To flambé means to ignite alcohol that has been poured on food. Once on fire, the alcohol burns quickly - but that doesn't mean making flambé food is overwhelming. However, this cooking technique can be risky. To learn how to safely surprise your guests with your cooking skills, read this article.
Method 1 of 2: Part One: Prepare Food and Alcohol

Step 1. Buy the right alcohol
You should only use liquor of about 40 °. Anything that has multiple degrees could create a very dangerous fire. Liquors with less strength may not catch fire.
If your recipe doesn't specify which alcohol to use, choose a type of alcohol that goes well with the dish you are making. Use whiskey or cognac for meal dishes; for fruit or dessert, it is better to choose a fruit brandy

Step 2. Prepare the dish you want to flambé with
This implies that you have to follow the recipe you have. Some traditional flambé foods are crepe suzette, foster bananas, and chateaubriand.

Step 3. Heat the alcohol
Cold alcohol won't work well, so it's best to warm it up first. Pour the alcohol into a high-sided saucepan. Heat the alcohol until it reaches 54 degrees - you should see bubbles starting to form.
If you prefer to use a microwave, it is best if you heat the alcohol in a safe container! The microwave must be at its maximum power; after making sure, reheat the alcohol between 30 and 45 seconds

Step 4. Take precautions
Make sure you have a metal lid that is large enough to cover the saucepan you are using. If the flame gets too big while you are flambéing, immediately cover the saucepan with the lid. By doing this you will be able to control the flame and finally extinguish it (when the fire runs out of oxygen, it dies.) The lid must be the right size for the flame to die with certainty.
Method 2 of 2: Part Two: Making your Flambé Food

Step 1. Never pour liquor directly from the bottle near an open flame
The liqueur at 40 ° is really very flammable! If you pour it directly from the bottle too close to the flame, the liqueur could catch fire. The fire, in that case, will enter the bottle and make it explode.

Step 2. Pour the alcohol into the saucepan you are about to flambé with
This saucepan will have to contain the food you want to cook. If you don't have a flambé pan, you can use a large pan with a long handle and high sides. Make sure you have matches or a lighter.
- If you are cooking with a griddle or electric stove, pour the alcohol over the top of the food and tilt the pan slightly away from you with one hand.
- If you are using a gas stove, remove the pan of food from the burning fire and add the alcohol.

Step 3. Turn on the liquor in the pan immediately
Don't wait too long to do this because otherwise the food you pour the alcohol over could absorb the inflamed liquor, ruining its taste. Always make sure you turn on the ends of the pan and not quite the liquor! It is recommended to use a long barbecue lighter or a very long match.
- If you are using a griddle or electric stove, tap the flame from a match or lighter to the end of the pan to allow the flames to bypass it.
- If you are using a home cooker, put the pan on the stove and tilt it slightly so that the alcohol fumes ignite.

Step 4. Cook the food until the alcohol is gone
You can tell when all the alcohol has been burned because there will be no more flame. In reality it will only take a few moments but it is important because this way the astringent alcohol taste will go away.

Step 5. Serve your guests and surprise them
- The flames from the burnt alcohol can quickly go upwards. Always make sure that both you and your guests are far enough away from the food that is being burned to avoid burns.
- Always remember to have a bespoke lid in case the flames get out of hand.
- Never pour alcohol directly from the bottle to the food. The flames can jump up and cause the entire bottle to break, causing serious damage.