 3. Try to be confirmed
There are two rounds in the draft. One at a time the players are chosen by the teams, who in turn choose in turn. In other words, you only have one chance to be chosen. If you are ready to accept it, great. Otherwise, you could try being a so-called "free agent" and go from there, or not play in the NBA.
- If you don't completely agree with this method, you can negotiate the salary or terms of the contract, making it shorter if you try to leave earlier. However, it is quite rare not to want to take this opportunity that is given to you.
- If you get caught in the second round of the draft, you may not be on the opening night list. Be aware of what your role will be and what the terms are before taking any responsibility.

Step 4. Alternatively, you could play for a minor league still in the United States or in a league in another country
If you don't get caught in the NBA or were unhappy with the way things went, you can try to join a lower tier team or play in another country. If you play in the United States in a slightly lower category of the NBA, in theory, you could even end up playing in the NBA one day.
In other countries, however, there is a completely different system. Your agent will help you interview various teams and you may end up playing in another country. If you prefer to play closer to Italy, and at the same time want to experience abroad, this is a good idea

Step 5. Know that very few can excel as professionals in any sport
Your chances of joining a team as a professional aren't high. It is categorical. Sure it is possible, but the percentages are not in your favor. In fact, about 1% of the players who come from an American university (men and women, although it is slightly higher for men) manage to become professionals. This means that out of 100 people, only one will be taken.
Many talented players start making a living by coaching, teaching at camps, or playing in other countries and leagues. Just because you failed to become a pro in the NBA doesn't mean you have to give up your career
- Immediately after running or doing any exercise, throw free throws. It will help you shoot better after running a lot on the pitch.
- Drink plenty of water before and after games and workouts.
- One of the fundamental aspects of basketball is control of the ball, learn to do tricks and move the ball wherever you want. Be creative, don't be afraid to pull from the 3-point line. Try to control the ball with both hands, it's easy.
- Always be motivated for a match. Listen to some music that energizes you, then play it back in your mind as you play.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help! Everyone needs help sooner or later.
- Squeezing and playing with soft juggling balls can improve your ambidextrousism, hand-eye coordination, depth perception, peripheral vision, balance between muscles and brain, speed control and concentration for certain activities such as free throws.
- Watch many games from the NBA or other categories; it will help you learn new moves.
- Always stretch before and after games and workouts.