We can define envy as the feeling that is unleashed when we notice in someone else qualities, successes and goods that we believe are superior to ours, that we would like for ourselves or that we would like to take away from the other.

Step 1. Stay away from an envious person
Usually, they don't admit that they are. Don't give her confidence. Put a barrier between you and her until she admits her guilt and apologizes. If it doesn't, take your distance; you wouldn't gain anything letting envious people be a part of your life. Those who envy you are not your friends.

Step 2. Examine his behavior
Pay attention to his actions, the words he uses, etc. Sometimes you can see envy on people's faces, so be careful.

Step 3. If you have plans and your friend says "You can't", "You suck
"," You'll never make it "or something like that, it's a sign that he is envious of you. For example: if you would like to sing, but according to him you shouldn't because you are not a good singer, while everyone else tells you that you have a great voice, there is something wrong.

Step 4. Try to make him face the situation and discuss with him what he is feeling
If she refuses, consider severing contact with that friend.

Step 5. Talk to someone about it
If you have any doubts about whether this person is envious of you, expose them to a trusted third person who could give you another perspective on the situation.

Step 6. Envious people speak ill of you behind your back

Step 7. Try to find out the reasons for his behavior
Perhaps, without realizing it, you have wronged this person and now he may be trying to get revenge or he just has a bad moon. When someone is in a bad mood, they treat others badly.
- Don't reveal all your secrets. Avoid complicating relationships you have with people you don't know well.
- Make friends with guys who have what you have or more, so you don't risk them becoming envious of you.
- Ask other people who know that person if they ever talk about you. Gossip about you behind your back? Or does he just say nice things? You will never know the truth if you don't try to investigate.
- Remember that if you look for a confrontation with an envious person, she may get nervous and deny it all. Even worse, they may try to convince others that you are envious. Focus on your successes and avoid competing with anyone because otherwise it would end up turning into a game for who can brag the most. Just ignore this person and be courteous when you meet by chance.
- Remember that there is a difference between admiration, envy and jealousy. We talk about admiration when someone likes a characteristic of you and feels inspired by it, but doesn't want you to be deprived of it (a good friend always has it and proves it as well). However, we talk about envy when a person wants what you have, tries to copy you or even worse claims that the idea was his from the beginning, or similar. Also, an envious person wants to take away what you have and often tries to try to belittle you. Finally, jealousy means when someone has something and is afraid of losing it; therefore, pay attention to these differences. If a friend is jealous of you, remember that no matter how annoying, it is always a form of flattery. It means that he feels inferior to you; don't forget it, when it tries to belittle you.
- Pay close attention to how you deal with a friend who is jealous of you. If he feels a lot of envy, any reaction from you could make things worse and he could try to hurt you. Remember that friends always know which keys to press to do this; therefore, the simplest thing to do is to gradually distance yourself.
- This person could be your worst enemy or your best friend. Even if it was your best friend, you don't have to pay attention to him or his actions.
- If you listen to him, you will become exactly like him. Don't let it make you feel insecure or helpless.