Most people have a friend who is constantly putting on airs. Here are some tips on how to deal with this type of person and avoid bragging so much!

Step 1. When your friend is bragging about something reasonable, listen to him
If not, he will get mad at you.

Step 2. When you put on too much air, bring the talk to a topic that you too would like to brag about

Step 3. When bragging about a gift you have just received, make a sincere comment

Step 4. Don't let your friend talk all the time
Insert yourself into the speech.

Step 5. Support your friend when he brags
It might be difficult, but try it. For example, if your friend just got an iPhone, you might try to sincerely express your admiration.

Step 6. If he starts bragging again while you are trying to talk, interrupt him by saying something like “Sorry, can I finish?

Step 7. If your friend's boasting gets too insistent, try telling him to his face that he is putting on too much air and making you envious
In this way, however, an argument could arise, because the person in question may think that you are in the wrong and that he is not putting on airs at all.

Step 8. If your friend keeps putting on too much air, don't pay attention to him
Play around with something you have on hand, pretend you're looking for something in your bag, read a book, listen to some music.

Step 9. Try to get away quickly
If you are going to class, walk quickly. Better yet, to get away from it, find the excuse that you have seen another friend. But don't lie excessively. "I saw Ariana Grande" will not work.

Step 10. Try to talk about different topics
If your friend starts with “For my birthday they will give me a red sports car!”, You could change the subject by saying: “My dad works in a place where they sell sports cars! And yours?.

Step 11. Try to be patient
But know that the day you decide to brag about something, your friend had better listen to you!
- Remember that only you can measure your worth, don't let the actions or words of others affect your mood or self-esteem.
- Make sure you have other friends for emergencies.
- Download your friend if he is not really a friend.
- If your friend keeps putting on too much air, it's okay to let him know.
- If, after all this, he still starts bragging about how special he is, calmly tell him that he is bothering you and that it is obvious that he is bragging excessively. Try to make him understand your idea.
- If he continues down this path, ignore him for some time or try to make him understand how you feel, always speaking politely and listening to his opinion.
- Don't group suddenly against him.
- Don't scream, as you could be wrong.
- When you try to let your friend know something good has happened to you and he replies by bragging himself, you respond with skepticism and try to date some other friend.
- Don't blatantly ignore it.
- Be prepared to hear rumors about you.
- Don't be mean to your friend.