You have to wear a dress but it is creased and you don't have an iron? It can be quite a problem, especially if you're out of town and need to look decent for a business meeting. Fortunately, when you don't have an iron or it breaks down, there are several ways to get rid of wrinkles in clothing. You have no more excuses to wear wrinkled clothes!
Method 1 of 3: Remove the creases with a heat source

Step 1. Use a hair dryer
You must first moisten the dress for this method to be effective, but do not soak it. It must be slightly damp. Maybe you can use a spray bottle to do this. Then, turn on the hair dryer to the lowest temperature. It is preferable that it has a plastic nozzle to direct the air jet more precisely.
- Keep the hair dryer about 5cm away from the garment so it doesn't get too hot. Otherwise you risk burning or damaging it.
- Before you start, you might as well hang up the rumpled dress. Then, direct the jet of the hair dryer always keeping about 3-5 cm away.

Step 2. Use a hair straightener
Usually, you use it for styling, but you can also use it to iron at least a small part of the garment. It is very effective for reaching those places that are very difficult to iron, such as the collar of a shirt.
- In addition, the soleplate can be closed and held firmly on the garment: this is useful as it allows you to use a more direct heat source than that of the hair dryer.
- Make sure you clean the soleplate before starting. If there are any product residues left, such as hairspray, you risk ruining your clothes. Remember that mousses and other sprays can transfer from the hair to the straightener with each use.
- If you press the plate on a shirt for too long, you risk burning it, so be careful. For this method, avoid the conical curling iron.
Step 3. Try using a saucepan
Get a medium sized one, like the one you use to cook pasta. Fill it with water and bring it to a boil. Drain the water and use the bottom of the pot as if it were an iron.
- The disadvantage of this method? You need to be careful to avoid burning yourself or scorching the garment. Also, you won't have a particularly effective heat source because the pot cools down quite quickly and has a circular shape.
- In any case, it is better to try this method than to wear a wrinkled shirt. It should help you get rid of at least some creases.
Step 4. Place the garment in a dryer
This method is also effective for eliminating wrinkles. Set it to medium temperature and let the dress dry for about 15 minutes. Before putting it in the tumble dryer, it is best to lightly moisten it by sprinkling it with water.
- After taking the garment out of the dryer, hang it up right away so the creases don't re-form. You can also wear it immediately. If you leave it in the tumble dryer for a long time or put it in a laundry basket at the end of the cycle, the wrinkles will likely reappear.
- You could put a couple of ice cubes in the dryer. They will melt and turn into steam - this will help eliminate wrinkles from the garment. Another solution: instead of sprinkling water on the dress, you can put it in the dryer along with a damp sock.
Method 2 of 3: Using Steam to Remove Wrinkles
Step 1. Try the shower method
Open the hot water tap. Close the bathroom door so the steam can't escape. Hang crumpled clothes on the shower rod. In the bathroom there should be no drafts (the smaller the room, the better) - close the windows and block the gap under the door.
- It takes about 15 minutes of steam to get rid of creases, so it's not an immediate method. You also need to make sure the water doesn't wet the dress, so direct the shower head elsewhere.
- Make sure the shower stick is clean so it won't stain the garment. You could hang the dress on the stick itself or on a hanger.
- Keep your clothes as close to the heat source and water as possible, but don't let them get wet. It's not enough to hang them in the bathroom away from the shower head. In order not to waste water, you could try this method just as you wash.
Step 2. Use a kettle
Steam removes creases, so you may want to bring water to a boil in a kettle. Keep the garment about 30 cm away from the spout, otherwise you risk damaging it.
- This method also has another benefit: you can take advantage of it to prepare tea. It is effective for a wrinkled garment in only a few small places.
- If the creased parts are more extensive, it is better to use steam from a hot shower instead.
Method 3 of 3: Use Other Methods to Eliminate Wrinkles
Step 1. Roll or flatten your clothes
You may not be able to use any heat or steam to get rid of creases. Don't worry - you can try rolling or flattening the garment.
- Take the crumpled garment and roll it up tightly and firmly. Imagine making a burrito. Then, leave it under a mattress or other heavy object for about an hour. When you take it off, unroll it - it should have less creases.
- Alternatively, you could flatten it with a damp towel. Place the wrinkled garment on a flat surface. Moisten a towel (if you don't have one available, use a paper towel). Place it on the wrinkled area. Press it. Then, let the dress dry.
- This method will take a little longer, but you should be able to remove a good portion of the creases by smoothing the surface of the towel with your hands.
Step 2. Try an anti-wrinkle spray
You can find crease-eliminating products in well-stocked supermarkets. The dress must be moistened for the product to take effect, but it will eventually remove the wrinkles. Alternatively, you can make one at home. After spraying it, gently pull on the fabric to soften the creases.
- The sprays you find on the market are more effective on cotton-blend clothes. You shouldn't use them on delicate fabrics such as silk, as they may leave water stains. Test the product on a small part of the garment before spraying it all over the surface.
- You could also make a homemade spray with water and a small amount of vinegar. Pour them into a spray bottle and moisten the wrinkled garment with a light splash. If you try vinegar, remember that its smell may remain on the dress.
- You could replace the vinegar with a small amount of fabric softener. Mix it with water. Keep a bottle containing this solution in a desk drawer - you can do a quick touch up before a presentation. It will also come in handy after long car journeys.
- After spraying the spray, it is best to hang the dress to dry. Make sure you moisten it slightly. If you soak it, this method is unlikely to be effective. You could hang the garment outside, although this is preferable for whites, as the sun's rays can fade colors.
- Placing a washcloth impregnated with fabric softener in the dryer prevents static electricity on your clothes. Also, if you choose a good brand of antistatic wipes, your clothes will smell fresh and clean.
- If you can use the iron but have time to only partially iron a shirt or shirt, choose a collar. Being very close to the face, it cannot be ignored. Others would surely notice the creases in this area.
- The shower method requires a lot of experimentation - don't try it with an expensive garment, as it could get wet.
- If you're on the go, hang your clothes on a wall-mounted towel rack to automatically touch up when you shower the next morning. You will also be able to check the condition of the creases, so if they require a lot of touch-ups, you will have time to iron them with the steam of the shower during the night.
- Don't go overboard with methods that require you to pull your clothes, otherwise you risk loosening the fibers.