How to take care of your pet

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How to take care of your pet
How to take care of your pet

Looking after a pet means more than just buying the cheapest cat or dog food possible… read on to find out how to make sure your pet has a long and happy life.


Take Care of Your Pet Step 1
Take Care of Your Pet Step 1

Step 1. Make sure your furry "addition to the family" gets a food that fits her nutritional needs

Try to buy him organic pet food; not only will he appreciate it, but he will have brighter fur, more energy, be happier, etc. Giving your pet leftovers from your meals - no matter how cute they are when they ask for them - is not a good idea because people's food often contains minerals or substances that could harm our canine and feline friends.

Take Care of Your Pet Step 2
Take Care of Your Pet Step 2

Step 2. If you have a dog, take it for walks

It will give both of you a chance to get some exercise. It will also be an opportunity to bond between the two of you, bringing you closer.

Take Care of Your Pet Step 3
Take Care of Your Pet Step 3

Step 3. Bathe your "animal companion" at least once every few weeks

If you have a cat, go to the nearest vet and have it washed there (that way you won't get a million scratches on you). There are also special cleaners (even dry ones) that you can use on your pet. All you need is a cloth and a loving hand. Brushing your cat frequently feels like a good scratching, so it can be a good activity to follow in the bathroom.

Take Care of Your Pet Step 4
Take Care of Your Pet Step 4

Step 4. If you have a dog, be sure to trim their nails every two months or so

If you have a cat that you keep indoors, and you don't want it to look like a bear has passed your house, it might be a good idea to have it cut its claws. If you prefer your cat to keep his claws, be sure to invest some money in a scratching post and take the time to teach him how to use it. This will save you and your pet a LOT of trouble in the future.

Take Care of Your Pet Step 5
Take Care of Your Pet Step 5

Step 5. Just as you have to go to the doctor regularly for checkups to make sure you are healthy, remember to take your friend to the vet for checkups

Since they can't talk, sometimes it takes an expert to figure out if the animals are okay or not.

Take Care of Your Pet Step 6
Take Care of Your Pet Step 6

Step 6. Go to a dog park with your dog, play Frisbee or ball or whatever makes him move

If you have a cat, go to the nearest pet store and buy a cat toy. Don't be surprised, however, if the cat doesn't like your chosen game (they are notoriously difficult). Keep trying and know that sometimes their favorite toy might be a pinpoint of light or a rolled up paper ball.

Take Care of Your Pet Step 7
Take Care of Your Pet Step 7

Step 7. Most importantly, spend time with your pet

Let him know that you love him, and he will surely love you too; Also, give your pet some reward snacks every now and then, he'll love you every time you do it.


  • Just love your pet and have fun.
  • Spend time with your pet.
  • Walk your dog on walks.
  • Try to give your friend natural food.
