This guide will teach you how to perform a volleyball serve from below in the correct way.

Step 1. If you are right-handed, put your left leg forward and put all your weight on the back foot
(The opposite for left-handers)

Step 2. Place the ball in the palm of the hand you are not using to hit and spread it out in front of you a little lower than the hips, directly in front of the batting hand
Keep your elbow straight.

Step 3. Make sure you form a fist with your right (batting) hand
Close your fingers and turn the palm of your hand up.

Step 4. Swing the batting hand back to the hips
The fingers of the swinging elbow should be tight and the palm facing down.

Step 5. As you step forward with the foot opposite the batting hand, bend your knees, bring the ball down and head forward, then hit the ball by swinging your right hand forward

Step 6. Hit the ball with the palm of your hand near the little finger
Do not cross the court line with your foot or you will commit a foul.

Step 7. As you hit the ball, straighten your legs to give more power to the serve, then complete the movement by bringing your arm up and pointing your hand at your target
Method 1 of 1: Advanced Beat from Below
Step 1. Hold the ball with one hand
Step 2. Throw the ball about 50-65cm away
Step 3. Hit the ball with the thumb area or fingers closed into fists
Use the same hand you threw the ball with.
Step 4. Complete the movement
- Slows. Mistakes in service often result from enthusiasm and lack of concentration.
- If you've followed all the steps but your serve is still short, it probably means you don't have enough strength to get past the net. Increase the impact on the ball, using the momentum of the body.
- Creating a "routine" before the serve, such as bouncing the ball for a few times, or turning it to read the brand, will help you get a more consistent serve. This is because repeating the same actions before serving helps to confirm the movements even during the serve. Many people greatly improve the accuracy of their serve thanks to this advice.
- Always face the direction you want to throw the ball.
- Don't forget to hit the ball with the palm of your hand!
- For some people it is useful to keep the thumb out of the fist, so as to have more control of the hitting (but it is only allowed for beginners, because it is considered a foul at a competitive level).
- Keep your hand flat.
- If you accidentally cross the line of the court, the next time you serve, remember to step back a few inches.
- Hit the ball from the hand with the area near the little finger. Don't throw the ball and don't drop it.
- Try hitting the ball by increasing or decreasing your strength to improve your serve.
- You may experience mild pain in your wrist, fingers, and knuckles.