How to Get Rid of Mites: 15 Steps

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How to Get Rid of Mites: 15 Steps
How to Get Rid of Mites: 15 Steps

Similar to head lice, mites are skin parasites that feed on dry or infected skin tissues, causing intense itching, pain, embarrassment, and even social distancing from friends and family. Scabies, a severe and painful skin disease, is often directly caused by mites. Other parasites, such as dust mites, are known for the allergies they cause; some can become attached to pets while still others invade the garden and yard. For each type of mite you come across, you need to use a different method to get rid of it. Chemicals can be beneficial to use around the house, but if you apply them to pets or plants they could be extremely harmful.


Method 1 of 2: Getting Rid of Dust Mites

Get Rid of Mites Step 1
Get Rid of Mites Step 1

Step 1. Use the vacuum cleaner often

Dust mites, the most common species found in homes, can easily be eliminated simply by using a vacuum cleaner. These parasites infiltrate and cling to fabrics, mostly in carpeting, fabric furniture, and sometimes clothing. Regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or washing the fabrics solves the problem and alleviates this simple "headache".

Get Rid of Mites Step 2
Get Rid of Mites Step 2

Step 2. Protect the bed

The place in the house with the highest concentration of dust mites is probably the bed; these little insects get trapped in the mattress and on the pillows, leaving feces in their path. Protect the bed by lining the mattress and pillows with mite covers. This blocks them on the outside and prevents the dust formed by their residues from accumulating.

Get Rid of Mites Step 3
Get Rid of Mites Step 3

Step 3. Keep the fabrics clean

Bedding is the area where these annoying insects are most likely to settle, even if they are strongly present in all types of fabrics. You should aim to wash all the fabrics in the house (sheets, pillow cases, curtains, blankets, etc.) once every 1-2 weeks. Set a wash cycle with the hottest water the fabric can handle to kill any dust mites that may be present.

Get Rid of Mites Step 4
Get Rid of Mites Step 4

Step 4. Dust often

It may seem obvious, but dust mites tend to accumulate right in the dust. Therefore, make sure that the environment in which you live is as clean as possible by dusting all objects and knick-knacks often and thoroughly. Use a damp cloth or plain cloth to prevent mite waste and allergens from rising into the air. If you are allergic to dust mites, wear a mask while dusting to avoid breathing in irritants.

Get Rid of Mites Step 5
Get Rid of Mites Step 5

Step 5. Reduce the humidity

You should create an environment that is hostile to the proliferation of these parasites. Mites usually like to live in very humid and hot environments, so use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity level in the house no higher than 50%. Eventually you can also turn on the air conditioner to keep the house cool, another valid deterrent against these insects.

Get Rid of Mites Step 6
Get Rid of Mites Step 6

Step 6. Replace the preferred environments for dust mites

If mites are really a problem in your home and you are willing to spend some money, you can make changes to make the environment hostile to these pests. Replace the carpet with hardwood floors or tiles and remove as much fabric as you can. Use a mattress with synthetic filling instead of natural fiber and remove the curtains.

Get Rid of Mites Step 7
Get Rid of Mites Step 7

Step 7. Install a mite filter

Keep mites out of your home permanently by installing filters in your vacuum cleaner and air vents. HEPA filters capture mites and related debris that pass through them, preventing them from re-entering your home.

Get Rid of Mites Step 8
Get Rid of Mites Step 8

Step 8. Freeze the mites

If you have some items that you can't wash, but you think they may be full of mites or their residues, you can put them in the freezer for 24 hours. This way you can kill the bugs and make the subsequent cleaning process easier.

Get Rid of Mites Step 9
Get Rid of Mites Step 9

Step 9. Use an insecticide

As a last resort, you can consider using an insecticide inside the home to kill any dust mites. Choose a product that indicates on the package that it is specific for mites or that in any case these are among the main parasites affected, or hire a professional to come to your home to eliminate the infestation. Keep in mind that using a spray insecticide could leave a bad smell in your home or create other discomfort.

Method 2 of 2: Getting Rid of Other Types of Mites

Get Rid of Mites Step 10
Get Rid of Mites Step 10

Step 1. Get rid of your pet's ear mites

Use an ear dropper and fill it with a petroleum-derived oil to get rid of ear mites. These are extremely unsightly parasites, which usually settle in the ears of dogs or cats more often than they do in humans. Get a standard earwax dropper from your pharmacy and fill it with mineral oil. Apply it all over your pet's ear, in the ear canal and in the auricle.

Keep your pet outside during this time to prevent oil from leaking from his ears and ending up on furniture or carpet

Get Rid of Mites Step 11
Get Rid of Mites Step 11

Step 2. Treat scabies mites

Apply a sulfur-based lotion all over your body if you have scabies. Most experts recommend over-the-counter medications containing lindane, as it is a low-toxic substance. Pure sulfur is also effective, but it is more difficult to obtain and smells very bad. Make sure you take a thorough and thorough shower before applying. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using any products you choose, as some of these scabies treatments require a prescription due to their toxicity.

Get Rid of Mites Step 12
Get Rid of Mites Step 12

Step 3. Kill the spider mites

Introduce the predators of these mites to your garden if you have an infestation. Spider mites (such as spider mites) feed on the vegetation of gardens and lawns, killing lots of plants. You can purchase a small colony of predators, which actually prove beneficial to your garden habitat. Eventually you can decide to use chemical treatments, even if in this way you can compromise the health of your vegetation; mite predators are definitely an easy non-toxic alternative.

Get Rid of Mites Step 13
Get Rid of Mites Step 13

Step 4. Get rid of the red mites

These insects can be found indoors or outdoors and are carried by birds. The only way to really get rid of it is to use insecticides, but this method is best done by a professional exterminator. Move the bird nests that are near the house and cut back the branches of the trees near the house itself. If mites have infested a farm, such as with chickens, you need to replace all nesting materials and add fresh garlic to their drinking water.

Get Rid of Mites Step 14
Get Rid of Mites Step 14

Step 5. Minimize clover mite infestations

These are small reddish-brown parasites and are not a real threat to humans or animals. However, if their presence creates discomfort, you can kill them by mixing borax with hot water and spraying the solution on the areas where you see them. This way you kill them and prevent them from adding more to "feast" in your garden.

Get Rid of Mites Step 15
Get Rid of Mites Step 15

Step 6. Increase the number of spiders on your property

The last thing some people might want is to voluntarily bring spiders into their home or garden. However, spiders are a natural enemy of mites and they hunt them down to eat them. The presence of spiders on your property guarantees you constant control of the mite population and will avoid infestations. Therefore, don't kill them when you see them in or around your home.


  • Insecticides kill all types of mites, but they can be harmful in the home. Therefore try to use them only as a last resort.
  • Create barriers by spraying insecticides all around the house to prevent new infestations from occurring in the future.
