Knowing when is the right time to kiss a girl can be difficult. You're probably not sure if you're just a friend to her, or you just don't know if she's ready to kiss you. If you want to give your relationship the romantic twist, you need to let her know that she is more than just a friend to you. The kiss is a clear signal to let her know that you would like to have a romantic relationship with her. Build a connection with her and send her the right body signals for that first kiss. There are various ways to get the girl you are interested in wanting to kiss you.
Part 1 of 3: Creating a Connection

Step 1. Understand the importance of connecting with a person
What is chemistry? It is the term used to indicate when there is attraction between two people. chemistry is important because it is what differentiates a friendship relationship from a romantic relationship. If you're interested in a girl, you need to make a connection first and then work hard to get to the moment of that fateful first kiss.
Don't worry if there's no chemistry between you right away. Some couples manage to build it over time. If after a few appointments you find that nothing clicks, it is probably worth going a little further. You could do this by showing more affection to her, or you could talk to her frankly about how you feel about her

Step 2. Show her your skills to bond with others
In fact, women react chemically to men and the way they behave. Girls tend to have a positive physical reaction when your behavior shows that you are able to bond with other people. For example, let her see you interacting with your friends. If you are at a party, laugh and joke with your friends. Just make sure you do it naturally - be careful not to look posed.
You can show your ability to bond with the girl you care about too. Try to do something nice for her, but simple. For example, when she arrives at the party, offer to go get her something to drink

Step 3. Keep your heart rate high
Doing something hilarious makes your face flush and increases your heart rate - the same reactions a person has when they are physically aroused. Invite the girl you are interested in on a date and do an activity that gets the adrenaline flowing. You can take her to see a horror movie, for example. He will most likely hold on to you or grab your hand in the scariest scenes. This type of contact will later pave the way for a kiss.
You might as well do something adventurous. If there's an amusement park nearby, take her for a roller coaster ride. This is sure to get your hearts beating wildly

Step 4. Talk about positive things
Feeling pleasure increases the desire for affection. So try to give the date a cheerful tone. Ask her questions about topics she feels happy about. For example, if she is planning to take a short trip, ask her to tell you what her plans are.
Another idea might be to ask her what her favorite restaurant is. Not only will it allow you to talk about a pleasant experience, but you will also get an idea of what she likes and doesn't like. Bonus

Step 5. Take some time to be alone
Spending time alone allows both of you to get to know each other on a deeper level. Eliminate distractions, including phones, unwanted guests, or blaring music. Choose a place to take her where there is privacy, but also comfortable. If you already take her to your home, you risk making her feel uncomfortable. Kissing in public may be embarrassing for you, so choose carefully where you can do it with confidence.
- Choose an activity that you both can do such as studying, going for a walk, or going for a bite to eat. Make sure you tell her clearly that it will be just the two of you, so that you both know what to expect.
- If you're walking her home, the moment you say goodnight is a great time for a kiss.
Part 2 of 3: Finding the Right Time
Step 1. Pay attention to your surroundings
Make sure you are alone or in a suitable place to kiss. You definitely don't want to scare her by trying to kiss her in front of people who shouldn't be there. For example, if she comes from a conservative family, it's probably not a good idea to try to kiss her in front of her parents.
- There are times when kissing in public is appropriate and natural. For example, if you're at a sporting event and your team wins the game, it would be perfectly natural to let yourself get excited and kiss the girl you're dating.
- The best idea is to follow your instincts. If you feel that a kiss might be inappropriate, avoid giving it.
Step 2. Choose the right time
Just as it would be good to avoid kissing her in front of all her family members, she won't even enjoy being kissed in an awkward moment. Pay attention to what she is saying and her body language to determine if a kiss is appropriate. If he's telling you about a very important business project, it's definitely not the right time. Rather, it shows that you are interested in hearing it.
If your conversation spontaneously slows down and you are smiling into each other's eyes, then this is a great time to kiss her

Step 3. Use your body language effectively
A good part of finding the right time is making sure you both want to kiss. You should get your body to indicate your intention to kiss her. There are several ways to let her know that you are interested.
Turn your body towards her. Smile and make eye contact to establish positive and helpful contact. Remember to be natural, so don't force smile or make eye contact, or you'll have an unnatural expression that she might find unattractive. # * Keep your focus on her and convey your interest to her by nodding and reacting appropriately to the conversation. # * Relax your arms and shoulders by doing what you normally do. Or keep them crossed or in your pocket. If you get upset when you are nervous these two alternatives could help you keep your hands busy

Step 4. Eliminate the barriers of physical contact
Some of us are more used to starting a physical approach. If you have not yet established a precise way for a physical approach, communicate your intentions through the way you touch her. Having physical contact with her doesn't just mean that you want to get close physically, but that you also want emotional contact. Touching her is a great way to flirt and should be done casually.
- Touch her as a spontaneous reaction to a joke, or approach her without touching her and compliment her on her good scent or hair.
- Try to touch her hands while laughing at her joke. You could also stroke her shoulder while paying her a compliment.
- Dancing is a great way to break down the barriers of physical contact. Even though the music is fast, there are certainly plenty of occasions when your hands and other body parts can be touched while you dance.

Step 5. Touch her face to test the ground
When you think her body language is giving you the right signals, proceed by stroking her face and lifting her chin with the palm of your hand. If she has so far reciprocated the contact, letting you approach and reciprocating the flirtation, you can, in that case, try to touch her face.
- Turn her face towards you. She will probably feel embarrassed and look away. Be patient and playful as you continue to read his body language.
- If you see her getting annoyed when you touch her face, stop right away. Avoid creating an awkward situation by trying to force a kiss.
Part 3 of 3: Kissing her Naturally
Step 1. Kiss her gently, you don't want to kiss her too hard, fast or sloppy
While the first kiss can become an unforgettable moment, you also need to find out if it is enjoyable for you too. Do not rush. Instead, try to earn her trust by making her feel comfortable.
Before you start kissing her, look into her eyes and lean slightly towards her. Your instincts will tell you when the time is right to kiss her

Step 2. Don't rush
If you try to kiss her by surprise, she may react badly and pull away from you. He may also start laughing embarrassingly. Give her a moment to prepare for the kiss so, in addition to creating the expectation, you also give her time to regain herself.

Step 3. Understand their reactions
Is she blushing and smiling or is she confused and tense? If she reacts positively, then continue flirting with her or compliment her and express your feelings. If he reacts negatively, try to continue the conversation naturally. Don't over-talk and don't fret.
- If he rejects you, respect his decision. Give her time to understand her emotions.
- If she smiles, kiss her again!
- Brush your teeth and try to keep your mouth clean. If you don't have time to brush your teeth and mouth, chew peppermint gum.
- There is no deadline for creating chemistry between you. Go somewhere that makes both of you comfortable. If you act quickly you could scare her; if you are too slow, she may think that you are not really interested in her.
- Always be respectful.
- Some girls may not want a French kiss the first time, so if she doesn't reciprocate, gently kiss her lips with your mouth closed.