How to Make Potions in Minecraft

How to Make Potions in Minecraft
How to Make Potions in Minecraft

Table of contents:


This article explains how to brew potions in Minecraft, which are capable of increasing your strength, restoring health or dealing damage to enemies based on the ingredients you will use.


Part 1 of 5: Getting the Supplies

Step 1. Reach the Underworld

There are several ingredients that you can only find in the dark dimension of Minecraft, so you have to go there to start brewing potions.

The Underworld is incredibly dangerous, especially for new players. Consider setting the game's difficulty to "Pacifica" when you are there to avoid dying

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Step 2. Collect the ingredients of the Underworld

You will need two items in particular:

  • Nether wart - a mushroom-like object that you can find on the ground in the fortresses.
  • Rods of Blaze - blazes drop these items when you kill them. You must increase the difficulty to at least "Easy" for these monsters to appear.

Step 3. Go back to the normal world

Exit the Underworld by passing through the portal you created.

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Step 4. Build the still and place it on the ground

Open the crafting table, place three crushed stone blocks in the lowest row of the grid, a Blaze rod in the center box, then move the still to the inventory. Select it from the inventory, then click on the ground to place it.

  • In Minecraft PE, just press the still icon, then press the button 1 x to create it.
  • In the console version of Minecraft, select the still, then press TO (Xbox) or X (PlayStation).

Step 5. Make glass bottles

Open the crafting table, put a glass block in the boxes in the center left, bottom center and center right, then add the three bottles you created this way to your inventory.

  • In Minecraft PE, tap the glass bottle icon and tap 3 x.
  • In the console version of Minecraft, select the glass bottle icon, then press TO or X.

Step 6. Make Blaze Powder

Open the crafting table, place a Blaze rod in any of the boxes, then move the powder you crafted to your inventory.

  • In Minecraft PE, tap the Blaze Dust icon, then tap 2 x.
  • In the console version, select the Blaze Dust icon, then press TO or X.
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Step 7. Find the secondary ingredients

Basic potions have no effect and you need to add more items to be able to use them. The ingredients you choose determine the type of potions you will create.

  • Spider eye - you can get it by killing spiders, cave spiders and witches. It is used for poison potions.
  • Sparkling melon - you can create one by surrounding a melon with eight gold nuggets in the crafting grid. It is used for potions that can instantly regenerate health.
  • Golden carrot - you can create it by surrounding a carrot with eight gold nuggets in the crafting grid. It is used for night vision potions.
  • Blaze powder - you can create it by putting only one Blaze rod in the grid, which you can get by killing these monsters in the Underworld. You will get two Blaze Powders, which are used for strength potions.
  • Fermented spider eye - you can make it with a spider's eye, a mushroom and sugar. It is used for weakening potions.
  • Puffer fish - can be caught by fishing. It is used for potions that allow you to breathe underwater.
  • Magma cream - you can get it by killing magma cubes, or build it with Blaze powder and a slime ball. It is used for fire resistance potions.
  • Sugar - you can make it with sugar cane. It is used for speed potions.
  • Tear of Ghast - you can get it by killing the Ghasts. It is not easy to collect because these monsters often fly over the lava. It is used for health regeneration potions.
  • Rabbit's paw - you can get it by killing rabbits (percentage of 2, 5%). It is used for potions that allow you to jump higher.
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Step 8. Get the items that can modify potions

You can change a potion further by adding another ingredient after creation. Usually this allows you to vary the duration of the effect, or to make the potion an object to be thrown.

  • Red Rock - you can find it by digging the redstone ore. Usually you will get 4-5 units of redstone. This item increases the duration of the effect.
  • Luminite powder - you can get it by breaking the luminite blocks. You will receive up to four units of powder per block. This item increases the intensity of the potions, but reduces the duration of their effect.
  • Gunpowder - you can find her by killing Creeper, Ghast and witches. It is used to make potions objects to be thrown.
  • Fermented spider eye - this secondary ingredient can also be used to modify other potions. It usually reverses or corrupts the effects of the original preparation.
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Step 9. Fill the glass bottles

Find a water source, equip the bottle and select the water to fill it. Once you have three full bottles available, you are ready to start brewing potions.

Part 2 of 5: Brewing Potions

Step 1. Open the still

Select it while your character is facing it to open it.

Step 2. Put the water bottles on the table

Drag them to the three squares at the bottom of the window.

  • In Minecraft PE, tap a square, then tap the water bottle icon on the left side of the window.
  • In the console version, press Y or triangle after selecting the water bottle.

Step 3. Add a Nether wart

Put it in the top box of the distillation window.

Step 4. Add Blaze Powder

Drag it to the box at the top left of the window. This will start creating the basic potion, "Weird Potion".

  • Skip this step in Minecraft PE.
  • In the console version, just press Y or triangle after selecting Blaze Powder.

Step 5. Put the strange potion on the potions table

Now that you have this potion as a base, you can add a secondary ingredient to modify it.

Step 6. Add a secondary ingredient

Put it in the top box of the table and it will start preparing.

You can reuse the same Blaze powder for about 20 preparations

Step 7. Put the potion in your inventory

It is now ready to drink.

Part 3 of 5: Making Potions with Positive Effects

Step 1. Add a secondary ingredient to create the potion you want

With the three weird potions at the bottom of the brewing grid, place an ingredient from the following table in the top box of the grid to get the desired potion:

Beneficial Potions

Potion Base Ingredient Effect Duration



Sparkling melon Restore two hearts Snapshot
Night vision



Golden carrot Allows you to see in the dark 3 min



Blaze powder 30% increase in damage 3 min
Breathe Underwater



Puffer fish Breathe underwater 3 min
Fire resistant



Magma Cream Immunity to fire and lava 3 min



Sugar 20% speed increase 3 min



Tear of Ghast Regenerates a heart every two seconds 45 sec



Rabbit's paw Allows you to jump half a block higher 3 min

Part 4 of 5: Making Potions with Negative Effects

Step 1. Add a secondary ingredient to create the potion you want

With the three weird potions at the bottom of the brewing grid, put an ingredient from the following table in the top box of the grid to get the desired potion:

Negative Potions

Potion Base Ingredient Effect Duration
Poison Strange Potion Spider eye Deals a heart of damage every three seconds 45 sec
Weakness Ordinary Potion Fermented Spider Eye Damage reduction by 50% 1, 5 min

Part 5 of 5: Modifying Potions Further

Step 1. Add the modification ingredient to the potion you want to change

You can influence the effect of a potion in a few different ways, by using a few additional ingredients and even changing the final result altogether. See the table below to find out how to change the potions you just created:

Modified Beneficial Potions

Potion Base Ingredient Effect Duration
Healing II Potion of healing Luminite powder Regenerate four hearts Snapshot
Night Vision + Potion of night vision Red Rock Seeing in the dark 8 min
Invisibility Potion of night vision Fermented spider eye Makes you invisible 3 min
Invisibility + Invisibility Red Rock Makes you invisible 8 min
Force II Potion of strength Luminite powder 160% damage increase 1, 5 min
Come on + Potion of strength Red Rock Damage increase by 30% 8 min
Breathe underwater + Potion to breathe underwater Red Rock Breathe underwater 8 min
Fire resistance + Potion of fire resistance Red Rock Immunity to fire and lava 8 min
Speed II Potion of Speed Luminite powder 40% speed increase 1, 5 min
Speed + Potion of Speed Red Rock 20% speed increase 8 min
Regeneration II Potion of regeneration Luminite powder Regenerates one heart per second 16 sec
Regeneration + Potion of regeneration Red Rock Regenerates a heart every two seconds 2 min
Jump II Jump Luminite powder Jump higher than a block and a half 1, 5 min

Modified Negative Potions

Potion Base Ingredient Effect Duration
Poison II Potion of poison Luminite powder Deals one heart of damage per second 22 sec
Poison + Potion of poison Red Rock Deals a heart of damage every three seconds 2 min
Weakness + Potion of strength Fermented spider eye 50% damage reduction 4 min
Injury Potion of poison / healing Fermented spider eye Deals three hearts of damage Snapshot
Injury II Potion of Poison II / Healing II Fermented spider eye Deals six hearts of damage Snapshot
Injury II Potion of Injury Luminite powder Deals six hearts of damage Snapshot
Slowness Potion of Speed / Fire Resistance Fermented spider eye Slow down your movement speed 1, 5 min
Slowness + Potion of fire resistance + / speed + Fermented spider eye Slow down your movement speed 3 min
Slowness + Potion of slowness Luminite powder Slow down your movement speed 3 min

Step 2. Make a potion an object to be thrown

You can do this with all those described in the previous tables, using gunpowder as an ingredient. You can then equip the potion and throw it at enemies or friends.
