As in prose, even in poetry there are rules that determine how to structure a poem. Poems have a basic structure to follow when creating them. If you want to present a collection of poems to a publishing house or include a few lines of a poem in an essay, there are specific ways to structure the composition.
Part 1 of 3: Basic Structure and Format

Step 1. Familiarize yourself with the type of poem
You will have more freedom if you write in free verse, but if you are writing a specific type of poem, you will need to check the specific requirements of the reference format before considering anything else.
- A haiku must consist of only three lines. The first has five "sounds", the second seven and the third five again. Usually, these "sounds" are treated as syllables in Italian.
- A humorous poem has five lines. The first, second and fifth rhymes with each other and have eight or nine syllables. The third and fourth remain only with each other and have five or six syllables.
- A sonnet must have 14 lines and be written in iambic pentameters. The Shakespearean sonnet follows the ABAB / CDCD / EFEF / GG rhyming scheme; the Petrarchian ABBA / ABBA / CDE / CDE.

Step 2. Create verse based on the pattern and aesthetics of the spoken language
The length of each line and how the lines are broken will affect the reader's experience, so you will need to structure your lines to make sense.
- Readers have a tendency to pause briefly at the end of each verse, unaware of the punctuation there. In this way, it makes sense to end a verse at a point where a pause would seem natural or functional to emphasize an important idea.
- Words at the end of a verse usually seem more meaningful than those in the middle.
- The short lines will give an idea of discontinuity and haste, in order to "speed up" the reader. Long lines are more like prose and allow the reader to go slowly.
- See how the verses appear on paper. Poems with light content should also have a light feel, with short lines and lots of white space on the paper. Deep and contemplative compositions should have a more compact appearance.

Step 3. Experiment with punctuation
While readers tend to pause at the end of each verse, using punctuation at the end of that verse will encourage them to pause longer.
- On the other hand, if there is no punctuation at the end of the verse, the final rest is minimized and may even be skipped.
- Ending a line in the middle of a sentence can highlight an idea or create suspense.

Step 4. Group the verses into logical stanzas
Stanzas are to poetry what paragraphs are to prose. The verses are grouped together in separate stanzas to maintain order and smoothness.
Verses are typically used to organize ideas: each verse will likely have a different tone or a slightly different point of emphasis than the verse that precedes or follows it

Step 5. Rewrite the poem as many times as necessary to improve its overall form
You probably won't find the best combination of rhythm, verse, and general arrangement in the first draft, so you'll need to rewrite your poem to improve its format.
- Generally, it's easier to write your ideas instinctively and naturally for the first draft.
- Read your poem aloud and make any necessary corrections after putting it on paper. Keep both appearance and sound in mind.
Part 2 of 3: Manuscript Format

Step 1. Use standard margins and fonts
Use 2.5cm margins and an 11 or 12 point font.
- The left, right and bottom margins should all measure 2.5cm. The top margin can be 2.5cm, but you can make it smaller to 1.25cm if you like more.
- Use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, Cambria, or Calibri.

Step 2. Put your name and contact information at the top of the composition
In the top right corner of the page, write your full name, followed by your address, your phone number, your email and your personal website (if you have one).
- The information must be on separate lines.
- Keep all information right aligned and apply single line spacing.
- While this is the standard format, it's also acceptable to write this information on the top left corner of the page, especially if it makes the overall page organization cleaner. Include the same information and apply single spacing to the text, but align it to the left.

Step 3. State the number of lines
On the line immediately following your contact information, write the number of lines.
- This only applies if your contact information is on the top right corner.
- If your contact information is on the top left corner, put the line number on the top right corner, on the same line as your name.
When specifying the number of lines, write "xx verses". For instance:
- 14 verses
- 32 verses
- 5 verses
Format a Poem Step 9 Step 4. Center the title and capitalize it
Leave a space of 4-6 lines, then write the title of the poem in capital letters.
- The title is usually in the center of the page. If your contact information is aligned on the right of the page, however, you can align the title to the left if you wish.
- You must leave a single blank line after the title.
Format a Poem Step 10 Step 5. Align the verses to the left
Align each verse to the left of the page. The text must have a precipitous right edge and must not be aligned.
- Apply a single inline within each verse.
- You should apply double spacing to the space between two stanzas. In other words, there should be a single blank line separating each verse from the others.
Format a Poem Step 11 Step 6. Include basic information on each page
If your poem continues on a second page, you will need to include a header at the top of the page.
- The header must include your last name, the title of the poem, and the current page number.
- The surname goes to the top left, the title to the center and the page number to the top right. All three pieces of information should be on the same line.
- This header format should be used on every page, regardless of the page number itself.
Part 3 of 3: Part Three: Format of Quotations
Format a Poem Step 12 Step 1. Introduce the quote
Introduce the quote and include the text within the rest of the sentence.
- Don't just quote the text of the quote itself, without your own words to introduce it before or after. Quoting a poem in this way does not provide enough context.
- "Correct example". In "Sonnet 82", Shakespeare compares the beauty of the poem's subject to its wisdom, saying: "Thou art as fair in knowledge as in hue" (verse 5) ".
- "Incorrect example". In "Sonnet 82", Shakespeare compares the beauty of the poem's subject to its wisdom. "Thou art as fair in knowledge as in hue" (line 5).
Format a Poem Step 13 Step 2. Quote three or fewer lines in high quotes
When you quote only one, two, or three lines from a poem, include the quote within the main body of the test by placing it in high quotes.
- Use the forward slash (/) to introduce a line break. Put a space between one symbol and another.
- "Example": The poet praises the knowledge and beauty of his subject, saying, "Thou are as fair in knowledge as in hue, / Finding they worth a limit past my praise" (verses 5-6).
Format a Poem Step 14 Step 3. Quote four or more lines with an indent
When you are quoting four or more lines, put the quotation on a separate line after your introduction.
- Use an indent of ten solid spaces from the left margin.
- Do not use high quotes or slashes.
"Example": Shakespeare opens "Sonnet 82" with words spoken to a friend dedicated to his Muse:
- I grant thou wert not married to my Muse,
- And therefore mayst without attaint o'erlook
- The dedicated words which writers use
- Of their fair subject, blessing every book. (verses 1-4)
Format a Poem Step 15 Step 4. Give the verse number
For each direct quote from a poem, you need to report the number of the line or lines from which your quote comes.
- When you quote three lines, or less, within the high quotation marks, include the number of lines in parentheses after the close of the quotation marks. This quote must precede a period.
- When quoting four or more lines detached from the central text, put the number of the verse after the final point of the quotation.
- Write "towards", "verses", "v." or "vv." before the first quotation of the poem, to make it clear that you are quoting a verse and not a page. For any additional citation, however, you only need to include the number.
"Example": Shakespeare opens "Sonnet 82" with words spoken to a friend dedicated to his Muse:
- I grant thou wert not married to my Muse,
- And therefore mayst without attaint o'erlook
- The dedicated words which writers use
- Of their fair subject, blessing every book. (verses 1-4)
- He continues, later, by saying: "Thou are as fair in knowledge as in hue, / Finding they worth a limit past my praise" (5-6).