A Ouija board, also known as the "Spirit Board", is a flat surface, on which letters, numbers and other symbols are printed, used by people to get answers during séances. The participants in the session place their fingers on a 'planchette' (mobile hand) which, moving on the table, will compose the answers.
Part 1 of 3: Paper Board
Method 1: Written

Step 1. Take a large sheet of paper and write down the letters of the alphabet, the numbers (0 to 9) and the words "Yes", "No", "Hello" and "Goodbye"

Step 2. Follow the arrangement shown in the image and place the sun design in the upper left corner, next to the word "Yes"
On the upper right corner draw a moon, next to the word "No". Take a small glass cup, turn it upside down on the paper and use it as a 'planchette'.

Step 3. Sit around a table with a few friends
Each of you will have to gently place a finger on the bottom of the inverted glass. Choose a person to ask the questions. Another will have to take note of the answers.
Method 2: Cropping

Step 1. Start by writing the letters on a couple of lines; make sure they are large enough to read

Step 2. In the line below write the numbers 0 to 9

Step 3. Write the words "Yes", "No" and "Goodbye" to make communication with the spirits easier
If you want, you can add other words or phrases.

Step 4. With scissors, cut out all the characters, numbers, words and phrases created

Step 5. Glue them to a card, arranging them however you like

Step 6. Protect the surface with a glass or clear plastic panel
In this way the planchette can slide easily on the board.

Step 7. Finished
You are ready for your first séance, prepare your questions!
Part 2 of 3: Wooden Board

Step 1. Get the necessary materials
You will need a wooden board, sanded and perfectly smooth. You will also need to get some paint, clear polish, and a sharp soldering iron. Also have a few sheets of paper and a pencil handy.

Step 2. Practice
It is not easy to use a soldering iron. Practice using scrap wood; it will help you understand what movement, speed and pressure are needed. It will also help you understand how to move to get different shapes.

Step 3. Prepare your wooden board
Make sure it's smooth and clean.

Step 4. Trace your design
You can do it freehand or using a stencil; look for it in the dedicated department of your favorite DIY store.
Make sure the figures are not overly small or detailed, especially if you are new to using a soldering iron

Step 5. Follow the outline of the shapes with the soldering iron
You will have to go through the drawings without haste, look at the shapes from different angles to make sure you are doing a correct job.

Step 6. Wait until the surface is cool and then clean it
Let the burned areas cool and remove any excess material with a brush. Erase the pencil marks and any other marks, and gently wipe the surface of the board with a slightly damp cloth. Before continuing, let the wood dry completely.

Step 7. Glaze the surface
The enamel or a different transparent varnish will make the surface of the board sufficiently smooth, a fundamental element to allow the planchette to work correctly. Carefully follow the instructions on the packaging of the chosen product. You will most likely need to apply several layers of nail polish, and each one will take a long time to dry properly. For this reason, it will be necessary to carve out a large amount of time to dedicate to this project.

Step 8. Add more details
When the nail polish has completely dried, you can use the colored paint to add more details as desired. Ideally, details should be added between the second and last layer of clear polish.
Part 3 of 3: Designing Your Table

Step 1. Choose the layout
You can structure your table in many different ways. The shape is not essential, the important thing is to have all the necessary symbols. You will need to include at least all the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9 and the words Yes, No and Goodbye.
- Choose a traditional layout if you like. The letters must be written in two slightly arched lines in the center, with the words yes and no above the numbers and the farewell at the bottom.
- You can also choose a diamond structure. In this form, the letters are arranged in a diamond shape, with each of the four dots aligned in the center of that side of the board. The numbers are written inside the diamond, and the angles are assigned to the words (allowing for additional phrases, such as "not now").
- You can also prefer a circular structure. This design resembles that of the diamond, but uses an oval shape.

Step 2. Choose the font
Choose a font that fits the shape of your ouija board, for example in gothic style, without neglecting your personal preferences. Write a few letters in a text editor to get an idea of the final result.

Step 3. Choose the decorations
Many believe it is correct to add particular symbols to the corners, or other areas, of the table. Beliefs may vary, but commonly used symbols include: moon, sun, stars, symbols of the elements, symbols of the planets and symbols or images in neurologically significant quantities (12, 13, 7, 3, etc).
You can also decorate your chalkboard with physical objects, such as candle holders, stones (quartz is great for this purpose) or parts that can hold the elements such as water, wood, etc

Step 4. Choose the colors
Choose a color scheme for your table. The dark tones reminiscent of the earth are particularly suitable for recalling spirits, but if you want to get in touch with particularly lively spirits, nothing prevents you from preferring the colors you think are most suitable for them. If you're looking to call up a specific spirit, try using their favorite color.
Try to use the right color contrast. Your goal is to be able to perceive the text easily

Step 5. Now choose your planchette
You will need one (the device to put your hands on) in order to use your ouija board. Make it yourself or buy it ready-made in a specialized store.
- Some people believe that spirits are real and that, by not paying attention and caution, it is possible to upset them by making them unwelcome guests of your home. Treat the table with respect if you fear these kinds of events. Imagine that a pure white light envelops you and protects you.
- If you or one of your friends are nervous, tired or unwell, don't use the board. The board, and what lies behind it, perceives feelings and it could happen that a demon is summoned. As long as you are all well and confident, everything will go right.
- If things start to get frightening, such as with moving objects or other poltergeist phenomena, stop the session for your own safety.
- When an angry spirit appears, say a prayer and leave the house for the night. Even if you don't believe in evil spirits, don't disrespect anyone who believes otherwise! Stay calm and remember that this is your board and not theirs.
- Remember that everything is under control and there is nothing to be afraid of.
- The quality of the question asked will determine the quality of the response received. Ask a serious question and you will get an equally serious answer. Ask a silly question and you will get an equally silly answer.
- Nobody can confirm or not the real effectiveness of the Ouija board. Some people claim that it is able to invoke the spirits of the deceased, others believe that it is the subconscious that moves the planchette. Keep an open mind and always respect the beliefs of others.
- At the end of the session put the hand on the word goodbye and then fold the blackboard. Some believe it is best not to keep it open.
- Search and download for free some characters traditionally used in talking tables (e.g. Cap'n Howdy, Mystick Prophet, and Sideshow). You will find that you have dozens and dozens of choices available.
- The real danger lies in the requests for physical proof of the existence of the spirits contacted. By asking for a "sign", you will literally open a door between the spiritual and physical worlds, allowing spirits to enter. As a result, you may have future problems.
- Remember that homemade wooden boards tend to be more effective than paper ones. If the paper has any creases or wrinkles, the spirits will stay away. If you're afraid this is a good way to please an annoying friend. All you have to do is crumple the paper.
- Any attempt to communicate with the dead or with other spirits should not be taken lightly (do not try to talk to particular spirits, leave them the choice to come to you and never invoke a specific one) and should not be done by inexperienced people.. On the web there are many stories about the table, take some time to read them before starting.
- Scientifically, there is no clear evidence of the table functioning and it is not known whether the words are formed in the subconscious or with the external intervention of the spirits (or, in some cases, deliberately by the users to deceive the other participants). So, although the results may be surprising, science suggests that users enter a process similar to that of dreams and hallucinations.