How to Charm a Man (with Pictures)

How to Charm a Man (with Pictures)
How to Charm a Man (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Seducing a man is not an exact science, however there are some tricks and techniques that can be used to have a better chance of success. Also, most of the tips in this article are helpful in seducing a man you just met or someone who has been in your life for a long time.


Part 1 of 3: Show off Your Femininity

Enchant a Man Step 1
Enchant a Man Step 1

Step 1. Leverage his sense of smell

Before meeting him, sprinkle some perfume or cologne. Remember not to overdo it, so as not to suffocate it.

If seduction takes a long time, always use the same perfume. The man in question will naturally associate your scent with you, and every time he smells it, even when you are not with him, his thoughts will be more likely to flow towards you

Enchant a Man Step 2
Enchant a Man Step 2

Step 2. Put on a pair of high heels

High heels will make your legs look slimmer and longer, highlighting their beauty.

  • In addition to giving the idea of beautiful long legs, high heels also change the way you walk. Generally one is more inclined to take very slow steps, which are also more sensual and therefore more seductive.
  • Make sure the heels you plan to wear are obviously comfortable and easy to wear.

Step 3. Don't get too naked

A short knee-length skirt that only shows off a small part of your legs can be very impressive. In fact, the key is moderation. Basically, you have to tease his imagination and not uncover all your cards at once.

  • Your legs can be the simplest and most powerful physical asset to display. You can provoke it, by wearing a mini skirt, a skirt with a high slit, or more simply wearing a knee-high skirt that fits perfectly to your hips. If you don't mind showing off, it's possible to seduce a man in all sorts of ways.

    Enchant a Man Step 3Bullet1
    Enchant a Man Step 3Bullet1
  • If you don't want to show your legs, you can show off your bare back or cleavage. Always try to show one area at a time. For example, if you want to wear a dress that shows off the back, the neckline should be very modest, while the hem of the skirt should be knee-high or longer.

    Enchant a Man Step 3Bullet2
    Enchant a Man Step 3Bullet2
Enchant a Man Step 4
Enchant a Man Step 4

Step 4. Choose clothes that fit you well

You need to feel confident in the clothes you wear, so choose clothes that make you feel comfortable. The ways of dressing that suit your curves in the right places can improve your image of yourself, increasing the perception of your charm in the man in question.

You must understand that certain silhouettes correspond to a certain body type. Learn to identify and dress according to your body shape. As a general rule, stripe details direct the eye to certain areas, while dark colors and solid-colored clothing mislead it

Enchant a Man Step 5
Enchant a Man Step 5

Step 5. Use a lot of black and red

Although it is not an absolute rule, it is common to think that black or red clothes tend to seduce a man more than other colors.

  • This is why many women have a black dress in their wardrobe. Black streamlines and tends to impart an aura of mystery.
  • Psychologically, the color red is connected with love and lust. If a bright red is too vibrant for your taste, you can try darker shades of red or pink.
Enchant a Man Step 6
Enchant a Man Step 6

Step 6. Put on some lipstick

Giving some color to your lips will make them stand out, encouraging your man to notice them. Since lips are a very sensual part of the body, showing them off can increase your appeal.

  • Take some time to find a color that suits your skin tone and hair color. Here your personality comes into play. In fact, if your style is more classic, you will prefer softer shades to bright colors, despite being very seductive.
  • He also plays a lot with shades. Try wearing both flashy lip gloss and matte lipstick.
Enchant a Man Step 7
Enchant a Man Step 7

Step 7. Apply the nail polish

While a man may not consciously notice your manicure, well-manicured nails will make your hands more sensual and feminine.

  • If nail polish isn't your thing, try to keep your nails clean and trimmed. Moisturize your hands regularly to keep skin soft and smooth.
  • As a general rule, a light or flesh-colored nail polish is suitable for short nails, while darker colors are suitable for long nails. Solid colors are more sophisticated than glitter. So, if you want to emphasize your feminine charm, go for solid color glazes.
Enchant a Man Step 8
Enchant a Man Step 8

Step 8. Take care of your body

It is not necessary to have the body of a model, however it is much easier to seduce a man if you are moderately fit. Remember that personal hygiene is also important.

If you are fit enough not to have any health problems, then you are fit enough to seduce a man. You simply have to show that you care enough to take care of your body. Showing respect for yourself will give you a strong appeal

Part 2 of 3: Sending the Right Signals

Enchant a Man Step 9
Enchant a Man Step 9

Step 1. Maintain eye contact

Meet his eyes before even saying goodbye and maintain eye contact throughout the conversation.

Eye contact lets a man know that you are interested in him. Catching his gaze before the conversation starts can give him the right motivation to approach you. Keeping his gaze during the conversation will let him know that he has your undivided attention. If for some reason he is led to believe that you are not interested in him, his interest in you may diminish as a result

Enchant a Man Step 10
Enchant a Man Step 10

Step 2. Smile

Few things are as inviting and seductive as a smile. Based on the rest of your body language, you can change a friendly smile into a captivating one.

  • During the early stages, whenever your eyes meet hers in a room, try to smile shyly. This, combined with glances, eye contact, and smiling, can have more effect.
  • While talking to him, you need to smile and laugh appropriately. Unless you are talking about serious things, a smile should be your cornerstone expression throughout the evening.
Enchant a Man Step 11
Enchant a Man Step 11

Step 3. Play with your hair

Put your hair behind your ears randomly or run your fingers between them. Run your hands over your neck and shoulders, under your hairline.

The trick is to make slow, delicate and sensual movements. If you move too fast, you won't give him time to notice them. If you move too hard, you will be more inclined to show hostility rather than sensuality

Enchant a Man Step 12
Enchant a Man Step 12

Step 4. Send the right looks

Look at him and let him know that you like what you are looking at. By letting him know that you find him attractive, you will make him seem more attractive in turn.

  • Make sure he notices that you are looking at him from head to toe. Catch his eye and let him know you approve.
  • You can also expose yourself and compliment him. If you like his smile or his eyes, tell him.
Enchant a Man Step 13
Enchant a Man Step 13

Step 5. Let him look at you too

Your body language doesn't have to be provocative, but at least open and inviting. If you act distantly and with disinterest, you could push him away instead of bringing him closer.

Try to arch your back and cross your legs. Accentuate the gesture by lightly touching your thigh. All of these movements could feel natural, if done correctly, and will highlight your feminine charm, making you look more attractive

Enchant a Man Step 14
Enchant a Man Step 14

Step 6. Come closer

Shorten the distance between you. If he can't hear your low, almost whispered voice, then you're not close enough.

In fact, it is advisable to approach for a few moments to whisper something in his ear. After talking to him, stand back a little, but still stay close to him

Enchant a Man Step 15
Enchant a Man Step 15

Step 7. Play with physical contact

Continuous contact is not necessarily advised, however brief and seemingly innocent contact can tease him and make you want him.

  • If you're flirting with someone you don't know, keep contact to a minimum. Touch his arms when you speak or lean against his shoulder. Keep the contact short and light.
  • If you're looking to seduce a man you've known for a long time, your touches may be a little more noticeable. For example, you can run your hand over the lapel of her dress while maintaining eye contact.

Part 3 of 3: Ending the Spell

Enchant a Man Step 16
Enchant a Man Step 16

Step 1. Show confidence and self-confidence

Basically, he has to see that you "want" him without making him feel that you "need" him. Show him that you are comfortable with yourself and that you are capable of taking care of yourself.

  • Avoid apologizing for every little thing or acting nervous and uncomfortable. You may not be the most outgoing person in the world, but your confidence is only noticeable if you are comfortable with yourself.
  • While not extremely necessary, it can help a lot to be self-reliant. Just as it attracts a man with financial stability more, so a self-reliant woman will seem more attractive to a man.
Enchant a Man Step 17
Enchant a Man Step 17

Step 2. Recognize its independence

It should go without saying that you want him close to you, but you still have to give him his personal space and time for himself.

  • Make him spend time with his friends without forcing him to invite you.
  • If he is in a bad mood, let him know that you are more than happy to listen to him and help him, but don't force him to talk about his feelings at the time. Give him some time to calm down on his own.
Enchant a Man Step 18
Enchant a Man Step 18

Step 3. Love life and be positive

You don't have to have a bubbly personality, but simply let him know that you are optimistic. This way he will perceive you as a pleasant person to be around and will want to be close to you as well.

  • Try to touch on positive conversation topics, such as pleasant memories, funny stories, and anecdotes of the day.
  • Always see the bright side of things and laugh at the little annoyances. Rather than always being angry at the frustrating way your co-workers treat you, tell the anecdotes in a humorous way and dismiss them with "nothing important."
  • Try to laugh a lot while you are with him. Get new experiences and show him that you enjoy being around him.
  • If your personality is serious in nature, you can show him that you are optimistic by simply talking about things you enjoy with passion and zeal.
Enchant a Man Step 19
Enchant a Man Step 19

Step 4. Show interest in his life

Let him know that you really care by listening to him and showing a sincere interest in the events of his life.

  • People feel comfortable and consider when someone cares about them. A guy tends to show interest as well if you show it first.
  • If you are dating a man, ask him about his family, his job, his hobbies, his aspirations and his life in general.
  • When you're trying to seduce a man you've known for a long time, show him your continued interest by asking him how his day went and how he feels.
  • Really listen to it. If you're not paying attention, he'll notice it very easily.
Enchant a Man Step 20
Enchant a Man Step 20

Step 5. Balance mystery and transparency

Presenting yourself with a veil of mystery can intrigue a man, but every time you reveal your mysterious side, you have to give him a riddle to solve.

  • It is much easier to appear mysterious when you are meeting someone new. Be open to him on many fronts, but hint that you may still have secrets. When she finally discovers the truth behind all that secrecy, you will be even more attractive.
  • When trying to seduce a man you've known for a long time, appearing mysterious can be more difficult. Try to show a part of your personality that you don't bring out often. For example, if you're a rather homely type, surprise him by taking him to a karaoke bar and putting on a little performance when it's your turn. The contrast between what he sees now and what he expected will suggest that there are still new things he doesn't know about you.
  • If you want to seduce a man for a long-term relationship, you need to be very transparent. Share your secrets with him when you're sure you can trust them. Try to show yourself vulnerable from time to time. Stop hiding your flaws and mistakes. Let your guard down to let him know how much you trust him.
Enchant a Man Step 21
Enchant a Man Step 21

Step 6. Show him both your angelic and evil side

At first glance, it might seem that an attractive woman has a purely devilish personality. However, it will make an even stronger effect to alternate a sweet and angelic side as well.

  • Your devilish side is great to show off in seduction. Put it on display by following most of the advice in this article, on appearance and body language. You have to try it to make you want it.
  • Your angelic side matters when you want to increase your long-term appeal. Demonstrate angelic behavior by displaying a compassionate and kind attitude. Support him when he is sad and always try to be sweet.
Enchant a Man Step 22
Enchant a Man Step 22

Step 7. Develop your intelligence

If you want to seduce a man into a long-term relationship, you're going to have to tease his mind. You won't be able to do this if you continue to behave like a fool.
