You hear his heavy footsteps and heavy moan approaching. The huge monstrous man stands between you and the Little Sister full of ADAMs. But reaching that little girl isn't a walk in the park - or maybe it is? With the help of this article, you will be able to avoid wasting ammo, first aid kit and EVE against the Big Daddy threat.

Step 1. Make sure you are prepared to face a Big Daddy
You have all the things listed in the "Things You Will Need" section. Do you have a First Aid Kit in case something goes wrong? Have you activated a nearby Chamber of Life for safety? When you've got it all and done everything you need to, you'll be ready to take on a Big Daddy.

Step 2. Know the environment
Have you hacked any turrets you can use? Have you disabled all those annoying security cameras? Have you got rid of the weaker opponents? Have you noticed any puddles that you can use to your advantage? Having an edge on the battlefield can help you when the fight gets intense.

Step 3. Fight with tactics you can afford
Depending on the type of ammunition you can afford to buy or build, you should try different but equally effective tactics.

Step 4. If you have any explosive shotgun shells, use them
They are usually too powerful for all weaker enemies, even Spider Splicers, so their best use is against a Big Daddy. These explosive shots will deal a lot of damage and set the Big Daddy on fire. However, make sure you have an advantage or cover after firing the first shot, as the explosions do not slow these monsters down.

Step 5. If you have electric shotgun shells, alternate these shells with other weapons
Electric cartridges paralyze the Big Daddy, and this will give you time to fire a round or two with frag grenades or an entire cartridge of armor-piercing machine gun ammo. If the enemy is near a pool of water, you can deal even more damage by using the water as an amplifier. This tactic usually requires more ammo than the others, but ensures that you take less damage.

Step 6. If you have Proximity Mines and the Telekinesis Plasmid, you can take out the monster in one hit
While using your mines may seem like a waste of ammo, it isn't. The only use of these mines is to create a perimeter, and when a perimeter is needed, turrets and cameras are usually available. Attach 3 or 4 mines to an object that you can move with telekinesis (an oxygen tank is the most effective) and collect it with your power. Throwing the bomb at the Big Daddy will certainly ruin his day if it isn't enough to kill him instantly. If the monster survives the initial blast, finish it with the ammo of your choice (armor-piercing shells are best).

Step 7. If (like most conservative players) you've hardly ever used your RPG or Frag Grenades, here's where you can put your savings to work
Finding a vantage point from above is key to hitting a Big Daddy directly. When you stand on top of the Big Daddy, on spiral staircases or on a balcony, start with a grenade. Doing so will certainly anger the Big Daddy, who will make him approach to charge or shoot you. It will follow the fastest path to reach you, so don't lose sight of it as you hit it with your RPG. You should be able to kill him, unless he finds cover. In this case, find another place to start, or it will find you. Avoid using the RPG against a Big Daddy who hasn't noticed you, as his ammo is much more expensive than grenades, and slightly less powerful.

Step 8. If you have the "Hypnotize Big Daddy" plasmid, you can take out multiple Big Daddies in a fun way
Once you have used the plasmid on a lone Big Daddy, lure it to a Big Daddy with a Little Sister and shoot it with any bullet. When the Big Daddy attacks you, the one you control will defend you. Once the turmoil has settled down, you'll find a winning Big Daddy, just take him out with your shotgun or other weapon, and claim your ADAM prize and cash.

Step 9. If you've finally gotten the crossbow, you can set up a trap for the Big Daddies
Trap darts are powerful, but not very practical against normal enemies, so their true potential is expressed as a defense. Find a suitable corridor and shoot the darts to create an electricity corridor. Once the field is set, lure a Big Daddy through the electrified path. To avoid snapping the cables yourself, crouch down to pass under the wires fired at chest height.

Step 10. Recover what you can
Big Daddies offer a lot of money, as well as crafting items. Using the "Jackal" tonic (found by studying Lead Head Splicers) you will be able to find even more items and money.
- A Bouncer (a Big Daddy with an auger) is easier to take out with tactics like the electric trap. They often do more damage than other Big Daddies, but they can't hit you from a distance. Therefore, short-range combat tactics such as grenades and hand-to-hand attacks are not suitable.
- A Rosie (Big Daddy with Nail Gun) is a more cowardly version of this monster. He will not charge you, but he will use his weapon and mines against you. Therefore, using shotguns and grenades at too great a distance is a waste. It's best to use the telekinetic bomb or mesmerizing plasmid technique against the Rosies.
- If you need to reload, do it before the fight. If you need to reload during battle, first try to stun the Big Daddy with an electric shotgun cartridge or the "Electric Lightning" plasmid.
- Distracting Big Daddies with the "Safety Target" or "Insect Swarm" plasmid can earn you valuable seconds. This however means spending extra EVE.
- The "Mesmerize Big Daddy" plasmid consumes an entire bar of EVE. The use of this tactic is best suited for players who have a supply of EVE restorers.
- Unless you've upgraded your grenade launcher with the Immunity accessory, your grenades can kill you if used incorrectly. It is best to use the explosives away from you, and at an angle that avoids losing health.
- Don't be afraid to die. In some cases, it may be better to keep first aid kits for the toughest fights. If you are trying to complete the game without dying, heal yourself when you are about a quarter old. Using a kit too early is a waste.