How to Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers

Table of contents:

How to Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers
How to Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers

You can add up a series of consecutive odd numbers by hand, but there is a much easier method of doing this, especially if you have a lot of digits to add up. Once you learn a simple formula, you will be able to add up these numbers very quickly without using a calculator. Also there is a very easy way to calculate which consecutive numbers give a specific sum.


Part 1 of 3: Applying the Formula for Summing a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 1
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 1

Step 1. Choose an end point

Before starting, you need to decide what will be the last consecutive issue in the series. This formula can help you add any series of consecutive odd numbers, starting with 1.

If you have a task, this number will be assigned to you. For example, if a problem asks you to find the sum of all consecutive odd numbers between 1 and 81, the final number is 81

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 2
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 2

Step 2. Add 1

The next step is to simply add 1 to the final number. You should get an even number, which is crucial for the next step.

For example, if the final number is 81, 81 + 1 = 82

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 3
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 3

Step 3. Divide by 2

Once you have an even number, you should divide it by 2. You will get an odd value equal to the number of digits added together.

For example, 82/2 = 41

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 4
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 4

Step 4. Square the sum

The last step is to calculate the square of the number, or multiply it by itself. Once done, you will get the result.

For example, 41 x 41 = 1681. This means that the sum of all consecutive odd numbers between 1 and 81 is 1681

Part 2 of 3: Understanding How the Formula Works

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 5
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 5

Step 1. Observe the repeating pattern

The secret to understanding this formula is to recognize the underlying pattern. The sum of any series of consecutive odd numbers starting from 1 is always equal to the square of the number of digits added together.

  • Sum of the first odd number = 1.
  • Sum of the first two odd numbers = 1 + 3 = 4 (= 2 x 2).
  • Sum of the first three odd numbers = 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 (= 3 x 3).
  • Sum of the first four odd numbers = 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16 (= 4 x 4).
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 6
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 6

Step 2. Understand the partial data

By solving this problem, you learned more than the sum of the numbers. You also figured out how many consecutive digits were added: 41! This is because the number of digits added together is always equal to the square root of the sum.

  • The sum of the first odd number = 1. The square root of 1 is 1 and only one number has been added.
  • The sum of the first two odd numbers = 1 + 3 = 4. The square root of 4 is 2 and two digits have been added together.
  • The sum of the first three odd numbers = 1 + 3 + 5 = 9. The square root of 9 is 3 and three digits have been added together.
  • The sum of the first four odd numbers = 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16. The square root of 16 is 4 and four digits have been added.
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 7
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 7

Step 3. Generalize the formula

Once you understand the formula and how it works, you can write it in an applicable format regardless of the numbers you are dealing with. The formula for calculating the sum of the first odd numbers is n x n or n squared.

  • For example, if you substitute 41 a, you would have 41 x 41, or 1681, which is the sum of the first 41 odd numbers.
  • If you don't know how many numbers you are dealing with, the formula for determining the sum between 1 and is (1/2 (+ 1))2.

Part 3 of 3: Determine Which Consecutive Odd Numbers Give a Certain Sum

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 8
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 8

Step 1. Learn the differences between the two types of problems

If you are given a series of consecutive odd numbers and asked to calculate their sum, you should use the equation (1/2 (+ 1))2. If, on the other hand, you are assigned a sum and you are asked to find the series of consecutive odd numbers that compose it, you must use a different formula.

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 9
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 9

Step 2. Match n to the first number

To find out which consecutive odd numbers give a specific sum, you need to create an algebraic formula. Start by using to represent the first number in the sequence.

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 10
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 10

Step 3. Write the remaining numbers in relation to n

You need to determine how to write the other numbers in the sequence relative to. Since these are consecutive odd numbers, the difference between two successive numbers will always be 2.

This means that the second number in the series will be + 2, the third + 4, etc

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 11
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 11

Step 4. Complete the formula

Once you know how to represent all the numbers in the series, it's time to write the formula. The left part must represent the numbers of the series, the right part their sum.

For example, if you are asked to find a series of two consecutive odd numbers whose sum equals 128, you should write + + 2 = 128

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 12
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 12

Step 5. Simplify the equation

If there is more than one term with on the left side, add them together. This will make it much easier to fix the problem.

For example, + + 2 = 128 simplifies to 2n + 2 = 128.

Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 13
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 13

Step 6. Island n

The last step in solving the equation is to isolate one side of the equation. Remember that any changes you make on one side of the equation must be repeated on the other side as well.

  • Solve addition and subtraction first. In this case you have to subtract 2 from both sides of the equation to get it alone, then 2n = 126.
  • Move on to multiplications and divisions. In this case you have to divide both sides of the equation by 2, if you want to isolate, then = 63.
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 14
Add a Sequence of Consecutive Odd Numbers Step 14

Step 7. Write your answer

At this point you know that = 63, but you are not done yet. You need to make sure you fully answer the question that has been asked of you. If you are asked which series of consecutive odd numbers gives a certain sum, you have to write down all the numbers that make it up.

  • The answer to this problem is 63 and 65, because = 63 and + 2 = 65.
  • It is always a good idea to check the solution by substituting the numbers in the equation. If you don't get the desired amount as a result, try doing the math again.
