Sometimes, girls love their boyfriends to be possessive; they believe it is a display of love and affection. But what if possessiveness becomes the only quality of a boyfriend and the relationship turns into hell? In that case, you need to take some precautions and be very careful to keep the relationship on track. If that doesn't really work, there's always a chance to break!

Step 1. Try to understand your boyfriend
You should already know its nature thoroughly. Was he possessive from the start or did he become possessive later on? Try to understand what is bothering him. Ask yourself: why is he acting weird?

Step 2. Look for signs of her possessiveness
When does he suddenly get weird? What are the changes in his tone and behavior? Is he possessive of you only if there is a particular guy or is he possessive in the presence of any person with whom you have a friendly attitude?

Step 3. Now is the time to take action
Have him sit down and let him know that you love him very much, that you don't want to end the relationship with him and that you care. If you think he is showing possessiveness because of another guy, avoid mentioning this person during the conversation. If possible, go out for dinner or lunch with both of you. This way, your boyfriend could better understand the relationship you have with the other person.

Step 4. Get your boyfriend involved in some kind of activity
You can both participate in the same activity, which will help you have some happy moments together. Or surprise him by showing him love and attention. Sometimes a man is possessive when he is insecure in the relationship. Be patient and open to your boyfriend, helping him get rid of any insecurities he has.

Step 5. Another thing is if your boyfriend invades your spaces, makes all the decisions on your own, tells you what to wear and what you can't wear, does things that hurt you
In this case, you should be firm and tell him that you don't like this attitude because it makes you feel bad. Set some ground rules so you can have your own space. Don't let it invade him. Let him know that it is good to carve out moments in which each of you can have some time for yourself.

Step 6. If your boyfriend is still the same and continues to bully you, even though you have talked about it and set the rules, then it is time to end your relationship
- Make some kind gestures towards him. Help him with his work or chores. Spend a little more time with him.
- Be interested in his life and the people he is attached to.
- Let him know that you love him deeply and that he is important in your life.
- There is a fine line between taking care of a person and being possessive. It is important to understand what this limit is, before it is too late.
- If your relationship doesn't go well and damages your personality, the best solution is to end the relationship as soon as possible.