Walking is a great way to burn fat. You can do it anywhere and anytime, alone or in company. Once you have calculated the heart rate that allows you to burn fat better, you can start losing weight by walking.
Part 1 of 3: Calculating Heart Rate That Allows You To Burn Fat

Step 1. Consult your doctor before embarking on any exercise regimen
First you need to make sure that your current state of health allows you to walk at a brisk pace and for a long time. Getting the doctor's approval before starting is particularly important in the case of previous illnesses, such as heart disease.

Step 2. Don't skip the warm-up
If you want to be able to burn fat while walking, you need to calculate the training heart rate that allows you, basically the intensity of physical effort needed to have the greatest chance of losing weight. First, start warming up your muscles by pedaling for 10 minutes. An exercise bike is ideal, but a normal bicycle is just fine too.

Step 3. Pedal for 20 minutes
After your warm-up, pedal for another 20 minutes at the most intense pace you can handle for this interval. Do not overdo it; your leg muscles should burn and your breathing should be labored, but remember that you need to be able to maintain this rhythm for the entire 20 minutes.
If you are using an exercise bike, you should be doing about 70-90 rides per minute

Step 4. Record your heart rate as you pedal, then subtract 20 beats from the average pace
You can get this by using your exercise bike or wrist heart rate monitor during the 20 minutes you ride at the maximum speed you can handle. After subtracting 20 beats from the average value, add 3 to get your maximum training heart rate and subtract 3 to get the minimum. By applying this data it is possible to deduce within which range you will need to train to be able to burn fat.
For example, if your average heart rate is 160, then the range that allows you to burn fat is between 137 and 143 beats per minute

Step 5. If you can't ride a bike, calculate the intensity of the workout that allows you to burn fat manually
Subtract your age from 220 to get your theoretical maximum heart rate. Now calculate the value that corresponds to 50-65% of the resulting number. This is the heart rate that allows you to burn the most fat.

Step 6. Consider purchasing a wrist heart rate monitor
Generally, stationary bikes, treadmills and other gym equipment allow you to monitor your heart rate, but it is not easy to do the same when walking outdoors. The heart rate monitor, while not essential, can attest that you are training within the range that allows you to burn as much fat as possible.
You can also measure your pulse manually by keeping two fingers resting on the radial artery. When you feel the pulse, start counting your pulse over a period of 15 seconds, then multiply this by 4 to get the number of beats per minute (bpm)
Part 2 of 3: Walking to Burn Fat

Step 1. Try to walk at least 45 minutes at a pace that allows you to burn the most fat
Once you've figured out the ideal pulse range for weight loss, it's important to take the time to train 3-5 times a week for at least 45 consecutive minutes. If you can walk longer you can burn even more fat.
Remember that it is imperative to get your doctor's approval before embarking on this or any other physical activity program, especially if you have been sedentary up to now or if you have any previous illnesses

Step 2. Warm up for 10 minutes
Whenever you go for a walk, you should start walking at a light pace for at least 10 minutes. The main purpose is to warm up the muscles and joints, but also to burn muscle glycogen stores more effectively.

Step 3. Increase the pace to reach the intensity required for fat burning
After warming up at a light pace for at least 10 minutes, turn up the power! Walk faster until you reach the number of pulses that allow you to lose weight. At this point the breathing should become more intense and labored than in the warm-up phase; the effort needed to maintain the rhythm will increase and you will begin to sweat slightly. You will probably have a hard time holding a conversation.

Step 4. Walk at the calculated pace for 30-50 minutes
After warming up and reaching the degree of intensity needed to burn fat, walk for at least 30 minutes or, better yet, 45-50 minutes without ever slowing down. Just keep the pace steady, no need to overdo it. If you start to feel fatigued or short of breath, reduce your speed and take a break if necessary.
Check your heart rate periodically to make sure you're staying in the range that allows you to burn fat

Step 5. Finish with a 10 minute cool down phase by walking at a lighter pace
Gradually returning your body to a state of rest is as important as warming it up at the start of your workout. After reaching maximum intensity and walking for 30-50 minutes, walk for 10 minutes at a more relaxed pace.

Step 6. Stretch after the cool down phase
After walking for 10 minutes at a lighter pace, do some exercises to stretch your leg and arm muscles. Stretching after walking is a very important part of training, which has to become a routine.
Part 3 of 3: Remain Steady

Step 1. Advance gradually
When starting a new exercise program, it is easy to feel exhausted. You may feel that you don't have enough time to go for a walk or feel troubled by the idea of having to do this 3-5 times a week. If so, you can start by exercising just one day a week and increase the frequency gradually.

Step 2. Create a weekly training program
If you want to be able to lose weight by walking, it's important to set yourself goals and commit to sticking to them. Analyze your schedule for the week and choose 3-5 days when you know you will have time to go walking. It would be better to always have at least an hour of time available, but remember that even completing only the 10-minute warm-up phase is still better than not walking at all.

Step 3. Prioritize training
It's easy to get overwhelmed by everyday events and end up losing sight of your goals. If you want walking to become a top priority, you need to plan your workouts in advance and put aside all excuses at the right time. If for a real need you were forced to skip a workout, it doesn't matter, but it is important that the next day walking has absolute priority.

Step 4. Find a training partner
Goals like this are often easier to achieve if you have someone to share them with. Find a friend, colleague, or family member who wants to start walking with you. Training together will be more fun and you can motivate and motivate each other.

Step 5. Reward yourself for your achievements
Losing the extra pounds while walking is no easy task and staying motivated and consistent takes determination and commitment. Try to be rewarded every time you reach an intermediate goal. For example, after sticking to your training schedule for two weeks, you could treat yourself to a new pair of pants or sneakers. Of course, it's best to avoid rewarding yourself with something that can negatively interfere with your weight goals, such as an unhealthy meal.

Step 6. Remember that little walking is always better than no walking at all
If you don't have time to train several times a week today or if you only have shorter intervals available, that's fine anyway! Even if you don't notice a noticeable difference in your weight, every minute you spend walking will help you maintain yourself or get back to health. In any circumstance, little is better than nothing!