Self-publishing is an increasing phenomenon; in fact many people bypass the traditional route and, instead of asking commercial publishers for an evaluation, they launch themselves with a good dose of self-confidence! Getting your books noticed, however, is a big challenge and with no resources and connections to a publishing house, you'll have to launch the book on your own with good marketing! Here are some ways to do this effectively.

Step 1. Make sure your book is of a good standard
It is important that you make sure you are selling a good product before trying to promote it. Being a difficult path, it is best to know in advance if it is worth it:
- Have you had friends and family read the book and listened to their criticisms? Did they give you an honest and constructive opinion?
- Did you change everything that was obviously not working in the book?
- Did you have important people read the book? For example, to your old university professor, to an expert on the subject you have discussed, to a colleague who has knowledge on this subject, etc.?
- Is the graphical presentation excellent? Did you go to a good designer or did you do a good design yourself? Ask others for their opinion on the graphic presentation of the book before proceeding with the launch.
- Is the price fair? There's no point in a graphically beautiful book if the price isn't realistic.

Step 2. Contact bookstores for consignment book deliveries

Step 3. Try to get local media attention
Write to local reporters and introduce yourself as a local author who has written a book about X, Y and Z. This will likely be more effective if the book contains local references. A smart move is to prepare a press release to distribute for a review or article about the book.
- Do you know a reporter? Ask him if he can help you.
- Have you thought about local newsletters and bulletins? Could they serve to spread the news?

Step 4. Introduce yourself online
There are many ways to use the online world to promote your book.
- Create a site to sell the book. Offer Paypal and other known payment options.
- Sell a few copies on some famous online auction houses. Let the actions be evaluated. Include a good description of the book and content.
- Look for bloggers to help you. Offer them a free copy of your book in exchange for a review. Offer to publish a guest post yourself, but make it clear that you are the author of the book and therefore influenced by your own book!
- Open a Twitter account if you don't already have one. Tweet regularly about your book and advertise how it can be bought - but don't expect the Twitter world to be interested in relentless promotion. Create interest in other ways, and occasionally write posts related to your book.
- Use Facebook to promote the book. You could create a page dedicated only to the book.
- Check out websites with similar themes. Explore the sites and look for places where you can leave links to your book. Always ask if you have any doubts about advertising - avoid earning a bad reputation for spamming.

Step 5. Contact journalists who write for magazines
Send them a copy of your book along with your press release and an interview request. As with the local media, find some ideas in common with the magazine in question, because this will make it easier for the journalist to decide whether or not it is worth publishing it.

Step 6. Use the network of friends
Ask friends to read the book and spread the word about its quality. Have friends distribute copies of the book, press releases or posters at events, offices, functions, etc., in places where it would be appropriate to sell or advertise a book. However, avoid pestering your friends too much. Some can't stand doing this kind of thing. If you get these signals, don't push yourself. It is better to remain friends!
Strive to make it easier for everyone to promote the book. Distribute copies of the press release and posters, deliver them to their homes, offer to drive them anywhere, etc. Facilitate the evangelizing work of your book

Step 7. Take readings
Have community readings of the book. If you're good in front of the crowd, and don't mind entertaining people, this is a great way to promote your book.
- Keep copies of the book and the rest on hand. Display them carefully as you read the book. You could do it impromptu (for example, in a park on a sunny day) or organize it in advance, booking a room, hanging posters and notices around the city, etc.
- Make sure you follow all the procedures for street vendors if you also want to sell - an alternative solution is to hand out business cards with the website where you can buy the book.

Step 8. Get a stall in the local market
It can be a good way to sell self-published books. Some things to consider are:
- Team up with other self-publishing authors in the area to make the stall more inviting.
- Make all self-published books visible for sale.
- Create an attractive exposure, including press releases and a willingness to entertain customers to attract them!
- Consider distributing a PDF chapter for free as a teaser by email or posting it online on your site and other related sites.
- If you've rented a table at the market or organized a bookstore event, you can break the ice by giving away bookmarks, which are usually part of the self-publishing package. Ask: "Would you like a bookmark?" If someone catches it, you've gotten their attention and you can say, "My Old Friends novel is set in this area and describes how two friends rediscover their friendship after 15 years. Check it out."
- There are many publishing sites online that can help you promote your book from start to finish.
- News travels slower during the summer, this can be used to your advantage.
- Be patient. Journalists and critics are busy. If they are interested, they will want to read your book. And they will queue your request along with all the others. Don't be rushed about them, but feel free to ask for feedback after a month or so if they haven't let you know.
- Traditional publishers very often do not consider self-published books due to possible complications with printing rights. By using a paid publisher you could close the door on a large distributor who wants to publish your book.
- Remember that self-publishing is no easier than traditional publishing. Indeed, in many ways it is more complicated because you have to be your own editor, publicist, cover designer, etc. You should first exhaust all potential avenues to traditional publishing before deciding on this method.