Being able to relax may not be easy. Letting go, doing nothing and relaxing should be easy, but in the fast paced modern world it can become a challenge. While there is no 100% safe solution, there are multiple quick and easy execution techniques that can help you feel centered, calm, and tension-free.
Part 1 of 3: Relax and Eliminate Stress

Step 1. Have a snack to relieve stress
When it comes to food, your choices can work for or against your body and mind. It turns out that some foods support our brain by pushing it to release some hormones capable of making us feel well-being. Here are some you can experiment with:
- Mango. This tropical fruit is rich in linalool, a substance known to reduce cortisol levels (an annoying hormone that causes our sense of stress).
- Dark chocolate. About 30g of dark chocolate is said to help calm the nerves and start stabilizing metabolism levels.
- Chewing gum. The act of chewing repeatedly can help fight anxiety and stress, thereby driving away any negative moods.
- Complex carbohydrates, such as bread and whole grains. Apparently all carbohydrates cause the brain to produce serotonin (no wonder humans love them so much). Serotonin is one of the brain chemicals responsible for our happiness. For the health of your body, choose to eat only whole and complex carbohydrates.
- Something crunchy. Research suggests that stressed individuals often crave crunchy foods, possibly for reasons related to the urge to chew (as discussed above, chewing fights anxiety). To keep food cravings and stress at bay, nibble on dried fruit, celery or toasted wholemeal bread.

Step 2. Listen to your favorite song
Of course only in case it is relaxing. Studies have confirmed that listening to soothing music can help reduce perceived blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels. In fact, it doesn't have to be relaxing music per se, as long as it is for you. So if it's metal music that calms you down, rock!
Dancing certainly can't hurt you. Not only is dance a great cardio workout, there is scientific evidence to support its ability to reduce anxiety. So jump up on the bed and start moving for the good of your body and mind

Step 3. Read a good book or write in your journal
While keeping a diary may not seem like a good idea, you need to review your opinions: recent studies have found that writing down your concerns helps us to get rid of them and feel more confident, thus improving our results. for example during an exam. The idea of writing in a journal might make you feel tense rather than relaxed, but after doing so you will find that you feel much better.
If in your opinion this is not a relaxing or worthwhile activity, then simply try to unwind by reading a good book. If it contains multiple funny situations, even better. While if you are looking for something more constructive, try crosswords to distract your mind from stress

Step 4. Try aromatherapy
It has been used for centuries because it is effective: the reassuring fragrances of aromatherapy propagate in our olfactory system and in our brain, taking over from anxiety and stress. The simple scent of one of the fragrances can bring a sense of calm and well-being to the whole body.
Rose, bergamot, lavender, orange, lemon, and sandalwood are all good options. However, you can choose any fragrance of your choice, as long as you like it

Step 5. Sip a cup of tea or herbal tea
Did you know that chamomile, passion flower and green tea have an anti-stress effect? That's right. They have been found to reduce anger and even counter depression. Therefore, the next time you are about to order coffee, replace it with a cup of tea or herbal tea.
Science also confirms that honey can fight anxiety and improve mood. If you're not a fan of unsweetened teas and herbal teas, try sweetening them with a teaspoon of honey to get the maximum benefit possible
Part 2 of 3: Finding Inner Calm

Step 1. Meditate
Did you know that just five minutes of daily meditation can begin to relieve the symptoms of stress and depression? Just five minutes. So why not give it a try? All you need to do is find a calm and relaxing place, and then start focusing on your breathing. We all love simple things don't we? Here is one.
More and more doctors are starting to recommend meditation to anyone who wishes to combat stress, anxiety, depression and even chronic pain. We all suffer from one of these conditions. And it is not at all necessary to sit cross-legged on the top of a mountain. Externally or internally, lying or sitting, the important thing is to concentrate, nothing more

Step 2. Follow your breath
Maybe actual meditation isn't for you, but what about the simple act of following your breath? It has even been shown to reduce blood pressure, fight stress, and trigger feelings of calm and relaxation. Here's how to get started:
- "Square breathing" (Sama vritti pranayama) or inhalation and exhalation in times of equal duration. Start by inhaling slowly for a count of four, then exhale slowly for the same amount of time. Once you are familiar with the technique, you can begin to inhale and exhale for equal and longer times, for example counting to five, six, seven and eight, always slowly.
- Another popular technique is to perform deep breaths with the diaphragm. Place one hand on your stomach and slowly inhale through your nose, lifting your stomach and not your chest. Aim for six to ten deep breaths per minute, for 10 minutes per day.

Step 3. Visualize your happy place
Sometimes all we need is to mentally distance ourselves from our surroundings. A good way to get away from the moment, calm our nerves and center ourselves is the use of visualization. Just close your eyes and imagine a place that can make you happy. Use each of your senses. How is the air over there? Do you perceive any odors in particular?
Or give space to creativity with "creative visualization." In this case you will see an event and not a place that makes you feel good. For example, imagine that the celebrity of your dreams knocks on your door to ask you to marry. After accepting immediately you will embrace him for a long time with all your love. Now it's all about deciding where to spend the honeymoon

Step 4. Create your space
The brain tends to associate places with feelings. For this reason, for example, it is advisable not to take work to bed. But sometimes the effect can be positive, like when you are able to associate a place with relaxation, transforming it into your place or your zen area. When you need to calm down, you can go to that place for your brain to automatically relax.
It doesn't matter whether it's a chair in a corner accompanied by a scent of incense or a room filled with gold and burgundy cushions. If it works for you and your brain, it's the perfect place

Step 5. Get in touch with nature
How relaxing can a small office or a cluttered room really be? Human beings have invented great things, but none of this can rival the feeling we get when we are in nature. If life makes you stressed, get out. Go for a walk, play with your dog or just lie in the grass and let it absorb (when was the last time you did?). There is something about the natural world that can induce a sense of majestic stillness, and allow us to breathe with a little more ease.
Deciding to get in touch with nature on a daily basis is a really good idea (you need vitamin D), so include it in your daily routine. If possible, exercise outdoors, walk or work in the yard, your mind will thank you

Step 6. Orientated and centered
If you are feeling noticeably stressed, you may not be focused on the present moment. To distract yourself from your mind and step into a more tangible reality, start orienting and centering yourself.
- To orient yourself, realize where you are. Where are you? What time is it? What is the weather like? If you were in a novel, how would the author describe the scenario? Doing so will distract you from your mind and insert you into the world around you, which is free from stress and worry.
- Once you have oriented yourself, center yourself. This means getting in harmony with your senses. How do you feel the shirt on your back? Are your feet in contact with the floor? Do you hate or smell anything in particular? This exercise will help you notice what is happening that you weren't thinking about at all, and will center your brain on a different set of stimuli.
Part 3 of 3: Releasing Body Tensions

Step 1. Get a massage (or do it yourself)
You probably don't have a personal massage therapist (don't worry, most of us do), so why not give yourself a few moments to massage your hand yourself. Why do this? It can calm a racing heart and provide an immediate feeling of relaxation. We constantly use our hands without ever realizing how much work our muscles do (especially on the computer). A little muscle relaxation can also lead to a more relaxed mind.
If you have the money and time to do it, treat yourself to a full-body massage performed by a professional. It could be the key to your inner Zen zone and allow you to maintain a sense of peace. Focusing on your body and muscles will distract your mind from worries, helping to forget about your stressors

Step 2. Try progressive relaxation
Another method to take control of your breathing and muscles and to relax your mind is the use of progressive muscle relaxation. Start by lying down and breathing easily, letting yourself be pervaded by the present moment. Shift your focus to your toes and relax them completely. Once relaxed, shift your attention to your ankles. Slowly and gradually move towards the upper part of the body, until you focus on each part, however small it may be, thanking her for doing her duty. When you finally reach the tip of your nose, you will have achieved a state of such relaxation that you don't want to get up again.
You will also be able to try progressive relaxation through breathing. In this case, you will begin to focus on your slow, rhythmic breathing. After that, as you exhale, you will let go of a portion of your tensions. Breathe in regularly focusing only on your breath, and let go of an extra portion of your tensions during the next exhalation. With each exhalation, more and more tension will be released, and you will feel more and more relaxed

Step 3. Try acupuncture
It is not easy to perform an effective self-massage, especially when dealing with parts of the body that are difficult to reach, such as the shoulders or back. You can then choose to try acupuncture, a kind of tactile massage that can release tension. Each of us is equipped with pressure points which, when stimulated, favor the balance of our fluids and stabilize our energies, inducing feelings of relaxation.
Give it a try by simply trying to press the portion of skin between your index finger and thumb. Squeeze it for 5 seconds and then release it. Do you feel your tensions dissolve when you release it?

Step 4. Do some yoga or stretching
Both yoga and stretching have been shown to reduce stress levels, facilitating relaxation. Because? When you perform one of these activities, you focus on your body, your balance and your breath, in each case distracting you from the material world that worries you so much and transporting you to a world of calm.
The Viparita Karani yoga posture, or wall leg pose, is among the yoga postures known for their particular effectiveness. It is practically self-explanatory, with your buttocks against a wall, supported by some blanket, lift your legs right above you. Hold the position for 5 minutes before loosening it
- Correct posture allows you to breathe better.
- Get out in the fresh air. You will feel refreshed and lightened in spirit.