How to Make Scrapbooks by Hand: 7 Steps

How to Make Scrapbooks by Hand: 7 Steps
How to Make Scrapbooks by Hand: 7 Steps

Creating scrapbooks is fun and allows you to keep memories forever and pass them on to others. Furthermore, it is an art form, and one of the cheap and easy ones to practice.


Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 1
Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 1

Step 1. Choose a theme

Some people like to have a theme for the whole album, while others prefer a theme for each page. The first time, one theme per page is the best idea, so you don't have to waste too many albums.

Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 2
Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 2

Step 2. Get the bare minimum

It is listed below in the "Things You Will Need" section.

Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 3
Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 3

Step 3. Collect photos, memorabilia, etc

event for which you are creating the album or page. Some ideas for different occasions are listed below.

Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 4
Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 4

Step 4. Get some material that "tells" the theme

If you prefer, you can keep some ready-made material that works for everything, but using specific material for each theme makes the album more perfect and more beautiful, and you can always save the leftovers.

Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 5
Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 5

Step 5. Think of an eye-pleasing design

Flashy colors, too much glitter, photos all over the place, and hard-to-read fonts produce an unpleasant experience for the eye and possibly quite a headache too.

Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 6
Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 6

Step 6. In most cases, the most important things get in the way

Sometimes, however, it is nice to do the opposite; for example if you use part of a veil used at a wedding, it is nice as a border. Use your judgment and common sense.

Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 7
Make Homemade Scrapbooks Step 7

Step 7. Enjoy

It is the most important thing ever. You're creating a scrapbook for yourself.


  • Use some material from your bridesmaid / bride / guest dress.
  • Use crushed and dried flowers from a bouquet.
  • Use some confetti.
  • Use the "flavors". At many weddings, there are small gifts on the tables (for chocolates, use cards).
  • You have to absolutely put a picture of the cake!


  • Use a photocopy of an ultrasound (put it in a parchment pocket if possible).
  • Add a photo of the hospital cuff.
  • Maybe add a lock of hair (in a parchment pocket).


  • Put a piece of the gift wrap.
  • Add a popped balloon.
  • Add other decorations (crushed flowers from a bouquet, ribbons, a drop of wax from a candle, etc.).
  • Glue some glitter.
  • Add the guest list.


  • Put photos of your friends.
  • Write the date.
  • Put some school related things.
  • Collect the signatures on a piece of paper and place it as the last page of your scrapbook.
  • You absolutely have to put a photo of the school.


  • Get books on this subject. There are thousands of them, and many are fun to look at and read and useful to consult.
  • Use acid-free materials if you want the album to last more than a few years (or even less), as acid corrodes pages and photos over time.
  • When using a one-page ultrasound for a baby, make a photocopy because the ultrasounds fade over time. However, do not photocopy it too many times, as the heat speeds up the process.
