Tumblr is a great tool for becoming famous on the internet, especially when you know how to attract and keep followers. But how do you achieve that elusive and coveted fame on Tumblr? Go to Step 1 for tips on how to become famous on Tumblr!
Part 1 of 2: Learning the Tumblr Basics

Step 1. Choose a catchy username
You will need to choose a username that people can remember, so try to avoid using a bunch of numbers (like tiziorock555666.tumblr.com) because people won't remember or be attracted to it.
If you can, choose a quirky username, something that would make people wonder what it means, or be related to your Tumblr theme. For example, if it's a Teen Wolf fan blog, use something that references your favorite element (if Allison is your favorite character, write a username that is linked to her), if you're interested in mythology, use a username with a mythological style (especially something less known, so there is less chance that someone has already chosen it as a username)

Step 2. Choose a Tumblr theme
This step has a number of subways in it, because you will need to choose a specific theme for your Tumblr (the way the blog looks) and also what it will specifically cover.
- You can create your own theme if you want to be truly unique, but you need to know some HTML. Try to make one that matches the content you plan to post on your Tumblr in general. If it's cool or interesting enough, other people will want to use it. You can make it available to others if you want.
- Try rethinking your username. Do you want to create a fandom blog, a fashion blog, a social justice blog? Having a personal blog is fine, but you won't have as many followers as you might have with a Tumblr with a specific theme.

Step 3. Learn the difference between reblog and repost
Reposting is usually considered stealing, as all you do is upload someone else's original content. While the reblog shows the origin of the post, usually linked to the artist, who made the-g.webp
- Reposting isn't a nice thing, so if you upload content, make sure it's original, especially if you want to become famous on Tumblr. Reposted content will only favor their creators.
- Do not repost content from other sites. A lot of content is stolen from their creators, this kind of behavior won't make you very famous.

Step 4. Learn to organize tags
If you manage to tag properly you will be able to get a lot of support and you will get noticed for the content you post on your Tumblr. If you tag a post, people who follow that type of tag will see the post. If they are interested enough, they might add it to their favorite content or reblog it, and if their blog has similar content they might start following you.
- You can use a lot of tags, they work like this: if you have a lot of similar content on your Tumblr, you can create specific tags and reuse them for each post you publish (for example, if you post a lot of content about Star Trek - The Original Series, you can create a specific tag). When a holiday approaches, many people place specific tags (for example, Halloween).
- Remember to be careful when entering tags. If you are interested in particular pairings (relationships between two characters, usually romantic) and there are rival pairings (relationship between a character that you have chosen and another, different one), do not start writing posts about how much you hate that pairing by entering yours. tag. You won't make many friends and you won't attract many followers with this method.

Step 5. Learn the basics of following
Following basically means following another Tumblr. You can follow each other, he follows you and you follow him, or you can follow someone even if he doesn't reciprocate, or someone can follow you without you following him back.
- People who tend to have a lot of followers often don't start following you right away if you follow them. Does nothing. If you get to know them, interact with them and talk to them, they will be more inclined to follow you as well.
- Follow Tumblrs that post content similar to yours, or that are part of your chosen niche. You will be able to fit into that niche more easily and you will begin to recognize the most famous people in it.
Part 2 of 2: Getting Famous on Tumblr

Step 1. Find yourself a niche
Even if some personal Tumblrs become famous, they are usually those of already famous authors, actors or artists. Even some fanfiction writers can become popular based on the stories they have written and manage to maintain a very popular personal blog (although they tend to reblog and post content about specific fandoms).
- Think about your interests: Your blog can be about dance, photography, art, writing, social justice, various fandoms (books, films, TV series, etc.). Each of these plays a very different part on Tumblr, so you'll have to choose the one you like best if you want to become famous on this site.
- Some examples of Tumblr that have become very popular: ilpopolodellaretenonperdona.tumblr.com, serially.tumblr.com, foodopia.tumblr.com, instructionsperluso.tumblr.com, oldloves.tumblr.com, twitterthecomic.tumblr.com. You will notice that Tumblrs like these have specific themes and tend to generate original content (so that others will reblog them).

Step 2. Pay attention to who gets famous on Tumblr
Look around and notice people in your niche who have a lot of followers and are continually being reblog. What is their theme? How do they interact with followers?
- Pay attention to the posts they make. Are there many posts with texts (invectives on social justice, self-referential content on a television series, poems)? Are they funny (humor can increase popularity)? If there is text in these posts, is it long and wordy or short and direct? The type of post most followed depends solely on the niche you decide to follow.
Step 3. Talk to famous people on Tumblr
Especially with the famous ones in your niche. Don't just ask them to advertise, ask them questions and connect with them on a personal level. Quite often, famous people on Tumblr post small polls running on the site about who their favorite characters are, who they first kissed or what food they eat most often. This is a good way to get to know and get to know them.
- Before doing so, read their FAQ page (Most Common Questions) to see which type of behavior is most appropriate. They may not like advertising requests (it is not nice to contact a person just for this) and they may put the answers to the most recurring questions and to which they no longer want to answer.
- Once you've established some friendship with them, you may want to ask them to take a look at certain aspects of your blog and advertise it to their followers. This is especially good if you have something specific in mind (write fan fiction, or poetry, or are just starting to try a new fashion). If you are polite and specific, they will have no problem advertising you.
Be Tumblr Famous Step 9 Step 4. Advertise
It's hard to do it right, but it can help you gain more followers and more notoriety, even if it can irritate people, so do it with caution. In general, advertising means getting promoted by someone on their Tumblr, you can also advertise their Tumblr in exchange. You need to aim to get promoted by someone who has a lot of followers within your chosen niche.
- An advertising exchange (p4p) happens when you promote someone on your blog, and he in turn promotes you on his. The nicest thing about this method is that his followers and yours only see one blog, and they don't have to look for you in a list of advertised blogs. Of course, if the person you're promoting doesn't have a lot of followers you won't have much success with this technique.
- A double exchange is like a normal one, only two people reciprocate. If you follow both, you have a chance to get advertised by both of them, and that can be a good thing, because you get to be known by potentially more followers.
- It can also happen that you are the one being advertised without having to advertise the other one in turn. It happens when you are friends with someone who has a famous Tumblr and talks about you on their blog, or recommends you to their followers.
Be Tumblr Famous Step 10 Step 5. Make original posts
One of the keys to becoming famous on Tumblr is having an original blog. It may sound trivial, but it is. The posts that are shared the most on Tumblr are the original ones, which is why everyone likes to reblog them. You need to make original posts that address the subject of your niche.
- You can make original posts by writing something. For example, you can write about a book, a television series, if that's what your niche is about, or criticize poor literature. This means expressing your opinions for others to see. It can be scary, but even if people don't share your ideas, they may still talk about it and other people may see and get excited about them (that doesn't mean you have to go around posting racist or sexist content. it's just my opinion "be polite).
- Learn to make.gifs, especially if you are in a fandom. People will take an interest in the jobs you create, rather than the reblogs of other Tumblrs on your page, and they will reblog them. Some may even ask you to make.gifs if you're good enough.
- Post personal creations, in any form: drawings, photographs, creative writing (fan fiction also counts). You will spread your work and make sure that Tumblr always has original content.
Be Tumblr Famous Step 11 Step 6. Be consistent
Consistency is another key to becoming famous on Tumblr. Even when the most famous people can't blog, they set up a queue, it means that even if they're not there, the blog continues to share new content.
Make sure you respond to people, especially since if you interact with more people you become famous faster and start collecting a lot of followers
Be Tumblr Famous Step 12 Step 7. Be patient
There is no way to become famous on Tumblr overnight, except by accident (there are some people who became famous for posts that were shared by everyone, but then fell back into oblivion). Strengthen relationships with other people and you will start to have more and more followers.
Remember that many people who are famous on Tumblr today have been on that site for many years and have taken the time to build up a lot of followers and learn how things work
- Try to stay active and add posts to your queue. This way your Tumblr will always be up to date.
- Post / reblog to express yourself! You don't have to post a certain type of content just to validate yourself.
- You can try to follow the examples of famous people on Tumblr for inspiration, but don't copy anyone. Stay true to yourself if you want to become famous on Tumblr!
- Do not rush. Many people have had to wait years to become famous on Tumblr!
- Don't expect to become famous on Tumblr in no time. For many people, Tumblr's fame comes after a while. You will have to dedicate a lot of time to your Tumblr if you want to become famous.
- Look for a blog that deals with the same themes as yours and follow its followers, they could follow you in turn and put your images as favorites.
- You can always make friends on Tumblr! People really like receiving messages from others. They will be very happy to thank you publicly. These types of thanks are very useful if the people you contact have a lot of followers.
- Sometimes becoming famous takes time, energy and resources. Always ask yourself if it's worth it.
- As you become more famous, many trolls and many hate emails will creep into your messages (regardless of your attitude and how you address people). The best way to deal with this is with humor. Post their comments with a funny-g.webp" />