How to Treat White Spot Disease (Ichthyoftyriasis) in Goldfish

How to Treat White Spot Disease (Ichthyoftyriasis) in Goldfish
How to Treat White Spot Disease (Ichthyoftyriasis) in Goldfish

Table of contents:


Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is the most common parasite found in aquariums and causes icthyophthiriasis disease. Most aquarium owners have to deal with this problem sooner or later and act promptly because, if neglected, the disease can even kill goldfish. Ichthyophtyriasis is also commonly called white spot disease, because one of the main symptoms is the presence of white spots that cover the whole body of the fish. Thankfully, there is a natural remedy and a veterinary remedy that you can use to help the fish return to its bright golden-orange color.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the Symptoms

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 1
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 1

Step 1. Look for small white dots on the goldfish's body

This parasite is not very visible when it starts to develop. When it begins to feed on the body fluids of the fish's skin and fins, it tends to encyst itself and appear as small white patches or spots. The fish appears to be covered in a sprinkle of salt or sugar, but in reality the problem is ichthyophtyriasis.

If you do not act promptly, large patches may start to form on the scales and fins of the fish. This is an additional sign that indicates the presence of the parasite

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 2
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 2

Step 2. Observe if the fish rubs against any objects or the walls of the aquarium

The disease can also induce this behavior because it causes itching. The animal then rubs itself against the aquarium or other objects in an attempt to find relief and stop this annoying sensation.

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 3
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 3

Step 3. Check the gills

Since the fish is stressed, there may not be enough oxygen in the aquarium for its needs. This could cause his gills to become overactive and start moving fast and heavily to try and breathe better.

Part 2 of 3: Using Sea Salt

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 4
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 4

Step 1. Raise the water temperature to 30 ° C

Proceed gradually over 48 hours, increasing it by 1 ° C every hour. This will give the fish time to get used to the rise in temperature and prevent it from suffering a shock.

  • The heat prevents the disease from getting worse and many more parasites from developing when they detach from the fish's body. In fact, the high temperatures neutralize these parasites and block their reproduction.
  • Don't combine two different types of treatments, but only do one at a time.
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 5
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 5

Step 2. Increase the oxygen level in the water

You need to compensate for the rise in temperature with more oxygen for your goldfish. So, do the following:

  • Lower the water level in the aquarium;
  • Point the flow directors to the surface of the water.
  • Place other porous stones or ornaments that contain them in the aquarium.
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 6
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 6

Step 3. Add some salt

Some aquarium owners argue that raising the water temperature is enough to detach and kill parasites from the fish's body. However, sea salt promotes the formation of a protective coating on the fish, which prevents the parasite from adhering to it. The combination of salt and heat affects whatever parasites float freely in the aquarium until they die.

  • Use sea salt specifically for freshwater fish, not common table salt. You can buy it online or in pet stores.
  • Add a tablespoon or three teaspoons of this salt to every 19 liters of water. If you want to use less, try adding half a teaspoon to every 4 liters of water.
  • If there are other fish or invertebrates in the aquarium along with the sick specimen, make sure they are not sensitive to salt before opting for this remedy. Some fish species do not tolerate large doses of salt.
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 7
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 7

Step 4. Keep the temperature high and change the water every couple of days

Keep it constant at 30 ° C for 10 days. At the beginning of the treatment, when the symptoms of ichthyophtyriasis are still very visible, you need to change 25% of the water every two days. In this way you can be sure that the environment is well oxygenated and facilitate the elimination of parasites. Add an appropriate dose of salt after each water change.

After 10 days, the white spots should begin to shrink and the water should slowly come back clean, without parasites. Continue with this procedure by keeping the temperature high and adding doses of salt for another 3-5 days after even the last few symptoms are gone, to make sure all the parasites have been killed

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 8
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 8

Step 5. Reduce the water temperature until it returns to 18 ° C

After 15 days of this natural treatment, the goldfish should return to normal swimming and the white spots should have disappeared completely. This is the time to bring the temperature back to its original level, lowering it by 1 ° C per hour over 48 hours.

At the end of the treatment change the water again for 25% of its volume and then proceed with the usual weekly routine changes

Part 3 of 3: Using Veterinary Treatments

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 9
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 9

Step 1. Change 25% of the aquarium water and remove any waste

Use a siphon to vacuum the gravel. At this point, remove the activated carbon from the filter. By lowering the water level, you increase the surface agitation of the water and allow the drug to spread better when you add it.

You also need to check that the filter generates a strong and steady flow of water into the aquarium

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 10
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 10

Step 2. Raise the water temperature to 30 ° C

You need to slowly increase it over 48 hours by making small increments of 1 ° C every hour. This allows the fish ample time to adapt to the change and avoid possible shock.

Unlike the method described above, in this case the increase in temperature is not intended to kill the parasites, but to accelerate their life cycle. The goal is to force the parasites to reach the stage of life where they are able to swim freely in the water, so that the drug can kill them without harming the fish

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 11
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 11

Step 3. Use the medicine

There are several specific treatments for white spot disease available in pet stores or online. Some of these are copper based, so they don't stain like other products do. However, copper-based ones can be harmful to other invertebrates or to some plants in the infected aquarium. Always read the drug's label to make sure it doesn't harm other fish in it.

Follow the directions on the package regarding dosage

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 12
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 12

Step 4. Add the salt

If you want to add this product as well to help the animal develop a protective mucous coating and to speed up the killing of parasites, you can do so after putting the medicine.

Make sure that other fish and invertebrates in the aquarium tolerate salt well; if you are worried that it will somehow harm them, you must not use it; in this case, limit yourself to treatment with the drug

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 13
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 13

Step 5. Wait a couple of weeks for the disease to be eradicated

It takes some time for the product to take effect and eliminate all parasites, as they must pass the larval stage before they are killed. After 15 days, the white dots should detach from the fish and the aquarium should be free of any parasites.

Cure Goldfish Ich Step 14
Cure Goldfish Ich Step 14

Step 6. Reduce the water temperature until it returns to its original 18 ° C

After a couple of weeks of drug treatment, the goldfish should resume swimming normally and the white spots should no longer be there. At this point you can restore the correct water temperature by lowering it by 1 ° C every hour over 48 hours.
