Witchcraft, in the modern sense of the word, is a general term to describe the practice of magic, especially one that focuses on oneself, the Earth, and animist spirits, rather than angels, demons, and other supernatural entities. Read this article to learn the basics that will get you started practicing witchcraft.
Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Basic Work

Step 1. Grasp the purpose of this guide
The most famous approach to neo-pagan witchcraft ("Wicca") is not the only one in the world. There are several magical traditions that can be considered "witchcraft", which change substantially in terms of purpose, origin, and perspective. However, since an article covering all or most of these traditions would be too complex, this guide will focus only on the modern Wiccan witchcraft tradition.

Step 2. Research Wicca
Wicca is a modern religion, based on the principles of Western European paganism, which include witchcraft as its core. Wicca witchcraft is the most popular and practiced form of witchcraft in the Anglo-Saxon world. Wiccans can belong to a group, such as a brotherhood or coven, or they can operate independently or in very loose coalitions.
- Wiccan beliefs vary from practitioner to practitioner to some extent, but they all share basic concepts: a system made up of five elements (earth, air, fire, water and spirit); a clear division between genders and roles during creation, represented by two deities, the Moon Goddess and the Horned God; and the use of ritual elements that reflect the 4 suits of a tarot deck, namely the cup or Grail, the wand, the knife and / or dagger and the pentacle.
- Witchcraft is only part of being a Wiccan. Much of religion is based on accepting and embracing nature, its cycles and the differences between individuals. Seasonal festivals, called Sabbats, and structured religious practice are the main parts of Wicca. You don't have to be a Wiccan to practice Wiccan witchcraft, but these two things are closely related.

Step 3. Enter Wicca in a way that suits you
Depending on who you ask, becoming a Wicca initiate is either a matter of personal will, or an introduction through a ceremony in a formal "coven" or group. This reflects the young age of religion, and the whole range of objections and inconsistencies about what it means to be a "true" Wiccan. However, it also illustrates how each Wiccan views the idea of personal power, responsibility, and free will. Choose what you think works best for you.

Step 4. Study in magical schools of thought
Witchcraft is essentially the practice of magic. Since magic is a very personal area of study, there are several aspects to consider: how it works, where it comes from, what it means. Like any discipline, a novice in the field of magic must at least have a smattering of different opinions and various approaches.
- Wiccans believe that magic is the result of the imposition of personal will on the world, strengthened and projected through the appropriate mystical channels. This could include invoking the help of powerful spirits, such as the God or the Goddess or the Guardian Spirits of the four elements and four directions; it could also include a ritual to accumulate or cultivate power in the practitioner himself. Understanding what the different concepts and symbolic materials are is important to develop a spell as effective as possible.
- The magical tradition linked to Aleister Crowley holds that magic, which can connect the practitioner with supernatural forces, is essentially an exercise in self-discipline and mental rigor. Deep concentration, focused meditation and control of one's thoughts are key components in generating the personal power needed to cast effective spells.
- Many psychologists see magic as a form of self-legitimation which is simply another way of interpreting the power of positive thinking. The effects of magic are perceived by those who practice it, as the act of practicing witchcraft prepares them to see and seize opportunities that otherwise they would have missed, thus creating a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. These people are thus able to focus on their goals while maintaining a flexible approach to achieving them and thus reaping the greatest benefits of magic, according to this model of interpretation.
- In many popular traditions, the power of the spell does not coincide with that of the witch, except for the simple intent. The energy that makes the spell effective is that of spirits, forces of the elements and other incorporeal entities. The witch's job in this case is to attract enough power for the spell to be effective, making sure to choose the most appropriate assistance for the goal and avoiding attracting too many magical forces to the human dimension.
- Chaos magic is a recent and quite popular theory that claims that any magical system, including those not listed in this article, can be effective when the practitioner believes in their power. According to chaos magic, practicing witchcraft in this way is more important than choosing the "true" or "right" path.
Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Practicing Witchcraft

Step 1. Study and specialize
While it is not science in the strict sense of the word, practicing witchcraft requires absolute dedication, passion, knowledge and understanding. Many practitioners find that they are more powerful in certain areas than others, and become experts in them over time, as they continue to delve into and practice that specific project. There are different areas of study for the witch or sorcerer apprentice, as there are different topics, but there may be generic areas that could attract you:
Wicca ritual magic. The type of magic commonly practiced by most Wiccans is purely ritual magic, with special tools and geometric shapes (especially the pentacle) that give power and meaning to each step.
- Ritual magic is very flexible; a witch (or sorcerer) skilled in this area can make virtually any spell more effective by having a well-rounded understanding of the symbolisms associated with the elements of rituals and using them to her advantage.
- Constant reflection on the relationship between men, nature and the divine is an essential requirement for perfecting magical rituals and can also bring inner peace, clarity of thought and exceptional strength of character.
- Wiccan magic is often divided into groups of five types, as the number five is very powerful for Wiccans. If you ask ten different Wiccan organizations what these types are, you will get 10 different answers. This guide doesn't cover all possible answers in the slightest, so ask your coven if you want to know their point of view.
Plant, soil and the magic of the earth. The so-called "green witch" or "country witch" not only learns to prepare potions, remedies and other powerful substances using plants, but also develops a deep understanding of the cycles of birth, death and rebirth. These witches are oriented towards protective magic, extracting it from nature to avoid bad luck.
Studying this type of magic can help you understand your surroundings, develop a green thumb, and cultivate other powers that offer practical benefits to your life and home
Shamanic Magic. Although it is not strictly connected to the Wiccan tradition, shamanism is very much practiced by witches, and also by people belonging to different popular religions from all over the world. The basic concept of shamanism is that everything that exists in nature in this world has its own spirit, a belief also called animism. By learning to visit the spirit world, or "astral plane", a shaman can communicate with these spirits and invoke their help in this dimension.
- Experienced shamans can develop strong contact with their spiritual guide, and thus be able to "read" people and predict their actions, and gain powers of divination by establishing relationships with powerful allied spirits.
- In the jargon "witches", shamans are often called "augurs" (from the Latin word meaning prophet, spiritual guide) or "witches bridge" (travelers of the spirit world). Even those who try to communicate with mystical beings who do not have a similar representation in this dimension, such as fairies or elves, are considered a kind of shaman.
Other forms of witchcraft. Since witchcraft is often practiced in secret, there are many witches who do not fit into the categories already mentioned. All of these approaches require the same dedication and spirit as the more famous and commonly practiced ones. The thirst for knowledge and the need to understand how the world works is the starting point for developing any kind of witchcraft. Some of the less common types of witches are:
- Family witches, who practice a family tradition that only the family itself is aware of.
- "Eclectic" witches, who study a bit of everything and have general and non-specialized knowledge.
- Lonely witches, who develop their vision of witchcraft and study in their own way, without relying on standard practices and rituals.
155016 6 Step 2. Engage in rituals and ceremonies
Regardless of your opinion of how and why witchcraft works, or your interest in one magical field rather than another, it does not change the fact that mankind empowers and attaches importance to what it worships, elevates and separates from the life of everyday. This means that the more you treat witchcraft as something powerful and special, the more it will affect your life.
- Cultivate your own interpretation in a shared frame. Unlike many religions, the idea of complete and total submission to a prevailing idea is not part of the Wiccan mentality. If you practice witchcraft as a member of a Wiccan group, remember that rituals and spells are more related to your personal power as they serve to connect with higher forces. Respect the traditions of your group, but don't be afraid to make your own contribution to support them.
- Find rituals that suit you. If you are a member of a group, their rituals will take power from the group's beliefs. However, if you practice witchcraft irregularly and on your own account, you will need to develop the perception of what makes an object, an action or a symbol take on a particular meaning for you. Use these particular objects to create an aura of power and seriousness when you practice witchcraft.
155016 7 Step 3. Be ethical for better results
Magic depends on the will and intentions of the practitioner to generate results. The more resolute and certain a witch is in her intentions or purpose, the more she will see or feel the effects of the spell. Precisely for this reason it is important to cultivate very strong ethics and morals through which to perform and understand all the actions as a practitioner.
Start with knowing yourself. This is a lifelong process, but you will reap the benefits as you continue on this path. Many people live without following a strict moral code, but only what is easy or convenient. Instead you have to be that rare person who always does his best to act according to his principles, even if they seem out of fashion.
To develop a solid ethics, you need to understand yourself - not just your strengths, but your weaknesses. What worries or scares you about yourself? Those are the areas where you are weak. Don't dwell too much on these aspects of your personality, but recognize that you don't always have the strength to keep them at bay. By recognizing and accepting them, you can begin building strong defenses to defend yourself against them
- Continue with self-awareness. As you begin to compensate for your weaknesses and focus on your strengths, you will begin to see your morals more clearly. The things that make you feel uncomfortable are the ones that go against your morals; what causes you a sense of peace or belonging are things in line with your righteousness and decency. Your ethical sense can help you control thoughts and actions, but your morality helps you to clearly understand the reasons behind them.
- Practice self-discipline. Learning is endless work. Like anything solid and strong, your ethical sense must be nurtured. Probe your mind for gaps or cracks in your ethical sense regularly, compensate for or change something over time. Try to frame your ethical sense in a simple moral code so that you not only have an idea of how you behave in a given situation, but why you do it. By doing this, you will become a person of sound principles, someone for whom very few decisions are difficult to make as they are analyzed by a well-defined internal value system that never falters.
Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Using Magic
155016 8 Step 1. Retrieve your ritual tools
If you practice within a coven or brotherhood, they will certainly have ritual tools and spells developed for every moment of the year, but any witch who wants to practice magic alone is free to do so. To cast effective spells, you will need certain tools. The specific ones vary from coven to coven. This list includes the most common ones used by most witches, with their meanings and alignments.
- L' athame is a dagger (or sword), one of the main tools of witchcraft. It is associated with the masculine side and therefore with the God, and with the masculine cardinal points, East (air) and South (fire).
- The chalice it is a ceremonial cup, another basic tool of witchcraft. It is associated with the masculine side and therefore with the Goddess. The chalice is connected to the West (water), one of the female cardinal points.
- There wand it is a smooth piece of wood, decorated at one end with a gem or other particular element. Another basic tool of witchcraft and a phallic representation of God. Like the athame, it is associated with the cardinal points East and South, and with the elements of air and fire.
- There bell is a tool used to send spells to their destination with a pleasant sound. It is associated with the Goddess, and can be played to invoke her presence during rituals.
- The cauldron is an important tool for practical witchcraft, used to burn objects (herbs) during spells. It is feminine, and associated with the Goddess.
- The censer it is a container for burning incense and pouring salt during spells and rituals. It is masculine, associated with God, East and the air.
- There broom or broom, is a common tool in witchcraft. The broom is used for the cleaning and purification rituals of the place where the magic will be performed, and is a ritual element for protection. It is associated with both the God and the Goddess, and connected to the water element.
155016 9 Step 2. Retrieve other tools
In addition to these powerful tools, there are many others used in witchcraft that change from ritual to ritual and from witch to witch. Below we will describe some of them.
- The Candles I'm the witch's tool par excellence. They are used to absorb and then slowly release your personal energy and the purpose of the spell. The color of the candle used for a spell varies according to the purpose of the spell, but there are different currents of thought among Wiccans as to which color works best for which spells. Do your research, and have a rainbow of candles (including black and white) handy.
- The Dress up they are the ritual garments worn during spells. They are large and soft, often following the same code as candles based on spell type: green for herbal magic, brown for working with animals or oneself, and so on. Not all traditions require the use of ritual robes.
- The grimoire is the other name of the book of spells. Grimoires can be tomes that include a coven's group spells, or belong to and be written by an individual witch. They often include recipes (of potions and concoctions), notes and instructions on rituals and serve as a guide.
- The Book of Shadows it is essentially the witch's diary. Contains the list of spells made and for what purpose; important dreams or induced visions; reflections and feelings on witchcraft; and anything else that is important to the witch. Some also use it to write down ideas for the spells they create, although the library can be used for this purpose.
155016 10 Step 3. Create an altar
The altar is the sacred space and the physical representation of the practicing witch's work area. The altars can be very different from each other, but they are usually placed on an oblong or rectangular surface, and on top are placed the important tools for spells. Create an altar based on your ideas and beliefs. It is also the space for the elements of the altar. It is usually fixed, but temporary ones are also used.
When you place the instruments on the altar, those associated with the Goddess and the feminine go to the left, those associated with the God and the masculine to the right. The altar should face north, even if it is not essential
155016 11 Step 4. Learn to open and close a circle
Opening the circle is one of the basic and most important rituals of witchcraft. Defines and protects the altar during the spell, inviting the four elements and cardinal points for protection and supervision. The circle must be opened before casting any other spell.
- The rituals vary in length and style from witch to witch, but basically, opening a circle involves lighting a candle (usually white, to purify) and then invoking the elements, starting from the North or East and moving clockwise.
- Once you have finished a spell or a ritual, the circle is closed with a ceremony opposite to that of opening it: start by turning to the West, thank and greet every corner in an anti-clockwise direction, then blow out the candle.
- Ritual language is usually used with rhymes and chants, and the ritual phrases for each direction are the same, to create repetition.
155016 12 Step 5. Cast a simple spell to harmonize body and spirit
This basic spell is performed in the light of the moon, and should be performed with humility and reverence. Start by opening the circle. Light a white purification candle, and burn a mix of sandalwood, fir and pine in your cauldron. Once the mix is smoking, fill a bowl with pure water, and put some salt in it. Place it in front of you, and wet a finger to start the spell.
- Touch yourself between the eyes first. Repeat: "Bless my eyes, may they have a clear vision." wet your finger now and after touching each part.
- Touch your mouth and repeat: "Bless my mouth, may it speak the truth."
- Touch your ears and repeat: "Bless my ears, may they hear what is said and what is not said."
- Touch your heart and repeat: "Bless my heart, may it be full of love".
- Touch your bare foot (first right then left) and repeat: "Bless my feet, may they find and follow the right path for me".
- Blow out the candle to finish the ritual. Once you're done, remember to close the circle.
155016 13 Step 6. Pack a magic bag to strengthen your dreams
These are tiny bags that contain a wide range of objects. They are used to give extra energy and focus to your will on a specific goal or task. This magic bag will strengthen your dreams and give you a clearer view of problems or concerns.
- Choose the fabric you prefer. If you use a colored one, white and blue are the colors associated with healing, purification and spirituality.
Slowly and loosely sew two pieces of fabric on three sides, focusing on the purpose of this pouch (making dreams clearer, stronger and more powerful). The more time you spend wrapping the bag, the more power you will instill in it.
To increase the time spent making the bag, decorate it with markings, beads or other decorations once the first three sides are sewn
Open the bag on the side you left open and put a pinch or two of these herbs in it:
- Mint
- Cinnamon
- Verbena odorous
- Common verbena
- Marigold flowers
- Hop
Sew the top of the bag under the light of the full moon, charging and purifying it with your intentions. Starting the next night, pouch the middle part of your forehead before bed, focusing on your question or what is bothering you. Put the magic bag under your pillow and go to sleep. You should see the effects in a few nights.
Have a pen and paper handy to quickly jot down the details and inspirations of your dreams before you forget them
155016 14 Step 7. Eliminate anxiety with an herbal tea
A herbal tea may not seem like a spell, but herbs are very powerful magical tools. According to the witches, modern Western medicine uses only part of the power of herbs; the rest is awakened by a ritual and intent.
- Start your herbal magic by boiling water.
- Fill a cup of water and add two teaspoons of valerian roots while reciting a rhyme or chant to get rid of anxiety. End the nursery rhyme with "I want it, and so be it", to give power to the infusion.
- In Dorothy Morrison's book "Everiday Magic" the spell is as follows: Nervous anxiety, you are dead / Roots and water, soothe my head / Bring me to your calming peace / as I want, so it has to be."
- Drink the whole cup of tea. Add all the honey you want if you don't like the taste. Repeat the ritual every day or until anxiety subsides. Let the tea cool before drinking!
- Most people think that "magic" is mere illusion and sleight of hand. This includes séance boards (Ouijia boards, which are actually moved by the user even if they don't make it, due to a well-known phenomenon called involuntary movement), or card games.
- Don't stop there. Witchcraft is a broad and fascinating subject; a single article cannot explain everything there is to know. Start your journey to become a real witch by exploiting your curiosity and increasing your knowledge. Talk to Wiccans or other witches, read books and explore this world as much as possible.
- Becoming a true witch, like any other kind of skill, requires study and dedication. You can't become a powerful witch in one day by studying a book and trying some ritual, just as you can't become a five star chef by reading a cookbook and making some cake. Give yourself time.
- Remember that as a witch (sorcerer), some will be afraid of you and few will understand you. You may also be ridiculed or scorned. In some cases, you may face threats of violence, or physical violence. Always be cautious in a new situation to reduce the risks, and contact local authorities if you feel threatened or persecuted.
- Witchcraft strengthens your will and increases its influence in the world around you. If you practice it out of spite, pain or frustration, it will poison your surroundings and make things worse. Try to cast spells with a positive spirit to encourage changes in your life for the better.