Wisdom teeth, also known as "third molars", are the last permanent teeth to develop. As they grow, they come out of the gum, sometimes causing pain. You may experience discomfort when they grow sideways or crooked, if they grow too sideways by pushing adjacent teeth or even if your dentition is misaligned. There are many remedies to stop the pain caused by wisdom teeth; Read on to learn more.
Method 1 of 3: with drugs

Step 1. Apply an anesthetic gel
If the teeth are becoming a problem, you can use a product to numb the gums; it is generally a benzocaine-based gel, which is applied directly to the gums to reduce pain. Be careful not to swallow it and spit out the excess.
- Alternatively, use a 10% lidocaine spray, but proceed with caution so as not to spray it down your throat.
- Follow the instructions on the package to know how much product to apply and how often.

Step 2. Try over-the-counter pain relievers
When the tooth hurts, you can soothe the discomfort with these medications, which include aspirin, ibuprofen (Moment, Brufen), acetaminophen (Tachipirina), and naproxen (Momendol).
Follow the instructions in the leaflet carefully to know the exact dosage

Step 3. Don't take too many medications
If you are in a lot of pain, be careful not to overdo the medications, be it gels or oral pain relievers. Applying too much benzocaine can trigger a rare but serious condition known as methemoglobinemia, a deadly disease that dramatically lowers blood oxygen levels.
- On the other hand, overuse of painkillers causes other types of problems, such as stomach pain and ulcers.
- Never use benzocaine on children under the age of two.
Method 2 of 3: with Home Remedies

Step 1. Use a soft toothbrush
When you have a toothache, even the mechanical action of cleaning alone can be painful; however, it is important to always wash them carefully twice a day. If you find yourself dealing with a pain problem, use a soft-bristled toothbrush, which is gentler on the gums.
Once the pain caused by the wisdom tooth is gone, you can go back to your usual harder toothbrush

Step 2. Massage the gums
When your teeth start to appear, your gums hurt; to overcome this discomfort, you can massage them in the area surrounding the tooth that is coming out to relieve discomfort and facilitate passage through the mucous membrane.
- Use a clean finger to gently rub the top of the protruding tooth; you can also wrap your finger in sterile gauze and start the massage immediately after rinsing your mouth with a chlorhexidine-based mouthwash.
- Try to rub the sides of the tooth as much as possible as well.
- Do not massage too vigorously, otherwise you can injure your gums.
- Repeat the treatment 3-4 times a day.

Step 3. Apply an ice pack
When you are in pain, an ice cube or crushed ice on the tooth will help soothe the discomfort. however, this remedy is only effective if you do not suffer from cold sensitivity. You can also wrap the compress in a cloth or latex wrap, such as a balloon or glove finger, and hold it over the aching tooth.
If even in this case the cold is too much for you, place the ice pack on your cheek to soothe the pain anyway; the cold passes through the skin and acts equally by numbing the area. Just be careful to wrap the ice in a towel or t-shirt, to avoid chilblains

Step 4. Use a salt water mixture
Salt is an excellent element to heal the skin; you can rinse by mixing a pinch of sea salt in 120ml of water until it dissolves. Take a sip of this solution and, without swallowing it, move it around the mouth for 30-60 seconds, focusing mainly on the area of the painful tooth; don't shake it too vigorously.
- Remember to spit out the mixture; repeat the rinses 2-3 times or until you run out of water.
- When finished, rinse your mouth with plain warm water.
- You can proceed 3-4 times a day when you are in pain.

Step 5. Use apple cider vinegar
Mix 60 ml of warm water with a little vinegar and hold the solution in your mouth for 30-60 seconds in the place where the tooth hurts, then spit it out and repeat 2-3 more times; when finished, rinse your mouth with warm water. You can proceed 3-4 times a day with this treatment, but never swallow the liquid.
If you experience mucosal irritation, discontinue use

Step 6. Try a fresh ointment
There are many fresh products that you can use to soothe the discomfort of your wisdom tooth. Cut a small piece of garlic, onion or ginger and place it in your mouth directly over the painful area. once in place, bite it gently to release the juice.
The juice from these foods numbs the gums, providing immediate relief

Step 7. Use essential oils
These substances also prove useful; pour a few drops on your finger and use it to massage the affected gum. Alternatively, you can rinse with a few drops of an oil of your choice diluted in a little water. Never ingest essential oils, as they can be toxic. Here are some of the most suitable ones against toothache:
- Melaleuca;
- Cloves;
- Sage and aloe;
- Cinnamon;
- Hydraste;
- Mint.
- You can also use hot olive oil and vanilla extract.

Step 8. Manage the pain with herbal tea bags
Aromatic plants have soothing properties; you can prepare a compress by immersing a sachet in hot water. Once the infusion is prepared, place the sachet on the tooth and hold it in place for 5 minutes. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times a day for as long as you are in pain. Here are some plants you can use:
- Echinacea;
- Hydraste;
- Tender;
- Sage;
- Green tea.

Step 9. Try cold foods
One way to relieve pain is to keep a very cold piece of food in your mouth; try placing a slice of cucumber or raw potato on it; eventually you can also use a piece of frozen fruit, such as banana, apple, guava, pineapple or mango.
If the tooth is sensitive to cold, this is not an effective remedy; first try a piece that is very cold but not frozen, as it does not reach the low temperatures of ice

Step 10. Make an asafoetida paste
It is a plant used in traditional Indian cooking and medicine. Go to an ethnic or Indian store to buy it; it is usually sold in the form of a powder or as a stick of resin. To make the dough, mix a pinch of asafoetida powder with enough fresh lemon juice to make a paste. Once the two substances are completely amalgamated, apply them on the wisdom tooth and on the surrounding gum; leave them to act for 5 minutes.
- When done, rinse your mouth to get rid of the batter.
- Repeat the application 2-3 times a day.
- The dough has a bitter taste and an unpleasant smell, but is delicately softened by the lemon juice.
Method 3 of 3: Read up on the Teeth of Wisdom

Step 1. Learn about third molars
They are the last permanent teeth that grow, two in the upper arch and two in the lower one; they usually develop between 17 and 25 years of age, but not in all people and do not always cause pain when they come out.

Step 2. Know the causes of the pain
There are some situations in which wisdom teeth are a source of pain, especially when they grow diagonally; when they don't have enough space to develop, they push adjacent teeth. Other related problems are:
- Infections;
- Tumors;
- Cyst;
- Damage to surrounding teeth;
- Caries;
- Constant pain along the entire affected jaw to the incisors;
- Inflamed lymph nodes
- Gum disease.

Step 3. Go to the dentist
Although wisdom teeth can cause problems, it is not always necessary to extract them; pain can be managed in most cases. If you continue to suffer despite home remedies, visit your dentist; when the pain is intense and causes bad breath, difficulty swallowing, fever and any type of swelling of the gum, mouth or jaw, see your dentist immediately.