Dividing numbers by mind or with the calculator becomes more complicated if you use fractions or decimals in arithmetic. When you divide an integer numerator by a decimal denominator, you will need to add decimal numbers to get the quotient.
Method 1 of 2: Part 1: Converting the Numbers

Step 1. Write your division on a piece of paper
Use a pencil if you want to be able to correct the work you are about to do. For example, 8/0, 62.
- The numerator is the number you are dividing. It is the first number of the fraction.
- The denominator is the number you are dividing by. It is the second number of the fraction.
- The quotient is the result.

Step 2. Any changes you make to the decimal number in the denominator (0
62), you will also need to do this in the numerator (8).
This way you will make sure that the value does not change.

Step 3. Write the numerator with decimals after the whole number
For example, 8.00. This is a good way to see how an integer can work as a decimal, without changing its value.

Step 4. Move the numerator decimal 2 places to the right to make it an integer
For example, 0, 62 becomes 62.

Step 5. The numerator also moves 2 places
For example, 8.00 becomes 800.
Method 2 of 2: Part 2: Divide Integers

Step 1. Rewrite your division with integers
For example, 800 / 62. 8/0, 62 is the same division of 800/62!

Step 2. Use your knowledge of divisions to divide the new numbers, or use the calculator

Step 3. Get the quotient
The answer in our example is 12, 9. You don't have to add decimal places in the answer because the value of the first division and the second division are exactly the same!