Fish traps are used to catch bait fish to be used for sea fishing. They are legal when used to catch "non-sport fishing" fish, such as catfish and sucker fish. Here you will find instructions for building a simple trap.

Step 1. Decide on the measurements based on the type and size of the fish you want to catch
Minnows can be caught in traps with a diameter of 30 cm and a length of 60 cm. Instead fish like catfish, carp and sucker fish need larger traps.

Step 2. Choose a trap shape
Many are rectangular with 1: 2: 4 aspect ratio measurements for height, width, and length. The cylindrical ones are fine if there is no current in the sea that makes them roll and dirty.

Step 3. Choose the material with which you will build the trap
In Alabama for example, where catfish are traditionally caught, the most sophisticated traps are built by craftsmen using white oak, woven with galvanized steel or copper wire. As this procedure takes a lot of time and experience, we will focus on building a trap with wire mesh or hexagonal wire mesh. The choice now consists of the size of the mesh, determined by the size of the fish. For bait fish, a galvanized steel net with a mesh of about 6 or 12 mm is fine. For sucker fish and carp, hexagonal wire nets are inexpensive.

Step 4. Cut the metal mesh or mesh
It needs to be large enough to fold into a box shape and overlap for the top seam. For a 30x121cm trap, you will need a metal mesh plate 183cm long and 121cm wide.

Step 5. Mark the fabric along the width of the trap:
30 cm, 91 cm, 121 cm and 182 cm. For length, use 90 degree bent lumber on each mark and form a box. Tie the last corner with plastic or metal wires.

Step 6. Cut another 30x60cm piece of wire mesh to finish the box and fasten it with the same material you used to sew the box in the previous step

Step 7. With the wire mesh, form a funnel that you will need to close the box
The opening of the funnel must be large enough to allow the fish to swim inside and tapered towards the inside of the box. Tie this part with wire that you will untie when you need to remove or free the fish.

Step 8. Put a "net" for onions or fruit filled with bait inside the trap
To make it sink, also put a large stone or piece of brick. Insert the funnel and the trap is ready to be set.

Step 9. With a tight knot, tie a rope to the trap, so you will be able to pull it out of the water to control it
Place the trap where you want to fish and make it sink.

Step 10. When you decide to check the trap, take it out slowly and carefully
You never know what might be inside.
- If you decide not to use it anymore, do not abandon the trap in the sea. Remember to remove it from the water and throw it away when you no longer need it.
- Check the trap daily to make sure there are no animals such as turtles, otters or other predators that got stuck or damaged the trap.
- Use bait suitable for the type of fish you want to catch. Common trap baits are: rabbit or cat food balls, cottonseed cakes, cornbread, and Limburger cheese.
- Use a fairly rigid metal net that allows you to form the trap as you wish and that still remains of that specific shape even with weight or fish inside.
- Find out and make a note of where you are going to set the trap. Some jurisdictions will allow you to use it, but with specific licenses or after trapping your details such as name, address and telephone number.
- The laws vary according to the size of the traps, the licenses required and the breeds of fish that can be caught. Ask about the applicable laws in the area where you would like to fish from the local sport fishing division.