There are so many ways to establish the main points of a novel's plot. Read this article to discover an effective method suitable for everyone.

Step 1. First, try to gather the general ideas
You should determine the introduction, development and conclusion of the novel, at least in principle. As you write the plot outline, the story will gradually unfold before your eyes, so, for now, you just need the main events and, of course, the main idea.

Step 2. Briefly describe the plot
There are nine points that cannot be missing from the scheme.
- The starting point, or the moment that drags the reader into the story. Preferably, it should be an action scene.
- Exhibition / Background. What is the setting? Who are the characters? This gives detailed information in order to understand where the story takes place and follow it better.
- The conflict. The problems of the protagonist (or protagonists) are presented.
- Action development. The suspense builds and the initial problem has a domino effect, causing other difficulties. This will cause further conflict to the protagonist (or protagonists).
- Suspense. This part comes just before the climax. These are the events leading up to the climax of the story, crucial for it to flow in a compelling way.
- Climax. At this point, all the problems explode within a single event, a moment in which the protagonist experiences the most difficult situation of the entire story. There is usually only one climax.
- Decreased tension. The protagonist recovers from the incident told in the climax and the situation calms down slightly. The problems are not over, but the character is resolving the difficulties and recovering what he had lost.
- Descending action. All the narrative knots are dissolved, the situation settles and the protagonist returns to normal, although the events he witnessed have had some impact on him.
- Solution. It is inserted in the epilogue. This scene explains what happened to the protagonist after the event narrated in the novel or what will happen and how he will feel in the future.
- Conclusion that raises new questions (for writers who have a series of novels in the pipeline). This part resembles the starting point of the book, the difference is that it will intrigue the reader and make him want to buy the next novel.

Step 3. Write in the order of the outline and start wherever you like to write the novel
- As you draw up the outline, additional ideas come to mind. They flow naturally. If you don't have any, put the draft aside and do something else. Sooner or later they will come, do not force them.
- Remember that story writing doesn't take just five minutes. Take your time. Overdoing it will lead you to write a poor quality novel, and then you'll have to go back to it to improve it.