How to Make Dowsing Wands: 8 Steps

How to Make Dowsing Wands: 8 Steps
How to Make Dowsing Wands: 8 Steps

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Dowsing rods (better known as "divining rods") can be used to find underground water sources, metal deposits, lost objects, and the earth's energy strands. Some people use them to communicate with the dead; the classic ones are composed of a forked branch, in the shape of a "Y", but modern radioaesthesiologists personally make them with two iron wires in the shape of an "L".


Method 1 of 2: Use a forked branch

Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 1
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 1

Step 1. Find a branch with two points (shaped like a "Y")

You can get it from a tree, bush, or any sizable source of lumber. Look for one that is at least a foot long from one end to the other. Check that the two segments of the fork are relatively the same length, otherwise the wand may not be balanced.

  • Inspect the ground for already broken forked twigs, perhaps due to a deer passing by or for more mysterious reasons. If you notice a perfectly "Y" shaped wand growing on a tree, feel free to take it off and use it.
  • If you break a forked branch from the tree, do it with awareness. Don't make mistakes blindly by breaking trees into pieces; examine the tree, the surrounding area, and the motif that motivates you to make the chopsticks. Consider leaving something of your own to replace what you took from the plant.
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 2
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 2

Step 2. Get the branch in the same area where you will use it

For example, if you intend to use chopsticks to explore unknown stretches of the woods or to look for water in a mysterious valley, look for them on the edge of the forest or near the valley. Some dowsers prefer to use the twigs of particular trees, while many others prefer freshly cut ones.

Generally, in Europe and the United States, hazelnut and witch hazel branches are used, as well as willow and peach branches, respectively. Most of these branches are very popular because they are light and porous; several people believe that such materials can better absorb vapors that come from metals or groundwater; consequently, the forked tip becomes heavier and turns towards the source sought

Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 3
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 3

Step 3. Decorate the wand

You can use the "Y" branch as it is, but you can decide to add your own personal touch to it. This detail is particularly useful if you decide to use the wand more than once or if you plan to give it to someone. You can choose to engrave decorative motifs on it (but carefully!) Using a small knife, to wrap it with rows of beads, to attach charms to the wood or to color certain sections.

Wrap some fabric around the forked ends to make the grip more comfortable; this detail also represents a decoration

Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 4
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 4

Step 4. Hold each "Y" end in one hand

Direct the divining rod away from you, holding it at arm's length; make sure it is parallel to the ground or slightly inclined downwards. Read this article to develop the correct mindset!

Method 2 of 2: Using Bent Iron Wire

Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 5
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 5

Step 1. Get two pieces of wire, both about 50cm long

This can be brass, copper or steel, any strong but malleable material is fine. If you want to build a pair of simple rods, cut a metal hanger to make two identical segments or straighten two hangers by opening the twisted part of the hook.

  • Choose the material based on availability and intended use; brass and copper are widely used because they do not rust. If you have wire or hangers at your disposal, it's not a problem to rely on what you have on hand.
  • Use a sturdy wire cutter to cut the wire to the desired length. There is no rigid and universal rule that imposes the length of the rods at 50 cm; make sure they are long enough to spontaneously point downward, but not to the point where they are uncomfortable to hold.
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 6
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 6

Step 2. Fold both strands into an "L" shape

If the rods are 50 cm long, make the fold about 12 cm from one end, taking care to form a 90 ° angle. The short segment represents the handle of each wand, while the long one must dangle, cross with each other and guide you as you approach the material you seek.

Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 7
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 7

Step 3. Build the handles

They should cover the short segment of the "L" -shaped chopsticks, which is the 10-12cm portion or as long as is comfortable for you. The handles protect your hands and offer a firmer grip; there is no single method to make them, so use the material you have available.

  • Use a 2-3 cm long piece of wooden pin with a hole in the center; alternatively, you can glue several balls of cotton together to make a cylinder.
  • Use a pen. Remove the inner tubes and the caps of two plastic pens and then slide them on the bent ends of the sticks; you can possibly use two straws following the same principle.
  • Wrap the shorter segment of each "L" with a rag, cloth or piece of felt. Tie the fabric with tightly stretched rubber bands, string, or even a safety pin.
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 8
Make Divining or Dowsing Rods Step 8

Step 4. Hold a wand in each hand when practicing dowsing

Grab the wire by the handle (the shorter side of the "L"), so that the long segment is parallel to the ground. Remember to keep a not too tight grip, to allow the sticks to swing freely from side to side. Keep them at arm's length from your body and spaced about 20-22cm apart. Do not forget that they must be parallel to the ground or slightly downwards. Read this article to find what you are looking for.

  • Each wand should rest on the index finger, while the bottom of the handle should remain in contact with the palm of the hand.
  • Don't squeeze the chopsticks, because they have to move freely to do their job; you can still lightly squeeze your hands to improve stability.


  • Consider covering the ends of the wire to avoid stinging and injuring yourself. in any case, be careful not to point the pointed ends at someone.
  • Be careful how much faith you put in the chopsticks. They are perfect for exploring the woods near home and for seeking invisible forces, but may not be able to withstand the very stressful situations encountered in modern life.
