How to be friends with a girl who rejected you

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How to be friends with a girl who rejected you
How to be friends with a girl who rejected you

Many times you could talk to a girl and she responds by saying: "you're nice, but I'm not ready to have a boyfriend", or "I'm too busy, but I want to remain your friend". Don't feel rejected, rather take it as a way to get even closer to her.


Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 1
Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 1

Step 1. Ask her why she just wants friendship and nothing more

Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 2
Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 2

Step 2. Find out if he really wants you to be just friends or if he's downloading you the easy way

Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 3
Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 3

Step 3. Become his friend and take it easy

She may be the right girl for you, or she may not, but you will understand how much you like her based on how long you stay close to her.

Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 4
Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 4

Step 4. Call her frequently (but not every day), and see what happens if you don't do it for 2 days in a row

If she calls you back, then she likes you.

Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 5
Be Friends with a Girl That Rejected You Step 5

Step 5. Respect their feelings and avoid being too pushy in the future


  • Remember: life is too short to spend it with people who don't like you or who exploit you. If she doesn't treat you well, just let her go and stay away.
  • She knows you like it. Give it space and time. You have just planted the seed, only time will tell you if it changes your mind. Remember: it may not, so try not to hope in vain.
  • If she doesn't like you, forget it; there are tons of beautiful girls waiting for you.
  • Don't obsess her or you will drive her away.
  • Be yourself and stop trying to be her boyfriend.
  • It could be a test: the girl may want to see how much you are willing to do for her. Stay calm and relaxed.
  • Talk to her, prevent her from realizing on her own initiative that you are sad.
  • If you become his friend and he knows you want to be his boyfriend, he may eventually give in.


  • If she tells you she wants to be your friend, but doesn't act like one, leave her alone. Don't let any girl make fun of you.
  • This girl is nice and doesn't want to hurt you, or she really wants to be your friend. Either way, don't take it personally.
  • Her every behavior will let you know if she wants to be your friend or if she likes you, but be careful: it takes time and you can not help but wait.
