If you know a girl who lives elsewhere, it can be difficult to stay in touch. The best way to do this is to ask her for her phone number. Her body language when you ask her will let you know if she likes you or not, although some girls may give you the number and then not respond to messages or phone calls.

Step 1. Start with "(Name), it will be difficult to stay in touch, and I wish I could text or call you sometime
Could I have your number? "Make sure you don't say something like" Give me your number "if you don't know her very well.

Step 2. If you get a girl's number, be sure to ask her how she's doing and what she's doing
Don't worry, the conversation will eventually revolve around you.

Step 3. If you answer no, that's not a problem
Wait a week or two and ask him again. Don't ask her why she said no, girls don't like this question. If he sees fit, he will tell you.

Step 4. Alternatively, try giving your number to the girl so she can decide whether to contact you
The chances of her doing this may not be very high, but if she does, you'll know she likes you.
- Let her talk (if you're calling her).
- If the conversation runs out, DON'T talk about school! Make a joke or make up an excuse. Pretend you're busy and postpone the conversation for a later time.
- If a girl writes "kisses" at the end of a message, you should reciprocate. Remember that probably every word you write will be analyzed by the girl and her friends.
- Talk about topics that interest you, or it will get awkward.
- Please re-read the message before hitting "Send"!
- If you never get a reply when texting her, it's probably a fake number. Get over it and move on!