How to Become a Missionary: 4 Steps

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How to Become a Missionary: 4 Steps
How to Become a Missionary: 4 Steps

Have you ever thought about becoming a missionary and making a difference in the lives of people around the world? This is an ambitious goal and it is what you can achieve by following some particular indications. These guidelines may vary by organization or non-profit organization.


Become a Missionary Step 1
Become a Missionary Step 1

Step 1. Examine yourself closely and determine if you really feel you have a vocation to serve as a missionary

The missionary work is not for everyone. The hours that keep you busy are not the classic 09: 00-17: 00 and the living conditions are far from ideal. However, if you feel called to do this type of work, chances are you won't notice this kind of inconvenience either. Missionaries often believe that the purpose of the mission has a greater value than the quality of the conditions of life

Become a Missionary Step 2
Become a Missionary Step 2

Step 2. Choose the missionary organizations that interest you and do a research to determine if you are suitable to work as a missionary in a particular group

  • For each missionary organization there is a particular faith-based methodology to which those who participate must necessarily adhere. It is likely that missions of Catholic, Jewish or Protestant groups will follow certain methods to carry out their missionary works, while Buddhist or Hindu organizations will follow different methods. Choose what's right based on your religious beliefs.
  • In addition, it is imperative to check whether the organizations you are considering set certain requirements regarding age, physical and psychological conditions for admission within their activity programs.
  • Check the requirements for missionary training and the time required to complete it.
Become a Missionary Step 3
Become a Missionary Step 3

Step 3. Organize your applications and start applying for interviews with missionary organizations

  • Submit necessary applications and develop personal essays to present to missionary associations well in advance of your desired start date. Realize that personal essays are very important, as they will emphasize your purpose to become a missionary.
  • Bring your essays and references to interviews. Also, be prepared to speak openly about your faith and goals as a potential missionary.
Become a Missionary Step 4
Become a Missionary Step 4

Step 4. Complete the training and start working

  • The duration of the training programs varies, but mostly a minimum period of time ranging from 6 months to 1 year of preparation is required before getting to compete in the field.
  • For some training programs it is necessary to go to a specific training center where to live and take the courses. For others, it is possible to complete the preparation online with the assistance of a tutor.
  • Training focuses on the multiple aspects of missionary work and depends on the nature of your mission group's goals. If your goal is to spread the Christian gospel, for example, then it is likely that you will take theological training courses. The type of preparation varies, so check the websites, ordering texts and other material to dispel any doubts about what your host group expects.
  • You may need to know the basics of the language spoken in the country where you are going to work.
  • If your mission focuses on providing food and teaching farming and farming techniques to those in need, you can prepare yourself for the diverse nutritional needs of the community, as well as linguistic and cultural aspects.


  • Don't become a missionary to please people, but to serve God.
  • Any missionary organization will put you through a training program. After completing it, you will be able to find out which mission you will be assigned to. At this point, you should be ready to work towards making your dreams come true.
