Many people are surprised when they find that the bacteria in the body outnumber the cells (the ratio is about 10 to 1!). A significant part of these bacteria is defined as "good bacteria", a flora essential for the health and balance of the human organism, understood as a microbiome. The microbiome greatly affects health and overall weight; it can also determine the risk of various diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and stroke. However, some bacteria can cause various infections that are harmful to people's well-being. In particular, Helicobacter pylori, commonly referred to simply as H. pylori, is one of those bacteria that can cause ulcers in the stomach or in the first part of the small intestine, the duodenum. H. pylori affects a large number of people with ulcers. In fact, although it is common to think that ulcers are a consequence of stress, spicy foods, alcohol and smoking are mostly caused by this bacterium.
Method 1 of 3: Natural Remedies

Step 1. Be aware that natural remedies inevitably have limitations
Natural treatments for H. pylori are centered on a nutritious diet, the use of basic hygiene rules, the use of specific herbs, the intake of probiotics and other supplements. These approaches have not proven to be the definitive cure for H. pylori, but they help prevent and treat the infection. They can also help reduce symptoms if you are experiencing any.

Step 2. Follow a nutritious diet
You should eat whole, non-industrially processed foods to get the right nutrition needed to strengthen the immune system, increase and support the microbiome, and control the body's acidity. A healthy diet includes:
High quality protein:
- Low to moderate amounts of red meat (preferably pasture-fed animals).
- Moderate amount of skinless poultry.
- Low to moderate amounts of pork.
- Moderate to high amounts of fish.
Fresh vegetables and fruit (in a variety of rich colors).
Broccoli, especially those containing high levels of a chemical called sulforaphane, which is effective in killing this bacterium
- Beans and legumes such as lentils.
Complex carbohydrates are found in:
- Vegetables.
- Whole foods.
- Cereals such as rice and quinoa.
- Beans and legumes.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 3 Step 3. Drink lots of water
A healthy diet also includes the intake of plenty of water. You should drink at least 6-8 glasses each day, but it's best if you increase the amount when you spend a lot of time outdoors on hot summer days or engage in activities that make you sweat.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 4 Step 4. Avoid processed and packaged foods
The industrially processed ones, which you find in supermarkets, do not provide adequate nutrition. These foods include those that have taken a very different form from the natural one or in which other non-food ingredients have been added (additives, preservatives, etc.).
- To find out if a product has been processed / processed, check the ingredients list. The longer the list, the more processed the food is. These foods are typically found in the middle aisles of supermarkets, while the less processed ones are displayed in the side and outside aisles, and include dried beans, fresh fruit and vegetables, rice, bulk foods, and foods that contain a single ingredient.
- Avoid ready-to-eat pre-cooked meals. These too have undergone processing treatment and contain preservatives and other chemicals that are not real food.
- The goal is to keep foods in their most natural state as possible because some of the ingredients and preservatives can suppress the immune response.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 5 Step 5. Practice healthy hygiene habits
To minimize the risk of H. pylori infection, you should always wash your hands and all utensils you use for cooking and eating thoroughly. Use hot water and detergent when washing, don't share utensils with anyone, and make sure those who prepare the food for you follow proper hygiene. Wash all the fruit and vegetables with warm soapy water or a specific product for vegetables, then rinse well.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 6 Step 6. Take probiotics
These are a safe source of "good" bacteria and yeasts normally found in the human microbiome, such as Lactobacillus species, acidophilus, bifidobacteria and the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. You can also take them as supplements (following the instructions on the package), or with food.
- Good food sources of probiotics are fermented products such as kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha (a fermented tea), tempeh, kimchi and other foods such as yogurt, miso soup, poì (Hawaiian derived dish from the processing of taro), asparagus, leeks and onions. Include these foods at least 2-3 times a week in your diet.
- You should also take prebiotic foods 2-3 times a week, which help strengthen the "good" gut bacteria by providing them with nourishment. These foods include whole grains, onions, bananas, garlic, honey, artichokes, and leeks.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 7 Step 7. Try taking edible herbs
Many herbal remedies have antibiotic properties capable of attacking "bad" bacteria. Cranberry juice, for example, appears to prevent or stop bacteria from attaching to the stomach; research carried out in this regard recommends that you take 250ml of cranberry juice every day. In addition, many herbs that are commonly used in cooking have been shown to be effective in killing H. pylori, both in vitro and in vivo. You should add a generous amount of the following herbs to flavor foods to your liking:
- Onions and garlic.
- Ginger, which also appears to be able to stop ulcers from forming.
- Thyme.
- Turmeric / curry.
- Cayenne pepper (but not in excessive quantity).
- Origan.
- Fenugreek.
- Cinnamon.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 8 Step 8. Take herbal supplements
Herbs and spices, which are normally used in cooking, can also be taken in capsule form, following the instructions on the package regarding dosage.
You can take deglycerinized licorice chewable tablets, or DGL. You can chew 1 or 2, three times a day.
Some studies have found licorice tends to raise blood pressure, but when taken in its DGL form it doesn't seem to cause the same problem
Scutellaria baicalensis is a medicinal plant with antibiotic properties.
- Keep in mind that this herb can slow down blood clotting, so if you are taking aspirin, an anticoagulant, have any bleeding disorder or have surgery soon, consult with your doctor before taking Scutellaria baicalensis.
- It can also affect blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure. Again, talk to a qualified doctor for advice on the right dosage before taking it.
- Korean red ginseng has been shown to have an anti-H. pylori action in laboratory animals. This type of ginseng is different from the American one and can be used in an infinite number of ways. Although this root is widely considered effective for stimulating mental and sexual performance, it is also capable of lowering blood sugar, increasing heart rate, and can raise or lower blood pressure. If you want to try Korean red ginseng, you must first ask your doctor for advice to make sure you are taking it safely.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 9 Step 9. Get other useful nutrients
Green tea, red wine and manuka honey have antibiotic properties against H. pylori. Indeed, many of these studies have been done in vitro or on laboratory animals, so the right dosage for humans is not yet known. It is still safe and undoubtedly healthy to include green tea and manuka honey in your normal diet, but make sure you drink red wine in moderation. These are all elements that can fight the infection.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 10 Step 10. Consider applying several methods at the same time
You can achieve greater success by combining the different approaches described so far. You will feel better in general and can help reduce the infection, if you know how to combine a better diet with the intake of the herbs and spices recommended in the previous steps; moreover this allows you to add variety and flavors to your dishes, integrating some fermented foods and rich in probiotics.
Undergo follow-up tests after following these habits for 2-3 months, to check for the presence or absence of the infection. At that point, you can decide whether to take antibiotics and antacid medications that your doctor will prescribe. Always evaluate and discuss the different solutions with your doctor and take the appropriate tests to make sure you no longer have the infection
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 11 Step 11. Contact your doctor
If the advice outlined so far doesn't help you feel better, if you experience severe abdominal pain, see blood in stool (black, tarry stool), vomit, or this looks like coffee grounds, call your doctor right away! These can be signs of a very serious problem.
Method 2 of 3: Medications
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 12 Step 1. Take an antibiotic
If your doctor has found that you have H. pylori infection, they may decide to prescribe an antibiotic to help combat it. He may also advise you to take two or more antibiotics for at least 2-3 weeks or longer, depending on how your body responds.
Some of the antibiotics that are most often administered in this case are amoxicillin, clarithromycin, metronidazole and tetracycline
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 13 Step 2. Try acid-lowering medications
In addition to antibiotics, it is also often recommended to take drugs that lower acid levels (proton pump inhibitors or PPIs) or H2 receptor antagonists, called "H2 antagonists" at the same time. Reduced levels of acid provide an unfavorable environment for bacteria to grow, while antibiotics kill them.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 14 Step 3. Also add a bismuth solution
In conjunction with antibiotics and antacid medications, your doctor may recommend a bismuth solution such as bismuth subsalicylate (for example Pepto Bismol). These elements are not able on their own to kill bacteria, but they act synergistically with antibiotics and antacid drugs.
About 70-85% of people who took these three drugs simultaneously tested negative for H. Pylori bacteria at the end of treatment. There are several possible combinations involving two antibiotics, a bismuth solution and an antacid medication, so consult with your doctor to find the most suitable option for your specific case
Method 3 of 3: Getting to know H. Pylori
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 15 Step 1. Know how H. pylori causes ulcers. This bacterium damages the stomach lining, which normally protects it from acids that form to trigger the food digestion process. Once the lining has been damaged, the acids present literally begin to "corrode" the stomach and duodenum, potentially causing "holes" (ulcers) that can bleed and cause significant pain.
- This bleeding can lead to anemia, fatigue and weakness, as well as pain and discomfort that can be very debilitating.
- H. pylori has been linked to a type of stomach cancer and to MALT lymphoma (lymphoid tissue associated with the mucous membranes). In addition, the infection is also associated with a reduced risk of another type of stomach and esophageal cancer.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 16 Step 2. Find out how you can get the infection
The H. pylori bacterium can be found in infected foods, in water, on kitchen utensils, or it can be transmitted through contact with the fluids of other already infected people. For example, if you share a fork or spoon with someone who has already contracted the infection, you can get sick too.
- This bacterium is present everywhere. You can find it in about 2/3 of the world's adult population, as well as children, although the highest rates of infection are more likely to be found in developing countries than in developed nations.
- To try to prevent infection, you should always wash your hands before eating, especially after going to the bathroom. Only drink water that comes from a clean and safe source, and make sure your food is carefully prepared, in kitchens where hygienic standards are respected.
- You probably won't be able to completely avoid bacteria, but you can reduce the risk of getting infected. If you eat right and stay healthy, your immune system should be able to fight the infection properly.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 17 Step 3. Recognize the first symptoms of H. pylori. At first, the infection can be totally painless and asymptomatic. In fact, unless you get tested, you may not even know that you are infected. However, when symptoms do occur, they can include:
- Pain or burning sensation in the abdomen (which can get worse when you are hungry).
- Nausea.
- Frequent burping and belching.
- Decreased appetite.
- Abdominal swelling.
- Weight loss without having followed an intentional diet.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 18 Step 4. Pay attention to worsening symptoms
If the infection persists and progresses it can cause ulcers, and in this case you can't help but realize it. If you have any of the symptoms listed below, seek immediate medical attention as they may indicate a serious problem. They are:
- Severe abdominal pain.
- Presence of blood in the stool, which may take on a dark and tarry appearance.
- Blood in your vomit or black vomit that looks like coffee grounds.
Cure H. Pylori Naturally Step 19 Step 5. Undergo the exam for H. pylori. Your doctor will be able to diagnose the infection from your symptoms and from different types of laboratory tests you may perform.
The urea breath test is one of the best ways to diagnose the presence of this bacterium.
You are asked to drink a liquid "tagged" with slightly radioactive or even non-radioactive substances, depending on the specific test being performed. After a relatively short period of time, the breath is analyzed for the presence of urea. Urea and ammonia are processed as by-products of bacterial metabolism and provide a clear indication of the presence of the H. pylori bacterium
- A stool test may also be done to check for bacteria.
- Although rarely, the doctor may order a stomach biopsy, which is then analyzed for the presence of the bacteria. Biopsy is usually done when cancer is suspected, but it is the most reliable method of diagnosis and is preferred by some doctors.
- Onions help a lot against this bacterium and you can eat 2-4 pieces of raw onion every day to ward off infection.
- Limit your consumption of alcohol, chocolate, processed foods, and sugars. In particular, avoid sugars and sweets, as they provide an ideal environment for harmful bacteria to grow.
- If you can, try not to eat raw foods such as sushi, partially boiled eggs, rare or undercooked meats or steaks.