Keeping bread fresh can be a difficult task for those who wish to keep it as long as possible. To prevent the bread from getting moldy, you need to learn how to store it in the right way. Read on to find out how.

Step 1. Store the bread in a dark place at room temperature

Step 2. Keep it from getting wet
- Humidity contributes to the growth of molds. Keep the bread dry, being careful not to transfer the water from your hands to the food.
- If you bought the bread in the store, keep it in the original plastic packaging. The plastic prevents the accumulation of moisture inside the package.

Step 3. Buy a bread basket
It is a container that allows you to keep it cool and dry, as well as guaranteeing a dark environment. Purchase one made of metal, wood, or clay, as these are the best materials for storage

Step 4. If possible, choose wholemeal bread
It is a healthier alternative to white bread. In addition to the fact that it is rich in nutrients, it appears to be less prone to mold than the white one

Step 5. Evaluate the idea of freezing it
- The freezing process extends the "edible" life of the bread as it stops the growth of mold. However, remember that the bread will not stay fresh indefinitely. Frozen bread loses its natural moisture and good flavor over time.
- Avoid freezing damage by wrapping the loaf in aluminum foil and then in a plastic freezer bag.

Step 6. If you cook your own bread, use the sourdough in the recipe
Mother yeast keeps bread fresh longer because its chemical composition prevents mold and prevents food from becoming stale. When you prepare bread with mother yeast, make sure that the dough rises slowly

Step 7. Add ingredients that contain oil to your homemade bread
The oils found in the ingredients of traditional recipes (such as butter, milk and eggs) have a positive effect on the shelf life of the bread
- Stale bread is still edible when heated in the oven. Baking old bread a second time gives it back its original flavor, but it's a one-time-only trick.
- To defrost frozen bread, simply remove it from the freezer and leave it at room temperature for at least an hour.
- When you freeze a sliced loaf of bread, consider placing sheets of wax paper between each slice before placing them in the freezer. Very low temperatures could cause the slices to stick together, while wax paper allows you to only take one or two at a time without damaging the rest of the loaf.
- Place the bread in the freezer within 3 days of the purchase date to maximize the time you can eat it.