How to Make the Hottest Guy of All Want You

How to Make the Hottest Guy of All Want You
How to Make the Hottest Guy of All Want You

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There are tons of girls who are unsure of themselves, so this page will help you impress the guy you have your eye on and make him want you. It doesn't matter if you are a nerd or a popular girl. There are so many ways to attract a guy, so follow these simple tips.


Laugh Naturally on Cue Step 3
Laugh Naturally on Cue Step 3

Step 1. Look at yourself

Do you see any material that might be interesting for a guy? If the answer is no, don't worry, the advice in this article will ensure that he never stops looking at you. If the answer is yes, you could still take a look at the suggestions below. Remember, guys base their judgment a lot on what they see so you have to adjust your look a little to get their attention. Sure, you might as well get the attention of all the other guys around you.

Stop the Bleeding After You Pull out a Loose Tooth Intro
Stop the Bleeding After You Pull out a Loose Tooth Intro

Step 2. Confidence and Style - the most important thing is to convince yourself that you are a beautiful girl

You can be the most overweight or the driest in the world, but as long as you know you are beautiful, others will see you beautiful too. Here is the secret! Look at yourself every day before school and tell yourself "I'm great". And really believe it.

Style - you don't have to be skinny to look good in your clothes. Wear clothes that showcase your strengths. If you like your butt, wear tight pants with pockets to highlight that area. Black dresses, for example, will make you look slimmer. Love your body and show it off. Don't hide it in clothes that look like a sack of potatoes. Show off your beauty and show that guy what he's missing

Define Curly Hair Step 4
Define Curly Hair Step 4

Step 3. Improve the appearance of your hair

If they are short, you may want to make a more refined cut or think about growing them and / or ironing them. Buy a good quality shampoo and conditioner.

  • Whether your hair is long or short, it needs to be stylish. Long hair is "in" but it depends on your appearance. Some short cuts are cute, sexy and casual but it's up to you.
  • Spend a little more money and go to the best hairdresser in town. We're talking about changing for the better here, and your usual old hairdresser may not be enough. Go to someone great. They know hair and can advise you on the best look for your face shape.
  • Go crazy with color! Choose something a little different from your everyday hair - guys like it. Sometimes the best way to get their attention is to visually hit them.
Prevent a Cold Sore from Forming Step 3
Prevent a Cold Sore from Forming Step 3

Step 4. Keep your face beautiful

If you suffer from acne, invest as much money as you can in good products to treat it. Wash your face often, especially if you sweat after intense activity. Take care of your skin.

  • Drink lots of water! It will push impurities out of the pores, reducing the appearance of pimples and dryness of the skin.
  • Consult a dermatologist.
  • If you don't know where to start when it comes to makeup, ask your parents to take you to an expert for advice. Take note. If you can't afford to buy all the tricks there, just buy the basic products and go find the rest somewhere else. Or buy a little at a time.
Make the Popular Guy Want You Step 5
Make the Popular Guy Want You Step 5

Step 5. Fade your makeup if you put on a lot of it

Start by wearing a little more if you've never done any makeup before. It doesn't matter if you wear a lot or if you choose the most fashionable colors, the important thing is what suits you best. You should never go overboard with makeup and you should always opt for complementary colors of your face and eye color. Mascara is always a winning choice, as long as you know how to apply it. If you don't know, ask a friend for advice.

Make the Popular Guy Want You Step 6
Make the Popular Guy Want You Step 6

Step 6. Be nice or you will run the risk of getting dumped

You could be inspired by girls who seem to like the object of your desires, observe how they dress. Even if you're already friends with her, you should still try. If you hear him say, "That girl is hot!", Analyze her immediately to see what she's wearing and how. At the same time though, stick to your style instead of turning into a clone.

  • Warning: Guys may find someone attractive but have no interest in dating her. Wearing flirty clothes can grab their attention, but being a lady is the right move to win their heart. Keep in mind what attracts him. Simply integrate these features into your personal style. Like art, they may think they are as cute as a painting or a sculpture.
  • If you don't buy clothes very often, at least try to get some trendy basics (jeans, skirts, shoes, bags) and match them with what you already have. Make sure that they fit you very well and that you can combine them with various other garments (you will surely have more things to wear with a nice black bag than with a pink!). Shop at stores like Zara, Mango or H&M.
Make the Popular Guy Want You Step 7
Make the Popular Guy Want You Step 7

Step 7. Be radiant and authentic

Do not do anything that you would not feel comfortable with, you would seem awkward. Even if it's just swearing, you'd seem uncomfortable if you don't usually say it.

Try to have a fun and confident demeanor, sensitive but with character and humor. Everyone is funnier if they have a sense of humor and boys like girls to be kind hearted because they can comfort them and make them feel loved

Treat Weak Tooth Enamel Step 4
Treat Weak Tooth Enamel Step 4

Step 8. Always remember to be yourself

Don't change completely to please this guy, it's not worth it. Integrate something new into your usual way of being, as long as you always feel comfortable. They will like you more if you are yourself. People notice who is pretending.

Make the Popular Guy Want You Step 9
Make the Popular Guy Want You Step 9

Step 9. Make a name for yourself at school

Participate in activities that interest you. Be a motivated, independent and friendly person. Guys are more attracted to smart, successful girls than silly and fake ones.

Play What's the Time Mr Wolf Step 3Bullet1
Play What's the Time Mr Wolf Step 3Bullet1

Step 10. Step forward

Do not attempt an approach until you have completed all of the above steps. The first impression has to be great, so you have to be really attractive. When you are sure that you have completed all the previous steps (it will take some time), go ahead and talk to him.

Hypnotize Someone With the Magnetic Hands Technique Step 3
Hypnotize Someone With the Magnetic Hands Technique Step 3

Step 11. Be friendly

He may already be interested in you but fearful of asking you out. Being nice to him might make him feel more comfortable. Even if he is not interested at the moment, he will remember your attitude when he is free.

Get Away from the Computer Step 2
Get Away from the Computer Step 2

Step 12. If that doesn't work out, remember it's not the end of the world

Don't cry and don't ask him on his knees to go out with you. He would probably get bored. Give it a couple of weeks then try again. Don't try too often or he'll start ignoring you. Rather, look for someone else! Maybe there's another great guy out there waiting for you!


  • If the guy in question teases you a bit, it could be because he likes you (if he is hateful, however, I wouldn't take the risk …)! DON'T let him hurt you, let him know when it's no longer fun and that you have a lot of respect for yourself.
  • Be mature and act like a real lady, but with humor and a desire for adventure.
  • Be flirtatious but don't overdo it.
  • Don't call him all the time, you may seem desperate (and stop liking him). Remember that many guys want what they can't have, even if you don't have to pull too hard. If it comes to calling, texting or emailing, writing a letter or whatever, let him find you. If you're ALWAYS initiating the conversation, he may think he doesn't have to chase you, since you're always there. He'll assume you're there and leave you for another one, one that takes 4 days to reply to a text message, as opposed to your 0.01 seconds.
  • If she starts showing interest, smile, be confident, and proud of who you are.
  • Don't be afraid to come out but don't do anything forced; just be yourself.
  • Become friends with his friends, they can tell you a lot about him. Also, if his friends are unpleasant, he probably is too.
  • Be yourself!
  • Keep your style instead of copying someone else's. In other words, buy what you like and ignore what others are wearing. Be careful though: a look that is too eccentric could push it away.
  • You don't have to become friends with popular girls if you don't like it and if you are just at the beginning of the journey. If they ask you out, say you already have other plans. But if he goes then you go too. He will be the one to support you.
  • Laugh at all her jokes even if they are not very funny to you, but DON'T be the kind of girl who just plays with her hair and smiles at everyone like a goose. Is that a nice attitude? Yes. Is it a way of doing things that suggests a lack of dignity and that makes you look like an idiot? It sure is, so don't overdo it!
  • Don't be fake and don't lie about your life and experiences. Definition of false: someone who tries to force a style, an attitude, etc. to impress others. Example: swearing when, in all honesty, you usually don't even swear.


  • Don't obsess him or he'll get tired of you and look for another girl.
  • Don't stare too often or he'll feel uncomfortable.
  • Do not allow them to pressure you under any circumstances: you are the one who sets the rules of the game.
  • Some people may tell you that they actually don't like you or that he has said something bad about you. DON'T BELIEVE IT until you hear it from HIM.
  • Ask yourself if he's really the guy for you. If you have nothing in common with him then beware of these guys with strong personalities and have fun with them.
  • Don't talk about his past, he might not like it.
