Making a hook rug is fun and relaxing. There are many simple and complex models to choose from. Make your own rug, cushion or wall decor by following these simple steps.
Step 1. Buy the kit
It should contain:
A3_950 Hook
- Scraps of thread
A1_89 A rigid canvas
A2_628 Instruction sheet
Step 2. Read the instructions for the carpet
Learn the symbols represented by the colors in the table.
Step 3. Sort the balls by color
Step 4. Start making the carpet
- Start at the bottom left corner, or right if you are left handed, and cut a strip of the first color.
A4a_302 Fold the thread around the base of the hook, under the hanging thread.
A4b_637 -
A4c_732 Latch_hook004 Push the hook under the canvas bar at the bottom of the first square so that the thread passes under the canvas and comes out from above again.
A4d_865 Latch_hook006 A4e_597 Latch_hook005 A4f_511 Latch_hook007 Take the ends of the loop and put them over the canvas bar, through the latch and under the actual hook.
Latch_hook008 A4g_856 Step 5. Secure the thread and press with the hook handle to push the ends of the thread under the canvas bar, through the original loop
The thread should be securely attached to the canvas with a slipknot (called a wolf's mouth).
Step 6. Continue like this for the entire row, paying attention to the colors of the pattern
A5_204 Step 7. Proceed row by row until it is complete
- After completing the rows, check for any loose knots and tighten them. It is easier to spot them by looking at the rug upside down.
- If you go wrong with the colors, untie the knots and correct the mistake.
- Avoid the temptation to complete the canvas by color rather than by file. It will be difficult to use the hook in areas where the knots have already been tied. From bottom to top, row by row is the easiest way.
- To avoid rough edges, use masking tape.
- You can also start the rug from the center and work outwards.
Image Not all kits include a "background" color. You may need extra thread clippings. Available in all tailors.