Many people ask themselves: How can I become more confident in myself? While it is not simple, it is doable. Know that feeling insecure is commonplace, but there are some ways to build self-confidence and be happy and outgoing.

Step 1. Never allow others to justify your existence
Be strong. You are a unique person, so be yourself. Convince yourself that in reality each of us is different, including you.

Step 2. Carpe diem
If you live on the laurels of a past in which you excelled, you are condemned to a wretched existence. Project yourself into the "here now". Live in the present. Enjoy whatever you do, even if it's boring, ordinary or unpleasant. You will always find something worth doing to attach yourself to.

Step 3. Affirm to yourself that you are confident and optimistic
If you keep repeating it, you will end up convinced of it. Insecurity is a state of mind. If someone tells you how you are, dismiss this judgment, because they are only reflecting their "insecurities" about you!

Step 4. Don't be so absorbed in your “insecurities” that you don't realize that someone is mean or evil towards you
If someone doesn't like you and makes you suffer (this happens and will always happen to everyone), realize that it's their problem not yours. The "wound" they cause you is just what they want to achieve. Learn to put aside everyday bad things and replace them with rational thoughts rather than instinctive feelings.

Step 5. Edit what you don't like about yourself instead of mulling over your flaws
In addition to changing your perspective, find out what you can do to achieve what you want and do it! A person who keeps repeating that he can't do it, he can't! Act now instead of getting depressed all the time.

Step 6. Think about others but don't forget yourself
You must be at peace with yourself before you can be at peace with the world around you, you must love yourself before you can love others, you must give to yourself before giving to others. Your insecurities affect how you interact with others, so it's important that you correct yourself before you correct anyone else.

Step 7. Remember that no one knows you better than you
And stop worrying that "no one will ever really understand you". This is a humiliating thought and will lead you into a bind of self-pity. Put it this way: Do you really want to go all out to truly know someone else completely, the same way you want someone else to know you completely? Scary, isn't it? Keep something to yourself, always. People will get to know you better in due course.

Step 8. Think ahead and make the right decisions for a brighter future
You cannot change what you have been, only what you will become.

Step 9. Decide where you want to be in 10 years and make your dream come true
For example, do you want to live in that big house outside the city? Plan, save some money, and don't let anyone tell you you can't do it. If you don't have a project, you will easily get trapped in other people's patterns.

Step 10. Remember that each of us is plagued by insecurities, only that some choose not to be overwhelmed by them
Being one of those who do not dwell on their insecurities does not mean that your anger, frustration and suffering will go away, but that you can deal with these feelings more constructively and prevent them from devouring you and preventing you from moving forward in your life.

Step 11. Watch people talk to you, and when you want their attention
If someone says "Hi" to you, return the greeting. If you don't answer them, you will feel weird and they will think the same thing. You are there, you cannot pretend you are not, so try to be communicative in the best possible way.
- If you sometimes come across situations that are difficult to manage, don't repress your emotions - try to let off steam. On a sheet of paper, with a friend an expert, let yourself go.
- Even if it seems to you that the whole world is against you, be good to yourself. Remember, "this too will pass."
- Smile - It doesn't hurt to be nice.
- Keep reminding yourself "I'm in control" when you feel insecure or paranoid. On the bus, in the car, at work, in the classroom, even when you're watching TV - keep repeating this until it works.
- Don't let anyone put you down.
- Get enough rest.
- If you are a student, go to school every day. Learning is important, and school is one of the few things you can have full control over in your life.
- If you are going through the stage of adolescence, remember that most boys feel emotionally and / or physically insecure in this transition period.
- Don't let yourself go into sexual attitudes that could affect your self-esteem; if you do something like this you will bring back emotional scars that you will not be able to shake off.
- Remember, we are made of flaws, as well as good qualities.
- Don't let insecurities take over your life, because they don't exist! Have you ever seen insecurity?
- Imitate the person you admire most in the world.
- If the insecurities seem to overwhelm you, and you have the feeling of not being able to deal with them, there is no shame in asking for help.
- Don't always think negative about yourself, keep your head up and repeat the positive things you have; but try not to be presumptuous.
- Be nice to people, even if you feel you don't like them. They are probably just insecure; however if they persist in their attitude, limit yourself to a superficial and courteous relationship. Never give details so that nothing about your personality can leak out.