Pacifiers can be both a rite of passage and a nuisance. You probably appreciated having one when it was done to you, but regretted it the following day - or even a minute later. If you're looking for a way to hide a hickey from your friends, co-workers, parents, or anyone you meet on the street, you've come to the right place.
Method 1 of 5: Method One: Cover the Soother

Step 1. Hide the hickey with the right shirt
Wearing a shirt or sweater can be the best way to hide your soother from the world. Whether you are a man or a woman, here are some things you can try:
- A turtleneck sweater.
- A long-sleeved turtleneck shirt.
- A jacket or shirt with a collar that covers your neck. You can only use this method if you regularly wear garments with the collar pulled up, otherwise your friends will make fun of you and notice your hickey right away.
- Don't wear a turtleneck in the summer. You would only attract more attention to the neck.
- Wear something that distracts attention from your neck. Try wearing a shirt with a fun logo, stripes or an unusual zip. The more details the shirt will be, the less people will look at your neck.

Step 2. Hide the soother with the right accessory
If your shirt isn't enough to hide the soother, try one of the following accessories:
- A scarf is the most common accessory you can use. Make sure you wear it in the right seasons and, if you are indoors, you don't look weird. You should avoid scarves even if they are a piece of clothing you never wear.
- If you are used to dressing elegantly, wrap a sweater over your shoulders, but do so only if you are sure you will not attract attention.
- If you have no other solution, you can put a patch on the soother and make up a story. If you are a boy you can say that a bug has stung you, and if you are a girl you can say that you got burned with a hair straightener. If you have a cat, you can tell it scratched you. But remember that by telling a story you will draw more attention to yourself.
- If you are a long-haired girl or man, your best bet is to cover the hickey with your hair. Make sure you check that they don't move too far.
- Avoid wearing jewelry that draws attention to your neck. Women should prefer rings or bracelets to necklaces and earrings. Men should avoid chains and necklaces by wearing a watch.
Method 2 of 5: Method Two: Hide the Pacifiers with Makeup

Step 1. Get the materials
If you're a girl who wears makeup regularly, you probably already have everything you need. On the other hand, if you are a boy, you will need to ask a girl for help or stoop to buy the essentials in a cosmetics store. Here's what you need to cover your hickey:
- Yellow concealer
- Purple concealer
- Corrector suitable for your skin tone
- Make-up brush
- Foundation (optional)

Step 2. Apply the yellow concealer to the center of the hickey
The secret is to apply the opposite color to balance and neutralize the color of the hickey. If the central part of the hickey is purple, but the outside is more red, you will need a yellow concealer for the inside.
Apply it gently, using a thin brush

Step 3. Apply green concealer to the rest of the hickey
Clean the brush and use it on the outside and red part of the hickey.

Step 4. Apply regular concealer to the hickey
Find a concealer that matches your skin tone and apply it to the hickey with the brush. If you're not sure which shade to choose, try some on the other side of your neck to see if it blends well with your skin.
- After applying it with the brush, use your fingers to even it out to the skin.
- Always carry your make-up with you, so you can apply them again if they smudge during the day.

Step 5. Apply foundation
If you want to make sure you cover the hickey, you can use a layer of foundation to hide it.
Apply the foundation with the foundation brush and use a sponge to spread it out better
Method 3 of 5: Method Three: Hide a Soother with a Toothbrush

Step 1. Use a stiff bristled toothbrush on the pacifier and surrounding area
Do this gently and lightly to increase circulation to the area. Pressing too hard can make the hickey worse.
Use a new toothbrush

Step 2. Wait 15 - 20 minutes
The swelling and redness will spread, but will become milder if you wait.

Step 3. Apply a cold compress to the hickey
Leave it on the area for another 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 4. Repeat if necessary
If you see the hickey becoming less noticeable, try this method again. If you made it worse with your toothbrush, keep putting ice on it and wait for it to disappear on its own.
Method 4 of 5: Method Four: Hide the Soother with Ice

Step 1. Apply ice to the area
This will reduce swelling. Here are some things to try:
- A cold compress.
- Ice in a plastic zip lock bag.
- A cold spoon. Wet a spoonful with water and put it in the fridge for five minutes.
- If you have nothing else at your disposal, use something you have in the freezer, such as frozen peas, and keep them on the pacifier.

Step 2. Apply ice to the hickey for 20 minutes
Take a break, and apply the ice again. If you feel too much pain, put the ice away for a while.
- Do not put ice in direct contact with the pacifier. Make sure it's wrapped in a cloth, paper handkerchief, or plastic bag.
- If you're using a spoon, you should put it in the freezer every five minutes to cool it, or chill several spoons at once to speed up the process.
Method 5 of 5: Method Five: Hiding a Soother with a Massage

Step 1. Apply heat to the hickey
Use a warm towel or a thermo pillow. Leave it on the area until it becomes warm. Be careful not to burn yourself. If you heat a pad in the microwave, be sure to follow the directions and let it cool.
- Apply the hot compress until the neck is warm enough.
Don't reheat your soother right away.
You should only use this method 48 hours after receiving it. If the hickey has just appeared, use ice and start massaging the area.

Step 2. Massage the area from the inside out
When the neck is warm enough, use your fingers to massage the hickey in circular motions, from the inside to the outside.
Doing so will break the blood clots and promote circulation in the area

Step 3. Apply pressure to the center of the hickey
Drag your fingers from the center to the outer edge of the area.
Remember to be gentle. If you put too much pressure on it, you could make the situation worse

Step 4. Repeat the process a few times a day
Take a break and resume the massage a few hours later.
- Don't wear something unusual to hide a hickey. You would only attract more attention.
- Whichever method you choose, you can reduce swelling by applying ice to the affected area as soon as the hickey appears.
- You can also reduce the swelling of the pacifier with drugs, to hide it better. Take an aspirin or apply some vitamin K or aloe vera to the area.
- If you choose to use makeup, don't wear a shirt or accessory that can smudge it.
- Do not apply ice directly to the skin.
- Do not apply heat to the pacifier for the first 48 hours.