How to get used to driving on the left: 6 steps

How to get used to driving on the left: 6 steps
How to get used to driving on the left: 6 steps

Table of contents:


Changing the side of the road when driving is not as difficult as it sounds but requires a high degree of attention from you!


Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 1
Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 1

Step 1. Realize that you will have to sit on the opposite side of the car from the one you are used to

This takes time, probably the same 21 days it takes to change a habit! You may find yourself going to the passenger side to open the car; go back to the right side of the car every time and in the end it will be automatic.

Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 2
Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 2

Step 2. Realize that the shift knob requires you to use the opposite hand

If you can, drive a car with an automatic transmission so you don't have to worry about that too. If, on the other hand, the gearbox is manual, you will have to pay attention to the position of the hand and use the one you have never used before to change gears. Best to practice standing still until you feel comfortable.

Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 3
Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 3

Step 3. Remember to keep to the left side of the road when driving

It will probably be the hardest thing on empty and silent streets. When there are other cars on the road, it will be quite obvious where you should be driving, but your mind may get distracted when you are tired and not focused, causing you to return to driving on the right side out of habit. Always be alert, alert and do not drive if you are tired.

Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 4
Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 4

Step 4. Learn to turn in the opposite direction

Even if it seems strange at first, you will get used to entering traffic on the right, instead of on the left. You get there with a lot of practice.

Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 5
Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 5

Step 5. Learn to turn left

Turning left means making a corner instead of entering the street at the intersection, but remember that cars that turn right will also enter your street. In some places, you have to give way to cars turning right, which can be challenging when pedestrians are also crossing the road. This is one of those cases where you need to know the local traffic laws.

Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 6
Adjust to Driving a Car on the Left Side of the Road Step 6

Step 6. Enjoy your ambidextrous driving

After a while, driving on the opposite side of the road will become a second skin for you, just like the original driving. It's great if you travel a lot because it means you can switch driving sides without thinking for a second.


  • You will make a lot of mistakes with the turn signals and wipers. Don't worry, do a shrug and try again!
  • Be prepared for a strange sensation when you start parking backwards on the opposite side of the road; it takes a while to get used to. Find a mirrored window in front of you to practice, or a passenger standing in front of you outside the car and guiding you. One of the hardest things to get used to are the tight parking spaces in some left-hand drive countries compared to the very large parking lots in North America, parking backwards becomes very difficult.
  • It is very important to study the local traffic laws wherever you need to drive. There will always be particularities you know nothing about, such as giving way to buses in Melbourne (Australia), roundabouts in Great Britain or left right in New Zealand, etc.
