All right, this time you made it really big! She is mad at you and you don't know if she will ever forgive you. Should you send her some flowers? His favorite dessert? A new BMW? Maybe you should tell her you're sorry, despite what they suggest in the movies? Let's go through all the possible options to figure out how to get things right!

Step 1. First, you need to apologize
Apologies are very important, but only when they are sincere. For example, if you apologize by saying "I'm sorry if my actions caused problems", it could actually mean "Gee, I'm sorry you're so touchy."
- For example, saying, "Honey, I'm sorry if you got mad because I tried with your sister, but I was really drunk" you actually put the blame on her by justifying your act with alcohol. They wouldn't be sincere excuses, despite your words.
- Instead, saying, "Honey, I'm mortified by my actions. It was really inappropriate behavior, there is no excuse. It will never happen again." You may not forgive yourself right away, but at least you will have taken your responsibility by showing true repentance, rather than placing the blame on anyone else but you. Is very important.

Step 2. Write an apology letter
Sometimes, words aren't enough. Even if you have done a horrible thing, by writing a letter to let her know that you are aware of the mistake, that you are sorry and that you will never do it again, you will prove your sincerity. In addition, you will have the opportunity to reread it several times. It may be a good idea to deliver the letter along with a bouquet of flowers.
Based on the example described here, you could prepare two letters, not just one: the first for your girlfriend, along with a bouquet of roses (or her favorite flowers); the second, for his sister (to whom you must not send flowers, unless it is a type of bouquet that you would send to his mother too!)

Step 3. Tell her how much you love her
Let her know that you are truly sorry and never meant to hurt her. It's a good way to end the conversation before you leave.

Step 4. Let the situation calm down
Don't keep saying you're sorry, because he'll get even madder. Make your apologies, then leave her alone. If you live together, leave the house, go for a walk, or go to the supermarket, to the cinema. The important thing is that you don't stay under the same roof for some time. Otherwise, just go back to your home.

Step 5. Make yourself heard the following day
Send her an email or a message, have a chat. It will serve to start the conversation, bringing things back to normal, but you need to realize that you can't totally ignore your faults.

Step 6. Give her some time if she needs it
In fact, he may never grant you forgiveness; you can't help but wait.
- Only tell her you love her if you really feel it.
- Don't send her your apologies through someone else. Be a man and face the situation.
- Never ask a friend of hers why she is mad! She will get even more angry with you and her friend too, because if she wanted to let you know, she would have told you directly.
- Sometimes, it is best not to say that you will avoid the attitudes that infuriate her. Show her that you have changed directly with actions, because they are worth so much more than words.
- Quarrels, with the resulting apology and forgiveness phase, are part of life. If you are sincere, if you have not done anything too serious, if she is willing to forgive you, feel lucky and follow your heart.
- After making your apology, ask her how she's going to make her feel special again.
- Don't keep saying you're sorry. After a while, you will get annoying.
- Don't do crazy things, like punching a wall or hurting yourself. Even if you think it's the only way to vent your anger, she may be afraid of you.
- Never tell a girl that you find her sexy, because she won't appreciate it; rather, tell her she is very beautiful.
- Don't rush to get an answer regarding his forgiveness. If everything goes well, he'll let you know.
- Tell her you'll never do it again, swear you won't hurt her again. Then, keep your word! There is a very specific term for chronic excuses: it is called abuse.
- Don't ask her a million questions, or you'll make her run away again.
- Be upset, but don't overdo it!
- Avoid giving her gifts, especially jewelry or special souvenirs, as this is not a time to remember.
- If he forgives you, don't dwell on the subject and don't talk about it.