You have finally found a guy you like. All you want is to be kissed, but you have no idea if he wants it too or you don't know how to convince him. In this article, you will find some tricks to encourage him to take the initiative. You have to set the stage and hint right - at that point, she'll have no choice but to kiss you.
Part 1 of 2: Preparation

Step 1. Let yourself be chased
Did you meet a handsome guy and he left you speechless? The last thing you should do is pump up his ego right away. Don't overwhelm him with attention. Instead, let him know that it is not easy to surprise you. He's probably used to not going unnoticed, so looking slightly out of his league will tease him. Give him space, so that he thinks the decision to see you again was his idea.
Don't get excited. If he says something that strikes you, you can make a comment, but don't talk enthusiastically about it for hours

Step 2. Let him know that you are happy to meet him, but don't go any further
As you talk, let him know that you have a positive opinion of him and that you are happy to have him in your life. Again, don't get excited. Your only goal is to stick with him. If you won't see it personally, you can do so via messages.

Step 3. Try to see it in an informal context
Make sure he is going to a certain party or ask him if he wants to see you after an event that you will both be attending. You don't have to propose a time and a place to see yourself. You can meet him in a group setting and take him aside.

Step 4. Apply a lip gloss
When you see him, try to point out his lips. Just use a lip gloss and moisten them from time to time.
Part 2 of 2: Making Allusions

Step 1. Get involved
Forget about your clothes or makeup for a moment - you need to make sure you don't have second thoughts and don't show insecurity. Guys like girls who are comfortable with themselves. If you are not confident, they will instantly notice and lose interest.

Step 2. Get his attention
To get noticed, you can suggest that he seclude you. Invite him to follow you to show him something or tell him that you have pictures in your room that you want to show him. This will make time for you alone with him.
Before doing this, put on your lip gloss

Step 3. Try to have a spirited disposition
Guys tend to avoid tense girls. If you have a witty attitude, you will show him that you don't lack a sense of humor, and this is a real weapon to win over a guy. Laugh and, in the meantime, lean towards him to touch his shoulder. You will let him know that you are a bubbly girl and that you feel attracted to him.
Lean towards him when he speaks. Sit next to the guy you like and lean your shoulders towards him to show him that you are attracted to him

Step 4. Compliment him on his physique and overall appearance to show him that you care and that you have noticed him
- "You look great dressed like that."
- "So it's true that you go to the gym! Look at that muscles!".

Step 5. Bring it to the right environment
When you get away from people and seclude yourself, the right atmosphere should be created. Not only will he give you exclusive attention, he'll start considering kissing you. It doesn't have to be a particularly romantic place, as long as you both feel comfortable.
- Use a bright lip gloss. Along with a beautiful neckline, you will instantly draw it to you.
- Be prepared to wait. She may not feel comfortable enough to kiss you for the moment, but that doesn't mean she never will.