How to Shave Using Only Razor and Water: 5 Steps

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How to Shave Using Only Razor and Water: 5 Steps
How to Shave Using Only Razor and Water: 5 Steps

Do you want to be able to shave using only a razor and plain water? Whether it's the chin, legs or any other part of the body this article will show you how to do it.


Avoid Blushing at Inappropriate Times Step 06
Avoid Blushing at Inappropriate Times Step 06

Step 1. Wet the area you want to shave with warm water to help open the pores of the skin

Start using your hands, then dip a clean cloth in hot water and place it on the part you want to shave, wait a couple of minutes. Alternatively, immerse the part directly in hot water.

Shave Using Only a Razor and Water Step 02
Shave Using Only a Razor and Water Step 02

Step 2. Moisten the razor with cold water

Cold water improves the effectiveness and durability of the blade, hot water causes the opposite result.

Shave Using Only a Razor and Water Step 03
Shave Using Only a Razor and Water Step 03

Step 3. Make sure you are using a sharp razor

Shave Using Only a Razor and Water Step 04
Shave Using Only a Razor and Water Step 04

Step 4. Start shaving gently

Shave Using Only a Razor and Water Step 05
Shave Using Only a Razor and Water Step 05

Step 5. After shaving, moisten the skin with cold water to help close the pores


  • If possible, shave under running water while in the shower, the result will be better.
  • You can replace normal shaving foam with shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, etc. Even a bar of soap can be effective.
  • This method works best with single-blade razors, especially if they have an emollient strip that activates with water.
  • Make sure your skin is well moistened and be patient, careful and gentle.
  • If you have to cut yourself, apply a small piece of paper to the wound to stop the blood from flowing.
  • It is best to shave after only one day of hair growth. Otherwise you could cause skin pain and irritation despite all the precautions taken.
  • After shaving, apply a moisturizing product to the skin. Alternatively, use the cream instead of the shaving cream, the result will certainly be better.
  • Seed or olive oil you use in cooking is also a good substitute for shaving cream.


  • You could cut yourself.
  • You may irritate the skin.
