If you want to experiment with body art without permanently altering the look of your skin, a temporary tattoo is for you! It only takes a few tools available at home and at a fine art store to create a temporary tattoo. Here are three different techniques based on the use of eyeliner, stencils and paper printing.
Method 1 of 4: Make an Eyeliner Tattoo

Step 1. Draw the tattoo
To create a beautiful tattoo, you must first come up with the design. Just paper and pencil are enough to make some sketches, bearing in mind the following points:
- A simple and bold stroke is better suited to the tattoo done with eyeliner, while thinner and more complicated lines could smudge and be unrecognizable. Focus on well-defined shapes.
- Determine the size of the tattoo. If it were too big, it would look hand painted, while a small drawing would look more "authentic". Decide the size of the tattoo based on the effect you want to achieve.

Step 2. Choose the eyeliner to use
Buy it at the perfumery or at the supermarket, preferably a model that can be redone. Avoid the more oily or shiny ones. With a dry and smooth eyeliner you will get a tattoo that lasts long and without smudging.
- Black eyeliner is great for a striking effect, but there's no reason to avoid other colors. Try emerald green, purple and light blue to create a memorable design by adding small shades.
- Avoid liquid eyeliners. It is easy to use them on the eyelids, but it becomes difficult to perform a precise stretch on the body with this type of eyeliner.
- Practice drawing with your chosen eyeliner on paper. You need to understand the pressure required to create a smooth and precise stroke.
Step 3. Draw the tattoo on the skin with the eyeliner
Don't be in a hurry and make sure the design exactly matches the sketch you came up with. If you don't like it, delete it and start over.
- You can draw the tattoo on any part of the body, but it is easier to work on the hairless areas. Make sure your skin is clean and dry before starting.
- Use a cotton ball to blend the colors and create the shading.
Step 4. Spray the hairspray on the drawing
The same substances that maintain the shape of the hair act as fixers on the tattoo, preventing it from disappearing for several hours. There is no need to overdo it. A light splash will suffice to protect the design.
Step 5. Wash it off
This tattoo can last about a day before it starts to smudge. You can take it off easily with warm soapy water. Wash your skin before going to bed to avoid staining the sheets.
Method 2 of 4: Make a Tattoo with a Stencil
Step 1. Prepare a stencil
You can create a professional looking temporary tattoo using a stencil, so you can get a precise design without relying on your drawing skills. Establish the shape of the tattoo, draw it on card stock and cut it out with a utility knife or scissors.
- To make your work easier, choose a simple and firm shape. Try drawing diamonds, circles, or other geometric shapes.
- If you prefer a more detailed tattoo, create a stencil based on an existing image. Read this article to create a more complex stencil.

Step 2. Purchase a permanent marker
You can also use different colors. Black is a classic, especially if you want the tattoo to look real. Use other colors for a more lively design.
- Permanent markers contain chemicals that are not suitable for skin use. Look for markers suitable for body painting.
- If you don't want to use permanent markers, washable ones will work too, but the tattoo won't last that long.
- Alternatively, you can use stamps and special ink. Wet the stamp pad with ink (using a cotton swab), then spread it over the stencil to paint the skin.
Step 3. Create the tattoo
Place the stencil on the skin where you want to create the tattoo. Hold the skin firm and stretched with one hand, while with the other you paint the shapes of the stencil. When you're done, lift the stencil and let the tattoo dry.
- Make sure your skin is clean and dry before starting. For best results, shave the area.
- If you have trouble holding the stencil in place, try securing it with masking tape. Maybe, choose a flat area of the body to make the job easier.
Step 4. Remove the tattoo
When you've been showing off your tattoo long enough, you can wash it off with warm soapy water.
Method 3 of 4: Get a Paper Tattoo

Step 1. Purchase some decal paper
Have you ever bought a temporary tattoo from a machine or a toy store? These are tattoos printed on decal sheets, a particular type of paper that is sticky on one side. The design is printed on the adhesive part.
You can buy it in fine art stores or online

Step 2. Draw the tattoo
There are no limits to your imagination when using this type of paper. Any shape, color and design will be perfectly reproduced on paper and, consequently, on the skin. Use Photoshop or other types of programs to create the image of your choice.
- Decide if the tattoo should be black and white or colored. If you have a color printer, the tattoo can contain any colors you like.
- Choose colors that stand out on your complexion.
- Remember that when you apply the tattoo to the skin, the design will be mirrored. This means that if the drawing contains words, you have to write them backwards to read them well when they are copied onto the skin.

Step 3. Print the tattoo
Put the decal paper in the printer. Make sure the tattoo is printed on the sticky side. Then, cut out the tattoo with a pair of scissors.
Step 4. Apply the tattoo
Place the printed side on the skin. Cover the paper with a damp cloth (or paper towel). Squeeze the cloth and hold it still for 30 seconds. Remove the cloth first, then lift the paper. This procedure is used to transfer the design from the sheet to the leather.
Step 5. Remove the tattoo
This type of tattoo can last a week or more before it starts to peel off. If you want to remove it sooner, scrub your skin with soapy water and an exfoliation brush.
Method 4 of 4: Make a Tattoo with Markers

Step 1. Buy some colored markers
Also get some talcum powder and hairspray.
Step 2. Draw the tattoo on the body
Draw any shape you like wherever you like - easily accessible.
Step 3. Massage the tattoo with talcum powder
Step 4. Apply the lacquer lightly to the tattoo
Don't use too much, or your skin will dry out. If your hand slips, take a cotton ball and dab the tattoo area with water.

Step 5. Admire your new tattoo
It should last for at least a month.
wikiHow Video: How To Make A Temporary Tattoo