How to Make a Temporary Tattoo with a Pencil

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How to Make a Temporary Tattoo with a Pencil
How to Make a Temporary Tattoo with a Pencil

Temporary tattoos can be a kind of "dress rehearsal" before deciding whether to get a real one or not, but they are also a fun way to play with your look. With a pencil you could draw a simple temporary tattoo that is easy to remove when you get tired of it. Of course, you won't be able to draw fine details, and it will fade fairly quickly, but it will still be something fun that you can do on your own, using just a pencil, warm water and some liquid spray patch.


Part 1 of 2: Choosing a Design

Make a Temporary Tattoo With a Pencil Step 1
Make a Temporary Tattoo With a Pencil Step 1

Step 1. Choose an area where the tattoo will be easily visible

The most suitable part for a temporary tattoo is somewhere on the arm, because it will be easier to draw on it and then admire the result. The ankle or the front of the shoulder are also suitable parts for your experiment, but if you want to tattoo a more difficult to reach part, such as the back, you will need to ask for help from a friend.


Keep in mind that your temporary tattoo will fade sooner if it is covered or in contact with some clothing.

Step 2. Search online (or in some specialized center) for a simple drawing that inspires you

You will find the right suggestion in magazines, books, works of art and sites like Pinterest and Instagram, where you will be spoiled for choice. Look for fairly simple drawings, perhaps related to nature, such as a flower, an arrow or a word. Since your precision instrument will be… a pencil, the simpler it is, the better it will succeed; making a detailed drawing on the skin is not an easy thing.

  • Other easy-to-make ideas are feathers, quotes, bible verses, names, trees, abstract designs, animals, and images from books or movies.
  • Keep in mind that you don't have to copy a real tattoo - you can be inspired by just about anything.
  • Many tattoo shops have galleries of their creations online; you could choose your subject by browsing this exhibition of fantastic creations, plus it will also be fun.
Make a Temporary Tattoo With a Pencil Step 3
Make a Temporary Tattoo With a Pencil Step 3

Step 3. Design your own design to create a one of a kind temporary tattoo

If you want to express your artistic side, design the tattoo inspired only by your imagination and surely you will not find others like it around. Pick one of your favorite designs and scale it down to the right size, or take the time to create something completely new.

Since you will be working with a pencil it will be better to think of a drawing that does not have too many fine or intricate lines, as it would be difficult to highlight them on your skin

Step 4. Before drawing the tattoo on yourself, practice on paper

Most temporary pencil tattoos are done by drawing directly onto the skin, so it will help to perfect the design first! Make a sketch on a sheet of paper and repeat it several times, until you are fully satisfied with the result.

For pencil tattoos you could also trace the design on tracing paper and then transfer it to the skin. The image will be just outlined on your skin and you will have to go over it several times with the pencil, but it will certainly be an easier operation than drawing directly on you

Part 2 of 2: Making the Tattoo

Step 1. Clean the area where you will be drawing with denatured alcohol

Thoroughly clean the skin with a cotton pad soaked in denatured alcohol, this will remove any dirt and grease that could prevent the pencil from marking visibly. Let the alcohol evaporate completely before starting your design.

To make the denatured alcohol dry faster, you can blow on it, but don't dab it with a towel or paper handkerchief

Make a Temporary Tattoo With a Pencil Step 6
Make a Temporary Tattoo With a Pencil Step 6

Step 2. Choose a pencil with a rounded tip

A sharp tip will not leave a very visible mark, plus it could irritate your skin. Take a pencil that you have used before and that you haven't sharpened recently, so that the tip is quite round. If you only have sharp pencils, take one and scribble on a sheet of paper until it is worn out enough.

The wider the tip surface, the sharper the pencil mark will be on the skin

Step 3. Soak the tip of the pencil in warm water for 5 seconds to soften the graphite

Fill a cup with warm water and dip the tip of the pencil in it. You can use a normal HB 2 pencil or you can choose a colored one, you decide.

You will need to dip the tip of the pencil in warm water several times, so try to prepare enough. Use a cup to work more smoothly


do not use a mechanical pencil to make a temporary tattoo. Graphite is not thick enough and will not work.

Step 4. Draw on your arm by wetting the pencil often

The first signs will be barely visible, so you will have to go over each line of the image 10-15 times to make it clearly visible. Don't push too hard so as not to irritate the skin, just wet the pencil and retrace the drawing.

Wet the pencil when the tip becomes dry

Step 5. Add vibrancy to the drawing using colored pencils

You can do the drawing directly with a colored pencil, or you can just use colors to fill in what you have already made. The color won't be as vibrant as on paper, so keep in mind that the end result will be different. Red, green, blue and yellow are the colors that stand out most on the epidermis; always wet the tip in lukewarm water for a better effect.

Even using colored pencils, to make the drawing stand out on the skin you will have to go over each section in the same way as for the regular pencil

Step 6. If you don't want to make the design on the skin, try doing it on a sheet of tracing paper

A temporary tattoo can be made by drawing directly on your arm, but if you want to reproduce a slightly more complicated image, use tracing paper and a pencil. After making the design, place the sheet upside down on your arm, with the drawn part facing the skin. Moisten the back of the sheet with a damp cloth that you will leave on top of the tracing paper for about 30 seconds. When you remove the sheet (gently) you will notice a slight reproduction of the image.

  • If there is text in the tattoo, turn it upside down, so it will be in the right direction when you reproduce it on your skin.
  • You will have to go over the drawing several times with the pencil for it to be clearly visible, but it will still be sketchy, so easier to work with.

Step 7. Spray the liquid patch on the tattoo to make it last longer

When you have finished drawing the tattoo on your skin let it dry completely, then spray the liquid patch on it: it will help prevent smudging and will make it last longer.

  • A tattoo done with a pencil on average lasts 2-3 days, if protected with the liquid patch, otherwise it will fade on the first shower. To make it last as long as possible, avoid touching or rubbing it.
  • If you don't have the liquid patch, you can use hairspray for the same effect.


if you want to remove the temporary tattoo, simply rub a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol over it.
