How To Cosplay: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

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How To Cosplay: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How To Cosplay: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Cosplay takes commitment, but every single effort is worth it when you then walk down the street or attend a convention proudly showing off your awesome outfit. Many believe that cosplay is only used to dress up as the character of an anime or manga at comic book fairs, but the truth is that you can choose any character (even from a movie or a show for example) that is truly tailor-made. for you and make this practice an art!


Cosplay Step 1
Cosplay Step 1

Step 1. To begin, decide who you want to become

Just want a costume to wear for fun around town or wear it to a comic and anime fair or other big event? If this is your first time with cosplay, however, you should choose a character with a simpler outfit, while if you don't mind the strange looks, the possible annoyances or the cost and effort you will have to do to make it, then go ahead. In the latter case, any costume will do, even if the more peculiar ones are more likely to draw attention.

Cosplay Step 2
Cosplay Step 2

Step 2. Decide how to proceed to get your costume

Consider your budget and the time you have available. If you're in a hurry, sewing the costume from scratch isn't the best idea. Buying it on the Internet or commissioning it from a seamstress is much faster. Keep in mind that you also need to add makeup and create the perfect hairstyle (whether it's your natural hair or a wig), and this isn't a quick process.

Cosplay Step 3
Cosplay Step 3

Step 3. If you have chosen the perfect character for your cosplay and have decided to create the costume yourself, a good place to start is to make a list of the steps you will need to follow, know exactly what you want and buy everything you need

For example, if your character is wearing a jacket and pants, what color are they? What kind of fabric? Are the clothes loose or tight?

Cosplay Step 4
Cosplay Step 4

Step 4. Regardless of buying it ready-made, you will probably still have to take care of the hair, makeup and maybe even contact lenses

Study your character's hairstyle, hair color, and face shape. Do you need a wig? What hairstyle to choose? What kind of makeup suits you best and how can you change the look of your face to look more like it? Do you need colored contact lenses? If you can't wear contact lenses or feel like touching your eye, don't worry, focus on the other parts of the costume instead. It might be a good idea to read about how to change your face shape with make-up or watch some tutorials attached. And don't forget the accessories!

Cosplay Step 5
Cosplay Step 5

Step 5. Carefully observing the character from different angles can be very helpful

Go back to the episodes if necessary, the first appearance or when eventually fights. This allows you to get a general overview and go into detail to learn more about its appearance. Make a sketch following this advice, write your measurements on the paper and try to calculate what the measurements of the clothes should be. If the character has accessories, such as a weapon or bag, include these items in the sketch as well.

Cosplay Step 6
Cosplay Step 6

Step 6. Determine how much time (and money) you should spend on making the costume

The more difficult and detailed the outfit, the more time you will need to create it. Give yourself more time if you think you need it and try to be realistic. Also, allow for extra time to fix any mistakes. It's better to have everything ready before you end up with an incomplete costume. Decide in what order to do everything you need. If you don't finish the costume by the fair, don't worry: rather go dressed normally and if you see any cosplayers of the same character as you, ask them for advice!

Cosplay Step 7
Cosplay Step 7

Step 7. Practice your makeup, contact lens removal and application, and styling your hair (or wig)

It will take some time to get a good result, so be patient and try different methods and products.

Cosplay Step 8
Cosplay Step 8

Step 8. Once everything is ready, put on the outfit and look in the mirror

Do you resemble the character or person in question? If not, try to understand why and consider making changes. It's a good idea to ask a friend or other trusted person if you look like the character and what you might change. Demand honesty, remind them that this is why you are asking them.

Cosplay Step 9
Cosplay Step 9

Step 9. Be confident when cosplaying

Please note that people may also ask you for photos, so don't be shy! If you want, you can practice the poses the character often assumes. You could also study his way of walking, speaking, his attitude and recurring quotes or phrases and try to imitate him. But this is totally optional.

Cosplay Step 10
Cosplay Step 10

Step 10. Make your grand debut

Whether you dress up to go out or to go to a party or fair, make sure you have fun with your cosplay!

Cosplay Step 11
Cosplay Step 11

Step 11. Enjoy

If you're not having fun, it's not the right way to cosplay!


  • Don't pick a character you hate.
  • You shouldn't worry if you want to cosplay a character you don't really look like, this disguise doesn't have to be perfect.
  • If you can't find a fabric, use a similar one! Have fun creating the costume! Just remember that if the costume is made of a cotton-like fabric, then don't replace it with satin or silk, otherwise, it will look weird at the very least. You could ask a seamstress for advice.
  • Remember that accessories generally must always be carried in the hand, so even the lightest object there is can become a burden during the day.
  • You can ask someone to make the costume for you, so go for a commission. For example, if you pay Maria with the sum X of euros for a cosplay costume, this is a commission. The different tailors are characterized by the different ways of ordering. Some will sew the costume, provided you provide one or more reference images and your measurements. Others only create certain costumes. And there may be others who can only make one costume or just one type of costume (school uniform, kimono, etc.).
  • When cosplaying a character with a weird hairdo, make sure the wig is pinned up tightly, so it doesn't slip in the middle of a convention.
  • If a character wears common clothes, such as a men's suit with a red unbuttoned tie, don't try to sew this outfit (unless you want to), go to a low-cost store and get these items of clothing - you'll pay little. and you won't waste time. The less you have to do, the better.
  • Don't push yourself too hard to look like a certain character. If your costume isn't that good and people make fun of you, don't worry, because you know you've put the time, effort and money into making it, so you should be proud of it! If you want to bring the character again, while you wait for the next convention you could improve the costume, perhaps trying new materials.
  • Choose a character or person that you really like and feel comfortable with. You don't want to regret your choice in the middle of making the costume, do you?


  • People will want to take pictures with you, especially young children and if your cosplay is cute or looks like an animal. This can take the timid by surprise, so if the costume includes a mask or covers the face, this could help the less daring. Be prepared to draw attention to yourself, remember to point out the part of the costume you prefer and never forget that you have the right to say no when someone asks you for a photo with you but it makes you uncomfortable.
  • Don't do a last-minute cosplay, or you'll regret it. Conventions are already tiring enough, the last thing you want to do is stay awake until dawn on the day of the show to finish a costume.
  • If you buy or make a cosplay accessory yourself at a convention, be sure to carefully review and follow all safety regulations of the trade show you intend to attend. For example, most real metal objects, such as sharp items that could hit or cut someone, and toy guns with moving parts, are not accepted. If in doubt, take a picture of the object in question and send it to the appropriate person to find out if it can be approved and let the security officers know about everything you bring with you when you arrive at the fair.
  • Learn about your character and follow the episodes (especially the ones he appears in!) The last thing you want is for someone to approach you to talk about your character and then find that you don't know anything about it.
  • If you want to cosplay, calculate the time and money it will take to make a costume you can be proud of. Many fans will think that a patched-up costume is an insult to the character, so research to be thorough and practice your sewing machine skills.
