While crickets might be cute up close, if left loose in a home they can do damage to houseplants, furniture, and clothing. Also, as you already know if you are reading this article, they may make noise for a long time. If you suspect that any of these critters have moved into your home, one solution is to suppress them or use insecticides. If you still feel some compassion for these insects, or just don't feel like cleaning cricket corpses, this article tells you how to catch them and then release them outdoors.

Step 1. Locate the shackle or shackles
To do this you need a quiet home. Carefully move from room to room and try to hear the characteristic chirping. Crickets usually hide under furniture, appliances or cabinets. If you turn on the light in a dark room suddenly, you may also find them on the floor.

Step 2. Obtain the materials listed in the "Things You Will Need" section at the end of this article
A large and transparent glass is preferable as it would be able to contain the cricket without touching its antennae.

Step 3. Make sure the shackles are not hidden and are on a flat surface
If they are under something, you may need to move the furniture to get them out. Try slipping a long, thin object under the cabinet or light that area with a flashlight. Unfortunately, after this operation, the surprise factor will no longer exist.

Step 4. Crouch next to the cricket and place the glass upside down directly over the insect

Step 5. Lower the glass slowly and firmly
If you make sudden movements, the cricket could jump up to a meter, depending on its size! Then, slowly lower the glass until you trap the cricket.

Step 6. Place a sheet of paper next to the cup on the floor
Slide the cup over the paper.

Step 7. Crumple the paper at the edges of the cup and lift the shackle

Step 8. Release the shackle from a door or window
- If you fail the first time, the cricket will be more alert and later it will be more difficult to catch it.
- If the cricket you are trying to catch is chirping instead of jumping around, you can simply slide a sheet of paper under the bug and fold it to keep it from falling out. Open the door or window and free it.
- Sometimes the only way to get rid of crickets is to exterminate them. This process is undoubtedly not pleasant, but if you think crickets have invaded your home, resort to insecticides.
- Wash the glass and your hands thoroughly after you release the cricket. These insects may have diseases and attack you.
- Do not drop the cricket when it is jumping around inside the glass.